4 Replies and 10958 Views
Posting photographs 10958 4
Started by optivisor@msn.com
Can someone tell me how to post a photograph in my message When I click on image it doesn't let me insert a photo...it just shows &91;img&93;. Thanks for any help you can offer.
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10958 |
by MICHAEL JUDD 01 May 2015 12:52 PM |
2 Replies and 12804 Views
the magazine ? 12804 2
Started by jenkf0120@hotmail.com
Does anyone else get the magazine in the mail with the cover and other pages torn
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12804 |
by Scott Leidenberger 12 Apr 2015 04:12 PM |
3 Replies and 7235 Views
Raise community awareness 7235 3
Started by bradjones@ca.rr.com
From time to time, I am asked by local GPAA chapters how to get more people to their meetings. Well, one easy way is to go to the website of your local newspaper, radio station or TV channel and post or submit a notice to their “community calendar.” It is very easy to get free publicity since GPAA chapter meetings are open to the public and are free to attend. Here is an example of how to write one. Be sure to keep it simple, include the 5Ws (who, what, where, when and why) and follo...
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7235 |
by BRAD JONES 12 Apr 2015 10:49 AM |
0 Replies and 5347 Views
We welcome your letters! 5347 0
Started by bradjones@ca.rr.com
Dear Readers,
Dear Readers,
Recently, some readers called in to ask, ‘Where are the letters to editor in the Pick & Shovel Gazette and letters for Miner’s Mail in Gold Prospectors magazine’
Well, the truth is that with today’s trending towards social media, many readers would rather post comments on Facebook or in the GPAA forum on the GPAA website than take the time to snail mail or email a letter. This is quite understandable, and we encourage our subscr...
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5347 |
09 Apr 2015 03:39 PM |
0 Replies and 9493 Views
LDMA Burnt River Camp's April Dig permits & equipment info 9493 0
Started by ejhaney@gmail.com
For highbanking on LDMA Burnt River Camp property you will be covered by the Camp's 600 wpcf permit. If you wish to highbank on the nearby GPAA claims you will need your own permit. There is no Dredging on the Burnt River at all now. You will be able to sluice with just a COPY of the 700 wpcf regulations in possession from July 1 to Oct 31.
For those with highbankers, you will need 50' of lay flat hose. We pump out of the river and discharge in to settling ponds that are minimum of 30' from the...
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9493 |
08 Apr 2015 12:08 PM |
22 Replies and 21090 Views
2015 GPAA-LDMA Gold Mining Outings 21090 22
Started by dricci@goldprospectors.org
For more than 30 years, the GPAA in conjunction with the LDMA has been running common gold mining operations designed for our members to come together and find gold. The outings are an opportunity for members and their families to come out and enjoy the camaraderie and fellowship of other prospectors and get a chance to meet some of the staff members from GPAA-LDMA headquarters, as well as gaining an education...
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21090 |
by DOMINIC RICCI 08 Apr 2015 11:30 AM |
9 Replies and 10745 Views
pics in the GPAA store 10745 9
Started by nodnorthewise@gmail.com
How come the majority of the products available through the store have no pictures This recently came up on the forum, someone wanted to see what the patches looked like. I have in the past ordered some items from here sight unseen, but it would be nice to see what you are buying. I would like to see what the LDMA pin looks like, among other items, before I order. Thanks, Paul
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10745 |
by PAUL STRAUB 03 Apr 2015 11:44 AM |
6 Replies and 11750 Views
A CD With a Map on it or an App? 11750 6
Started by wrkn2mch@aol.com
A CD with an Aerial and a Topo Map linked to Google Earth would be so much help. Click on the state you want and see all the claims in that state. Zoom into an area you will be in and print out the map to take along..... that book drives me crazy trying to figure out exactly where it is that i want to go...... this could also save on Catalog Costs given an option to purchase dues either way
The CD could be made impossible to copy to protect from piracy and Legal terms put in to protect t...
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11750 |
by ROBERT GALYAN 28 Mar 2015 06:52 PM |
2 Replies and 9042 Views
big green trommel 9042 2
Started by jstansberry@live.com
i have been trying to find out who makes it.
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9042 |
by LLOYD LAUCK 21 Mar 2015 08:53 PM |
0 Replies and 4630 Views
New Member, Looking for CO Mentor? 4630 0
Started by crashcrain@gmail.com
I found about 3 places in Grand Junction that carry pans but not a one that carries a sluice box. So to save myself some time and money now that the spring fall is upon us I am looking for somebody that can give my wife and I some pointers on equipment and some productive regions to take some test samples
I am open to suggestions and all of my gear should be arriving next week, minus a sluice, I am anxiously awaiting getting my hands dirty in virgin river bed clay and saw some very promising ...
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4630 |
21 Mar 2015 05:07 AM |
2 Replies and 8260 Views
want to know about visiting a claim 8260 2
Started by heclaghosttown@gmail.com
My husband and I want to go to the Husker 1 claim between Deadwood and Sturgis on 3/ 21/ 15. Is there a campground and do I need a permit for panning, slucing or metal detecting. Also why does the guide say no bucket or shovel
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8260 |
by Matthew Kristo 17 Mar 2015 09:12 PM |
0 Replies and 5850 Views
Stockton Gold Show 5850 0
Started by j_bharr@yahoo.com
I'm new to the GPAA and attended the 2015 Stockton, CA. Gold Show and would like to thank the organizers and sponsors for a very informative and fun show. The displays and manufacturers were very informative, sponsors door prizes were very generous. We had a great time! THANKS!!!!
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5850 |
11 Mar 2015 11:32 AM |
5 Replies and 7892 Views
New show Gold Trails? 7892 5
Started by apraast@yahoo.com
Is the new show Gold Trails still doing shows or cancelled
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7892 |
by ADAM ANDREWS 09 Mar 2015 06:58 PM |
15 Replies and 13754 Views
Anyone else get this? 13754 15
Started by sdreaume@gmail.com
I received this today in my GPAA messages, I web checked the name and email and it turns out this exact same message has shown up
at other forum sites, it's for a mortgage site. Anything we can do to stop things like this from happening Here's the message
My name is kadija fidelia,
I w...
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13754 |
by ralph miller 24 Feb 2015 10:40 AM |
5 Replies and 9911 Views
Thought for generating interest 9911 5
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
I just had a thought that might generate more interest in the site. If the powers to be generate a monthly thread on some facet of prospecting/mining, it would go over well with the masses. It can be on any facets of mining, be it panning, sluicing, dredging, drywashing, metal detecting (even to specific machines and basic setup, etc.), reading the ground, etc. If need be it could be a locked thread. It would be great if it came from the head folks in the organization, as...
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9911 |
by Kevin Godwin 16 Feb 2015 04:00 PM |
0 Replies and 5197 Views
land use 5197 0
Started by dennissdell@aol.com
last night it was reported that COOLGARDIE MASA IN THE CALIFORNIA DESERT was bludgeoned to death by the desert renewable energy conservation plan better known as the &91;DRECP&93; with the help of three other assailants, the MOJAVE GROUND SQUIRREL.THE BARSTOW WOOILE SUNFLOWER,AND THE BURROWING OWL. COOLGARDIE MASA is servived bo some very desipointed drywash miners you can bet the miner that have claims there now will be hounded and restrected to death
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5197 |
15 Feb 2015 09:23 PM |
0 Replies and 5225 Views
land rights issues 5225 0
Started by dennissdell@aol.com
the DRECP plan will all but close off the entire california desert to mining when it passes later this month. the public has tell the 22 of february to make comments on this plan. to see the plan get on line and goggle DRECP there are hundreds and hundreds of pages and maps. the environmentalists have stole the show and we miners will be hit pretty hard there are over 50 now ACEC that cover millions of acres of land. there are BILLION OF DOLLARS to be had from the renewable ener...
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5225 |
12 Feb 2015 06:57 PM |
5 Replies and 9908 Views
Feds admit lead mercury researched a member of enviro group 9908 5
Started by bradjones@ca.rr.com
The following is a media release issued by the Western Mining Alliance Jan. 7. 2015:
Reno, NV January 7th, 2015
For Immediate Release
In a recently released report the US Geological Survey admitted a mercury researcher was a member of an environmental group which lobbied for the California suction dredging ban.
Following a request for an investigation by the Western Mining Alliance (WMA), the Department of Interior...
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9908 |
by LEO LORENZ 12 Feb 2015 06:23 PM |
5 Replies and 12031 Views
George Buzzard Massie 12031 5
Started by gmiller@goldprospectors.org
Archive video from the days of GPAA founder George 'Buzzard' Massie will soon be available right here at www.goldprospectors.org
Who's looking forward to watching some clips from the FIRST Gold Show
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12031 |
by DAVID BUZZARD 03 Feb 2015 04:33 PM |
2 Replies and 7380 Views
Jerry Hobbs' passing 7380 2
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
Just saw a post on another form that PLP's Jerry Hobbs passed away. He was a leader in the fight for the mining community, and will be deeply missed by all who knew what he sttod for.
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7380 |
by BRAD JONES 28 Jan 2015 12:41 PM |