Last Post 18 Jun 2016 09:15 AM by  MICHAEL GOETTINA
2016 Outing Schedule
 6 Replies
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02 Mar 2016 09:01 AM


    Hi everyone, I know that there are some questions about the outing schedules and that some camps are only scheduled for one outing for 2016.


    Camps are hosting their own outings this year as well as hosting the GPAA-LDMA National Outings.


    Each camp outing is designed to offer GPAA and LDMA members a unique mining experience without the event scheduling of a National Outing. This offers members more time to work gold bearing material and share in a great deal of other experiences that in many cases just do not fit into a regular National Outing schedule.


    We are also encouraging that GPAA Chapters work with the National Office to create their own outings utilizing LDMA properties. This allows many GPAA members to explore and experience an LDMA camp with members of their GPAA Chapter and the LDMA members in the camps at the times of the Chapters outings.


    If the National GPAA-LDMA Outing schedule does not meet your schedule, contact your LDMA camp of choice or your local GPAA Chapter and ask them about their LDMA Camp outing. If your chapter does not have an outing planned on an LDMA property, talk to your Chapter Officers and let us help you in getting one on the schedule.  

    If you would like to see and follow the ever growing event schedule on the LDMA Facebook site, please follow this link or copy and paste it into your browser - 
    Remember to check the schedule often. More and more Chapters and LDMA camps are posting their events.

    Brad Lamb
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    02 Mar 2016 11:39 AM
    See everyone at Loud Mine in September. Then .... looking at a trip out west.

    If you have never been to an outing, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF!
    Tim Leibel

    02 Mar 2016 03:14 PM
    Brad, I did the opposite. I am out West for the first outing of the year. And it is amazing to see Arizona all around me , I can not wait for the outing to begin. And then I will be at Loud Mine later in the year. Like you said if have not been to one you owe it to yourself.
    Joseph Loyd

    02 Mar 2016 05:39 PM
    Yes here in Az. for the outing as a helper as I have been for some years.Everyone should get to one .I have a lot of fun and meet new people.
    John Esch

    24 May 2016 12:31 AM

    Is there gold being pulled from the outing sites?

    I built a portable trommel about 10 years ago and has yet to see actual dirt and picked up a used 2.5 inch dredge I am anxious to try out.

    Brad Lamb
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    24 May 2016 08:18 AM

    Every outing gold is recovered to some degree. Some outings hit a pocket and have a good amount of gold. I have not been skunked yet.
    Finding the pay dirt is the challenge. Do your homework and know before you get to a site what to expect, where to dig and what is allowed on each site.

    Golden Days and Golden Trails

    18 Jun 2016 09:15 AM
    it was better before win you had 2 a year and at the right time of the year
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