Last Post 10 Feb 2018 07:03 AM by  Thomas Wentling
weighing gold
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25 Oct 2016 02:37 PM

    I have an old vial with a small amount of gold in it.  I would like to weigh the gold to see just how much is in there. I just bought a small digital scale but now I'm wondering just how to weigh only the gold. I can weight an empty vial, but not the amount of water unless it is still mixed in with the gold.  Now, somewhere and long ago, I read an article about just how to do this, but I can't remember where or when or how. Any suggestions as to how? or where I might have read about this process?  Was probably about 10-15 years ago.

    Thanks in advance for any help at all.

    William Hall

    25 Oct 2016 03:17 PM
    Couple of different ways to weight it
    drop in into a pan letting it dry, using a piece of paper with a fold, setting that on your scale, zeroing it out, drop your gold on that
    The paper with a fold makes it easier to put back into the vial
    Weight a separate same size vial with water and no gold, weight the vial with the gold, the difference will be the weight of the gold

    I'm sure there are other ways to skin that gold


    25 Oct 2016 03:46 PM

       Get these on E-bay...They're cheap. And a 1/2 oz. vial weighs 4 grams.









    Wayne Crowder

    25 Oct 2016 05:28 PM
    My 2 cents. Be aware that the 2 vials will probably not weigh exactly the same. Digital scales need to be acclimated to the room temp where you're weighing. Plus try repeating the weight, to see if it is the same. My digital scale sits unused cause I'm using a balance scale, which is used also for weighing reloading powder. It is able to repeat the weighed number better and is less affected by temperature differences.
    William Hall

    26 Oct 2016 03:46 PM
    The third pic....that's what I'm talkin about NICE
    Its good to throw in a coin just for reference for size, pics can deceive

    I would concur with Wayne on all counts
    I will add, I also use a powder scale, be vigilant to air flow currents, ie. windy conditions, forced air HVAC systems running, fans close by

    Thomas Wentling
    New Member
    New Member

    10 Feb 2018 07:03 AM
    Keep in mind, if you use the bottle full of water method, be sure both are submerged under water while you put the cap on. This eliminates any air and ensures they are both as full as they can be. Don't forget to flip the cap over so air is not trapped under it.
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