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Crystal Hill Area

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KOFA National Wildlife Refuge

3 0
Step 1 of 1

Ive been to Crystal hill before, and from what I understand the BLM frowns on collecting crystals, and perhaps any other material there because it is on the national wildlife refuge. Is their an actual GPAA claim there, or just member who have posted the info? I would like to see a GPAA response, and perhaps a map outlining the claim area. Ill be heading there soon to look for claim markers.


Did not go

3 3
Step 1 of 1

Could not use the Detector or Drywasher due to not being able to find it. This claim is just bunk


Crystal hill

2 0
Step 1 of 2

The KOFA is designated a National wildlife refuge. Crystal Hill is a 1.5 mile area you can look for crystals and other stones, digging/Prospecting in the KOFA Is prohibited. See pics of KOFA rules/regs.


Handful of crystals

2 1
Tannya Morris
Step 1 of 1

Drove out to the hill in the SMART car, followed a couple friends, climbed up and found a spot for lunch, while sitting on the ground we looked around noticing the shine on the ground. Picked up a handful of stones while enjoying lunch and the view.



1 0
Antonino Giambruno
Step 1 of 3

I don’t believe this is a GPAA claim. When I got to the pull out for diamond Hill mine it looked like a campground and I believe it’s a wildlife refuge area. There were a ton of vehicles and people parked there so I bugged out. I went a little further down the road For several miles and just walked around and was able to pick up several crystals which I of course put back immediately because the Bill And frowns on collecting.