2 Replies and 11251 Views
info 11251 2
Started by oldelvis1954@outlook.com
I don't know if I am doing this right,but here I go. has anyone from Oregon has been above, sweet home yet, and did anyone find any color, I have not been out panning for gold ever. I am a truck driver, but I want to go out this week-end. is ther any place there I can go , where no 1000000 people have not tooked it all. thanks you all be safe. and have fun.. your friend oldelvis
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11251 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  31 Mar 2016 06:16 AM |
6 Replies and 13029 Views
Pick and Shovel Gazette 13029 6
Started by dsaunders_94598@yahoo.com
How about making past issues Pick and Shovel Gazette printable or down loadable
Dave Saunders
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13029 |
by Paul Louly  22 Mar 2016 12:54 PM |
62 Replies and 40084 Views
2016 GPAA-LDMA Gold Mining Outings 7-Day 40084 62
Started by dricci@goldprospectors.org
How do you feel about starting the outing Sunday mid-day and ending the following Saturday at 10:00am
We will pack in a common dig operation, prospecting education both in classroom and in field training, Welcome Dinner and Friday night Cowboy BBQ Dinner.
This allows travel time to and from outing.
Can you handle 7-Days
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40084 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  02 Mar 2016 08:57 AM |
1 Replies and 10563 Views
Pick and shovel magazine ? 10563 1
Started by michaeljudd57@gmail.com
Question about the pick and shovel. I am LDMA (1 year) and have seen and been told there is a LDMA version that has articles on LDMA properties I have yet to receive a P&S that says LDMA version. I called the office and was told there is just the GPAA version. Whats the scoop on this
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10563 |
by PAUL STRAUB  26 Feb 2016 06:23 PM |
1 Replies and 6983 Views
friendship claim south east of tucson az 6983 1
Started by dvoraptsdjeep@yahoo.com
Grassy rolling hills to find it don't go by directions enter the GPS coordinates to find the claim. Very fine gold under grass not deep. The deeper you dig the less you find. Lots of snakes and illegal immigrants. Keep a firearm on you. I will not be back 75 buckets for 15 specs. Was there last week
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6983 |
by Dwayne lewis  23 Feb 2016 01:34 PM |
0 Replies and 7507 Views
Prospectors Conference & Swap Meewt, Llano, Tx 7507 0
Started by barbarosa303@gmail.com
Prospecting Texas and Enchanted Rocks: The Prospectors Conference & Swap Meet. Where: The Old Llano Community Center-2miles West of Llano, Tx on CR (County Road) CR 152. When: February 27, 2016 Times: 0800-1800 CST If you're there you'll find out what's happening in the Southwest! Prospectingtexas.com prospectingtexasgmail.com
BE THERE! SGM Gary 'Sketer' Nichols (R)
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7507 |
19 Feb 2016 12:03 PM |
0 Replies and 6406 Views
Phoenix Gold Show 6406 0
Started by 73mcj73@gmail.com
Will there be overnight RV Parking at the Fairgrounds
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6406 |
17 Feb 2016 06:02 PM |
0 Replies and 6828 Views
Salmon fishing at Cripple River 6828 0
Started by jbrttn0104@gmail.com
I've been told that the Salmon run is more intense in the even years. I have always been there in during an odd numbered year and am going this year. Using spoons for pinks and salmon eggs for Coho, but the peak Coho run starts after the camp is closed in August. Last year the Coho started the last week at camp and I was not lucky enough to catch one but a few were caught by others.
Does anyone have any more info on this
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6828 |
10 Feb 2016 05:46 AM |
23 Replies and 19045 Views
outings ? 19045 23
Started by michaeljudd57@gmail.com
Here it is Jan 9th and STILL no 2016 LDMA outings listed. Another thread said they should be up by Dec 2015
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19045 |
by DOMINIC RICCI  09 Feb 2016 01:09 PM |
1 Replies and 10237 Views
So-Cal Gold and gems 10237 1
Started by lostrivergoldcons2013@yahoo.com
I just moved to socal, just outside San Diego, i've done some research on the gold and tourmaline deposits here, anyone with any info to help me get in a decent spot to dig would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much! Lost River Gold!
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10237 |
by James DeTour  31 Jan 2016 12:56 PM |
1 Replies and 7390 Views
Stop HUGE federal land grabs! 7390 1
Started by bradjones@ca.rr.com
Feinstein threatens Congress with Obama executive order for land grab: http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-...story.html
Since summer, now-ousted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called for an 805,100-acre land grab, then President Obama signed his thirteenth land grab by executive order to create the new 350,000-acrea San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, and now Senator Diane Feinstein wants to lock up more than a MILLION acres in the Mojave Desert. Enough is enough! Call Sen. Diane Feinst...
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7390 |
by James DeTour  30 Jan 2016 10:56 PM |
5 Replies and 11801 Views
2016 Las Vegas GPAA Gold and Treasure Show question 11801 5
Started by parkejl00@gmail.com
Good morning!
I just registered (bought tickets) for the 2016 GPAA Gold and Treasure Show at the Cashman Center, Las Vegas for February 27th - 28th, 2016. However, after the order went through, a confirmation link was given to print out the tickets, but the link was broken (server not found).
I know it's early, but has anyone else bought tickets for the show, but was unable to print out the tickets
p.s. I also checked the email link as well, and it said the same thing.
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11801 |
by JEFF MARTIN  15 Jan 2016 05:35 PM |
10 Replies and 16065 Views
east coast gold 16065 10
Started by kloucks23@hotmail.com
anyone know if gpaa has land for use in sc,nc,ga...just joined club and not sure how to find out about land gpaa allowes us to use
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16065 |
by Clarence Snyder  08 Jan 2016 08:50 AM |
0 Replies and 7847 Views
Gold Radio Talk Show 7847 0
Started by BobbyFreedom
We have 60 Episodes of gold information in our archives. Interviews from Mike Pung of Gold Cube, Kevin Hoagland of GPAA and Gold Trails, Shawn Pomrenke of Bering Sea Gold, Ask Jeff Williams and so many more.|Win free prospecting gear, and paydirt just for tuning in.
Here is a link to the previous shows: http://mixlr.com/goldradiotalk/showreel/
To listen live on your smartphone, download Mixlr app or TuneIn app and search one word: GoldRadioTalk.
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7847 |
31 Dec 2015 10:46 AM |
8 Replies and 12450 Views
Streaming Gold Fever 12450 8
Started by jlyngstad@pm.me
I urge the GPAA to make its content library available for purchase through a streaming service like Amazon Prime. Content consumption is quickly moving away from cable subscriptions to streaming services. Using streaming services as secondary channel of distribution for your library would retain the economics and make it available to a much wider audience.
Is this being considered or even feasible Does the GPAA own the Gold Fever content Will the Outdoor Channel relationship allo...
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12450 |
by Douglas Aguillard  16 Dec 2015 12:17 AM |
2 Replies and 11491 Views
Online map to LDMA properties 11491 2
Started by shawnenjess@att.net
I've got a question, and I thought since I was asking it, some other folks may wish to add their opinions also. Would it be possible to add to the website or maybe in each Camp's forum page, a map for their location I know a lot of us are used to using ye old analog (paper) maps to find places we are looking for, but some of us ain't got a particular state's map. Thanks for reading!
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11491 |
by JUSTIN DENIG  14 Dec 2015 04:02 AM |
6 Replies and 11330 Views
Las Vegas area claim 11330 6
Started by stargift@hotmail.com
Where can I find the map to the new claim by Las Vegas
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11330 |
by MARK PARSONS  17 Nov 2015 12:07 PM |
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8883 |
by Jim Locke  10 Nov 2015 04:31 PM |
6 Replies and 9209 Views
4 Star Claim, Clark Co, NV 9209 6
Started by 454BEN@GMAIL.COM
Access road in Nipton Ca is posted as a private road no trespassing sign. If you want access you need to contact the EPA Give address to write to. I've used this road sense 2000 and here it was posted before the 8 of Oct, as another member tried access it. What is the story of this do we need to plan ahead on this one or just forget it. Filed this in claims report a week ago and have heard nothing.
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9209 |
by FRANK L BENNETT  09 Nov 2015 12:07 PM |
9 Replies and 11261 Views
Voting age. 11261 9
Started by jdbee@tlcsem.com
As what age does a family member become eligible to vote within a GPAA CHAPTER And at what age does a family member lose that status as a family member and must become a member of GPAA on their own Some need a ruling form headquarters because it seems like every election some try to make their own rules much like whichever way the wind is blowing! Anyone have some guidance to offer.
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11261 |
by Brad Lamb  06 Nov 2015 07:16 AM |