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1 Replies and 7423 Views People v. Rinehart case  7423  1 Started by  MIKE RUSSELL The state of California is at it again. They tried to get the Appeals court to re-try the case and they refused. Now they are asking the California Supreme Court to depublish the opinion of the Rinehart case. The Western Mining Alliance is asking that we write letters to the California Supreme Court to not depublish the opinion issued in the Rinehart Case. The form letter is on there website,
1 7423
by  BRAD JONESJump to last post
28 Jan 2015 12:34 PM
13 Replies and 15260 Views Chat Room  15260  13 Started by i know the last chat room was not a smash hit. That being said, i would still like to be able to have more of a live time form of communication than just a snail mail forum. Would like to know what other members think and feel about this. Thanks for reading, Ron.
13 15260
by  DAVID ORMANJump to last post
16 Jan 2015 06:29 PM
2 Replies and 6261 Views Thanks GPAA!  6261  2 Started by Just a quick thanks to the GPAA for posting the episodes of Gold Trails to the website for those of us all over the country.   Thanks to all involved.    Paul
2 6261
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
15 Jan 2015 03:18 PM
8 Replies and 12149 Views Forum Non-Activity  12149  8 Started by Well after the new format, which I do quite like... it appears this forum is not gaining any momentum...
8 12149
by  JOHN DORVALJump to last post
11 Jan 2015 05:29 PM
7 Replies and 11548 Views Newest GPAA web page design  11548  7 Started by Ok, I am very computer literate. I work on them and servers for a living. I am having the hardest time navigating the new layout.  I especially can not follow the forum and other postings. So what does everyone else think I am sure the people that are doing the design changes would like to know the good and the bad.
7 11548
by  Matt MortensenJump to last post
09 Jan 2015 03:23 AM
6 Replies and 9045 Views How Do I Change My Profile Name  9045  6 Started by Can someone explain how I can change my name in my profile  I would like to add my middle initial, because obviously it would help distinguish my name from some other guy with the same name in the GPAA. Haha! I went into my profile settings, but where my middle name/initial can be added there is no box to add the information.  Am I missing something here, besides the box, that I may need to do  Any help would be appreciated.
6 9045
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
11 Dec 2014 07:50 AM
0 Replies and 6280 Views Duisenburg Web Site Informational Updates  6280  0 Started by CHRISTMAS BRUNCH HOSTED BY CHARLOTTE AND MEL IS SET FOR DECEMBER 25, 2015 FROM 11AM TO 2 PM. SEND EMAIL TO CONFIRM THE NUMBER IN ATTENDANCE TO DIGDUISENBURG.COM. Almost all pages on the Duisenburg Site have been update. Check them out! Next Big Dig Date: May 6-10, 2015. Call Office for Reservations at 951-699-4797 or 800-551-9707 NEEDED: Photographs of members and area around Duisenburg are requested. ( Photo's must be acceptable for all age groups ) Please send to digduisenbu...
0 6280
07 Dec 2014 05:01 PM
8 Replies and 8075 Views 2014 STANTON GPAA/LDMA OUTING  8075  8 Started by Reaching out to GPAA Annual and GPAA Lifetime members that have not attended an Outing this year (2014) yet.We have a few spots left. Bring family and friends. End the year at Stanton, Arizona by participating in a GPAA/LDMA Outing.  Not only are we going to find some gold, but learn how to recover more gold. LDMA Dig – Stanton outing additional activities (all events are subject to change):  ·        Drywasher Dig (weather permittin...
8 8075
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
03 Dec 2014 05:16 PM
2 Replies and 7204 Views Robert Service poem  7204  2 Started by I'm sorry if I am posting this question in the wrong place, but I am trying to find out the name of the poem by Robert Service that Tom often recites. About all I know for information, is part of the poem is ' It's not about having the gold, but finding the gold'. If anyone can tell me the name of the poem, it would be appreciated. 
2 7204
by  DONALD CLAYCAMPJump to last post
16 Nov 2014 05:34 PM
1 Replies and 8564 Views Oct 29th Vein Mt. dig  8564  1 Started by My wife, Sunshine and I (i'm Bill) and our friends Chuck and Linda had a great time. Dominic, Kevin, Great going, Even got to meat Brandon the president or the GPAA, we talked for a bit. I thought the dig went great very educational for the newbie like my wife and I. Met lots of really great people, Nice hat Ron, 'Thanks,This hats battier than I am' Yeah i'll bet he' ended up battier than the hat before it was over. Dominic and kevin following around threatened to throw my wife off the bridge in...
1 8564
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
07 Nov 2014 05:51 PM
7 Replies and 12823 Views Mobile App  12823  7 Started by When I am not working, I am busy playing as I hope most of you are.  I use my cell phone for everything.  So my question is, is GPAA working on a mobile app or are they considering a mobile app  I think most members will agree that a mobile app is a great idea so we can keep up on the latest information from almost anywhere.  What do the members think 
7 12823
by  TODD JAEGERJump to last post
07 Nov 2014 05:18 PM
3 Replies and 7743 Views how to update chapter membership in profile  7743  3 Started by Hello.  I have not been able to find a way to show my chapter membership in my profile.  I am currently VP of the Wausau WI Prospectors Chapter and would like to show that I am a chapter member.  How can this be done Thank You
3 7743
by  Christopher BungJump to last post
29 Oct 2014 05:22 PM
0 Replies and 6833 Views Partnering-up  6833  0 Started by I have some basic prospecting equipment, excellent electronic equipment for detecting on land and water & a 4x4. Located in the Sacramento area. Would like to team up with someone compatible.
0 6833
25 Oct 2014 03:18 PM
20 Replies and 32671 Views 2015 GPAA Gold & Treasure Shows!!!  32671  20 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I am excited to announce the GPAA is on the verge of releasing our Gold & Treasure Show schedule for 2015! We have 9 locations selected and are in the process of finalizing dates and contracts. We will be working with our local chapters and our valued partners to offer:   - Free panning demonstrations - Our in depth lecture series expanding upon the curriculum covered in the new GPAA Claims Club Mining Guide - Product demonstrations on the latest prospecting equipment featured by ou...
20 32671
by  RICHARD PLUFFJump to last post
21 Oct 2014 08:49 AM
37 Replies and 21700 Views mining guide  21700  37 Started by  WATMOC@HOTMAIL.COM
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
My buddy, who is a GPAA member just received a new guide in the mail. I am a LDMA member. Do I not get the GPAA guide anymore
37 21700
by  NICOLE MCCLEAFJump to last post
14 Oct 2014 08:46 AM
4 Replies and 10838 Views dredging  10838  4 Started by Has anyone heard how the settlement case is going. Would be nice to get back in the water.
4 10838
by  SYLVESTER CULLENJump to last post
18 Sep 2014 07:58 PM
0 Replies and 4933 Views How to Add An Image to a Forum Post  4933  0 Started by I whipped up these instructions on How to Add an Image to a Forum Post.  I hope you find them useful.  Please let me know if you run into issues or if the instructions need to be clearer.
0 4933
17 Sep 2014 04:56 PM
2 Replies and 6413 Views Introducing 2 New GPAA Website Features: Member Video Uploads and Online Publications  6413  2 Started by We are excited to give you a sneak peak of our two newest website features available only to members! You can now upload videos directly to the GPAA website, as well as access a digital version of Gold Prospectors magazine.  Please note: These features are currently in the beta launch stage. Click here to report issues or bugs you encounter. VIDEO To upload a video to your profile: 1. Log into your account at, go to your profile, & click on 'Video Man...
2 6413
by  NICOLE MCCLEAFJump to last post
09 Sep 2014 12:22 PM
0 Replies and 5001 Views Fires and FLoods  5001  0 Started by I have seen several posts under the LDMA forum about this but as a lowly GPAA member I cannot read these. What is happening in Arizona and California with the fires and floods The rain I just saw on the national news looks to be effecting the southern part of California and Arizona. I know there are some nice claims there. Also the fires around Yosemite had a terrible effect on claims 2 years ago. What is happening up there now I am not planning a trip that way soon, but others might be and ...
0 5001
08 Sep 2014 05:41 PM
0 Replies and 12760 Views Scott River Outing Fire Updates  12760  0 Started by <p><span>Dear LDMA – GPAA Member, </span></p> <p><span>As you may be aware, the area surrounding the upcoming GPAA-LDMA Scott Bar outing is experiencing a significant lighting created fire. </span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><span>At this time we are monitoring the fire on a constant basis and will be keeping the members informed through our website (on this forum page) </span><a href='http:...
0 12760
29 Aug 2014 05:00 PM
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