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0 Replies and 5774 Views new member East Wa. - N. Central Idaho  5774  0 Started by Hi folks, Just joined 04:00 ( 3 year ) this morning. Just bought a like new Keene 2.5' dredge/highbanker this weekend.  Chomping on the bit to get my new toy in the dirt/water. Ready to go!! But......where  Any GPAA claims in my area Or is there anyone in the area willing to share Kittitas, Wa.  Idaho county Clearwater county thanks Vince
0 5774
12 Oct 2015 09:04 AM
0 Replies and 7692 Views Need your support  7692  0 Started by We need your support!    The 29 Palms City Council should be voting whether or not to endorse Congressman Cooks alternative desert protection bill at the next council meeting on the 6th of Oct.  Cooks bill is much more balanced for recreation than Feinsteins bill.  It allows for continued mining in the Rt-66 area due to it would be a special management area vice a monument plus it releases twice as many wilderness study areas than Feinstein's. We had a great showing...
0 7692
02 Oct 2015 07:30 PM
1 Replies and 7951 Views looking to dredge this summer.  7951  1 Started by I am looking at doing some dredging this summer with my boys in Idaho. I am wondering if it is allowed at the His & His, Boise Gold, or Thunder Dog claims. Any help would be welcomed!
1 7951
by  SCOTT CURETONJump to last post
30 Sep 2015 11:34 PM
19 Replies and 12275 Views The EPA just Nuked the Silverton Claim and an entire RIVER  12275  19 Started by I have been out with Surgery the last few days so I have not been watching the news or following what is going on, but from what I am learning the EPA just flooded the entire Animas River in Colorado with toxic waste from a mine upstream that they had previous back filled. Just so you are aware of where this is located this is the body of water the GPAA Silverton Claim is located on, I am sure they will be closing this river to all activities for some time to come after seeing the damage they ...
19 12275
by  SUSAN AGSTERJump to last post
06 Sep 2015 08:19 PM
2 Replies and 10378 Views LDMA Burnt River Camp Outing!  10378  2 Started by Thinking about coming to the Sep. 2-6 Outing Need a little more info Check out this podcast!
2 10378
by  E. JIM/PAM HANEYJump to last post
21 Aug 2015 12:42 PM
8 Replies and 11117 Views What to do with Black Sands?  11117  8 Started by I am curious of what people do with their Black Sands. I have heard of people smelting them for their minerals, I know people that pour them around their roses to make them big and red when they bloom, but I am curious what most people do I myself collect them and then use a magnet to separate them and send the magnetic material to school teachers I know, but several family members have told me they love them as a stress reliever by placing them in a clear bottle and placing a magnet to i...
8 11117
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
17 Aug 2015 10:14 PM
7 Replies and 12630 Views Colorado Claims  12630  7 Started by Does anyone know which claims are currently closed access, by the BLM in Colorado I'm interested in knowing about the Idaho Springs claim and if it is still closed. 
7 12630
by  Scott LeidenbergerJump to last post
14 Aug 2015 05:23 PM
42 Replies and 31267 Views Claim Reports  31267  42 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Thought for a new page in the GPAA and LDMA sections.  Make up a page for claim reports that members can post to, by claim number in the guide (which might change in new issues of said guide) or by claim name since non members can't drill that deep.  That will give the home office more reports than are probably mailed in, and give members more information on claims and what to expect.  Also give us a place to report issues with them such as missing markers, etc.  For instance...
42 31267
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
06 Aug 2015 09:15 AM
8 Replies and 12331 Views Oregon Dredge Moritorium  12331  8 Started by Look under the dredging page for info on the 5 year dredge ban in ESH and Bull Trout waters that takes effect Jan. 2, 2016.  Will also include  motorized mining within 100 yds os closed waters if vegetation is disturbed that could have an effect on water quality........
8 12331
by  E. JIM/PAM HANEYJump to last post
30 Jul 2015 04:36 PM
1 Replies and 6088 Views Notice of Flooding and Possible Road Closure - Little Crystal Claim in San Bernardino County, CA  6088  1 Started by 'Little' Crystal Claim Crystal - CAMC298498: CL-66 (2014 GPAA Mining Guide) ***UPDATE*** (7.28.15)   Please be advised: There is currently a large washout flooding the west side of Ranchero Road that is approximately 3 feet deep and 3 feet wide near the ravine and railroad. You can attempt an alternate route via the Southeast side of the 138 but gates are sometimes locked.   Information courtesy of the Au Mojave Prospectors who you can contact for further information: http:...
1 6088
by  TIM LEIBELJump to last post
28 Jul 2015 12:30 PM
6 Replies and 6619 Views Outing to Buchanan, GA this weekend?  6619  6 Started by Just checking to see if there is a planned outing to Buchanan this weekend I am member of the Augusta, GA GPAA Chapter. Thanks!
6 6619
by  Brad LambJump to last post
16 Jul 2015 06:35 AM
4 Replies and 10367 Views what Is best for camping  10367  4 Started by In the near future my wife and I intend to sell our home and 82 acres of recreational property in Kentucky and begin living full time in an rv. My question is what type rv would be best for visiting gpaa/ldma properties ( I am a member) a moterhome with a jeep towed behind , or a fifth wheel or travel trailer toy hauler, and carry my atv's
4 10367
by  WILLIAM HAMILTONJump to last post
07 Jul 2015 02:24 PM
5 Replies and 8610 Views The LDMA has lost a member  8610  5 Started by I'm sure and know some of you know him from digs at Vein Mt mine in N.C. mostly. His last dig Oct of 2014 at Vein Mt. mine. My wife sunshine and I with Chucky and his wife Linda. Chucky passed away Tuesday June 23rd of a massive heart attack, RIP my friend and gold prospecting buddy.  
5 8610
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
29 Jun 2015 04:56 PM
3 Replies and 9075 Views New BLM and EPA Regs, save the Grouse and Water  9075  3 Started by I have been trying to keep up with the new EPA Clean Water Act and from what I can tell any dredging in or around a body of water will require a permit, but the entire document cannot be found. Now there is also a BLM motion to restrict millions of acres of land from use to save the Sage Grouse in an attempt to declare them a endangered species. The new regulations proposed by the BLM will restrict the use of land in 10 Western States. As far as I can tell the Sage Grouse is not endangered at ...
3 9075
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
17 Jun 2015 05:48 PM
0 Replies and 5229 Views New Public Area coming-Oregon  5229  0 Started by The John Day Basin Resourse Management Plan has finally been signed and gone through all the administrative process and is final and ready for implementation. One of the things in it is a new public recreational mining area (their phrasing) in the Dixie Creek / Standard Creek area just north of Prairie City in central Oregon.  This area produced gold in the past and is in the northeast/central gold belt. They are now going to have to start the withdrawal process, so it will probably take ...
0 5229
14 Jun 2015 07:55 AM
7 Replies and 12688 Views 2015 Gold & Treasure Show Schedule  12688  7 Started by 2015 Gold & Treasure Show Schedule: • Pomona, Calif., Feb. 7-8 • Mesa, Ariz., Feb. 28-March 1 • Stockton, Calif., March 7-8 • Portland, Ore., March 28-29 • Boise, Idaho, April 11-12   • Las Vegas, Nev., April 25-26 • Denver, Colo., May 16-17 • Charlotte, N.C., May 30-31 • Knoxville, Tenn., June  6-7 For more information, go to For vendor opportunities, call GPAA Trade Show Manager Gene Glenn ...
7 12688
by  Paul LoulyJump to last post
08 Jun 2015 01:21 PM
4 Replies and 7163 Views New page for links and such  7163  4 Started by How about a page where you can quick link to sites such as LR2000, Geocommunicator, etc.  Can be a locked thread as no posts would be needed, suggestions for new links and sites could be done on this thread. Might be an easier way for some that are not familiar with all the sites needed to get information, I know I don't know them all.......
4 7163
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
08 Jun 2015 12:18 PM
5 Replies and 10876 Views looking for tips and tricks  10876  5 Started by Greenhorn here never tried any kind of prospecting but it is something that has interested me since I was a teenager. I am from Pennsylvania and was reaching out for information to any local/semi local places to take out some gear and maybe find some gold or gems. Thanks and I'm super excited to get out there.
5 10876
by  Adam RiceJump to last post
08 Jun 2015 09:26 AM
7 Replies and 9794 Views Upper and Lower Dolores Claims  9794  7 Started by Hello GPAA members, has anyone ever been to the upper and lower dolores claims in CO and if so, did you find any gold  If you didn't, are you new to prospecting  If you are new to prospecting, than that could explain not being able to find gold on these claims, but I want to know if any seasoned prospectors out there have had any luck on these claims  I'm interested in taking a trip to CO's Western Slope sometime, because I know there's some pretty nice gold there.  Also, ...
7 9794
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
06 Jun 2015 06:14 PM
1 Replies and 8657 Views Denver gold show 2015  8657  1 Started by My name is Trace Collins, I'm a new member and new to prospecting. I would like to thank Gpaa for the great time and a very informative , family friendly gathering. A special shout out and thanks to Kevin Hoagland. What a nice, neat guy. I appreciate him taking the time out to get a picture with my family and I ( Darth vader dark side shirt)! We even found some color on our way back over the mountains to Rifle, Colorado. Awesome weekend! Thanks Gpaa, I'm glad I became a member.
1 8657
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
20 May 2015 07:40 AM
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