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0 Replies and 21148 Views GPAA Guidelines for Active Members with Guest & GPAA Member Code of Ethics      21148  0 Started by Guest on GPAA Claims and Leases Your active GPAA Membership benefits includes spouse or significant other and all children under the age of 18 residing within the household. As a GPAA Member and to preserve your GPAA Membership benefits, you may invite up to 4 guests while you are prospecting on a GPAA claim or lease. Your guest must be accompanied by you as a GPAA Member and understand that as a nonmember they cannot return to the site w...
0 21148
01 Mar 2021 03:44 PM
68 Replies and 77085 Views READ BEFORE YOU POST    77085  68 Started by
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The GPAA forum is a family friendly environment where members can post ideas, ask questions, and share thoughts about all aspects of prospecting. We are all here because we share a common interest and we need to treat our fellow members with respect and courtesy. When you are using this forum there will be no tolerance of negative posts, name calling, accusations, personal attacks, flaming, trolling, spamming and off color language and jokes Failure to comply will result in first ...
68 77085
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
29 Jun 2016 08:26 PM
24 Replies and 39278 Views Old GPAA Forum    39278  24 Started by
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Here is the link:
24 39278
by  MARK FRANKLINJump to last post
06 Jan 2015 06:21 PM
0 Replies and 14115 Views Gold Prospectors Boot Camp (aka ,,, Mother Lode for hands on experience)  14115  0 Started by What is Gold Prospectors Boot Camp:            Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association is hosting a Gold Prospectors Boot Camp. Be part of a very special elite group of prospectors. Revel in the intense hands on training, all while gaining knowledge and building memories that will last you a  lifetime. You will Dig it & Run it!               &nbs...
0 14115
09 Feb 2017 04:51 PM
1 Replies and 15311 Views Taking the Gold Shows to your living room!  15311  1 Started by The GPAA will be broadcasting select Gold & Treasure Shows Live via Facebook beginning with the Pleasanton Show Feb. 11th & 12th! This includes a raffle sponsored by American Mining Rights Association containing over $15k in prizes. Win mining gear and trips from the comfort of your own home! No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem!! Call the hotline for tickets: (209) 266-2844 Check out more information on our event page here The Show...
1 15311
by  Greg MillerJump to last post
05 Jan 2017 02:11 PM
5 Replies and 22662 Views Veterans .  22662  5 Started by As this site does not have a space for this .Thanks too all veterans out there .From one disabled vet .Thanks too everyones service.This is not a weekend for parting and getting drunk .It is one to think all who served.
5 22662
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
03 Jul 2016 07:17 PM
1 Replies and 18118 Views Golden Cat claim Oregon  18118  1 Started by Has anyone on here been to the claim I went here in February for a weekend, ran a few buckets thru the A51 sluice. Found a few colors but noy much to talk about. Just wondering if anyone else has been there and what they thought of the place.
1 18118
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
28 Jun 2016 06:09 AM
1 Replies and 16661 Views New to the club  16661  1 Started by Hey everyone, I'm new to the club. I'm located in Big Bear and looking forward to this new experience.
1 16661
by  Ed BraggJump to last post
27 Jun 2016 12:53 PM
5 Replies and 21842 Views claim book  21842  5 Started by do we get a new claim book this year
5 21842
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
24 Jun 2016 07:55 PM
5 Replies and 21680 Views Rain Storms & Sluice Box  21680  5 Started by Rain Storms & Sluice Box excellent for collecting concentrates while you sleep !!     5/12/2016  if you have personal; access to a stream and can secure your sluice box in the stream,.. why  not leave it there instead of in the storage shed ding  nothing ,..  let  the rain storms sweep and move tons of materials right through your sluice box,..  weeks , months of collecting during storms or just running every day stream  water  ma...
5 21680
by  Ed BraggJump to last post
24 Jun 2016 11:38 AM
0 Replies and 11388 Views are camp in tonopah nevada has no makers  11388  0 Started by and are camp in leadville  co no makers and 3 weeks no gold if you had a outing at the 2 camps you can show us how or if it thear 
0 11388
18 Jun 2016 09:24 AM
6 Replies and 20631 Views 2016 Outing Schedule  20631  6 Started by   Hi everyone, I know that there are some questions about the outing schedules and that some camps are only scheduled for one outing for 2016.   Camps are hosting their own outings this year as well as hosting the GPAA-LDMA National Outings.   Each camp outing is designed to offer GPAA and LDMA members a unique mining experience without the event scheduling of a National Outing. This offers members more time to work gold bearing material and share in a great deal of other ex...
6 20631
by  MICHAEL GOETTINAJump to last post
18 Jun 2016 09:15 AM
2 Replies and 18083 Views Current Claims?  18083  2 Started by Are the Claims in the 2014 Miners Guide I just got with my membership all good current claims 
2 18083
by  MICHAEL GOETTINAJump to last post
18 Jun 2016 09:07 AM
1 Replies and 17141 Views Colorado and National BLM Land Grabs  17141  1 Started by I want to let everybody know that the BLM is at it again confiscating or restricting our lands. As usual they give a few days to weeks notice when they are going to hold meetings, and as usual they are in the middle of the workweek and workday so very few people will be able to attend. This is not just going on in Colorado but in other states so if you cherish our lands and want to keep them out of the hands of Washington Bureaucrats I recommend you read up on your local BLM activity. Currentl...
1 17141
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
14 Jun 2016 05:47 PM
10 Replies and 21646 Views Tick Alert  21646  10 Started by      Check your pets for ticks especially if you live in Arizona.  Have never had a flea or tick problem here in the last 11 years until now.  The neighbors dogs all have ticks also, so we might have a small outbreak going on here.  Again check your pets, ticks are bad news!!!     Ron
10 21646
by  JOSEPH STASIKONISJump to last post
03 Jun 2016 08:10 PM
1 Replies and 15417 Views Gold hunting North Central Nebraska  15417  1 Started by Howdy all... Newbie here. :-) Have not gotten my membership packet yet as I only joined yesterday. Am very much looking forward to being here and checking stuff out.  My mom taught me how to pan for gold when I was a kid and it's been awhile. Bought some paydirt for practice and fun and I know I've lost fine in the wash soil but it's in a water basin currently drying out for more practice. Also have a Miller Table on order. Should be here tomorrow. I work as a contract employee at various...
1 15417
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
03 Jun 2016 08:04 PM
3 Replies and 18247 Views claims  18247  3 Started by Is there a map of gpaa claims.
3 18247
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
21 May 2016 08:49 AM
5 Replies and 19533 Views FRESNO GOLD PROSPECTING SHOW!!! May 14-15 Fresno, Ca.  19533  5 Started by  AJGOLLING@YAHOO.COM CENTRAL VALLEY PROSPECTORS GOLD PROSPECTING SHOW Announcement Dates:        May 14 to May 15, 2016 Location:    Fresno, California Event:        CENTRAL VALLEY PROSPECTORS GOLD PROSPECTING SHOW Sponsor:    Central Valley Prospectors Email: Website:      http://www.cvprosp...
5 19533
by  ADAM GOLLINGJump to last post
16 May 2016 09:42 PM
0 Replies and 12515 Views GPAA Local Chapters Representive - Richard Robinson  12515  0 Started by Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble getting a reply from our GPAA contact Representative Richard Robinson. I know how busy folks can get but I had emailed Richard once in February 2016 and again in April 2016 but no reply. Kurt - President, Wausau Prospectors
0 12515
16 May 2016 05:06 AM
23 Replies and 43786 Views Gold Fever  43786  23 Started by
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I'm wondering if the GPAA will ever release new Gold Fever shows on the Outdoor Channel  I figured the old reruns would have wore out by now as many times as they have been rerun, rerun, rerun and rerun. I'm considering cancelling my Outdoor Channel.         Bill
23 43786
by  Scott LeidenbergerJump to last post
30 Apr 2016 03:49 PM
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