0 Replies and 5774 Views
GPAA Action Alerts 5774 0
Started by stomcullen@gmail.com
On PLP's website, there's a link to 'GPAA Action Alerts' - this now gives a 404 error.
Webmasters, this can be resolved by a simple redirect on your F5's.
As one of PLP's major supporters, and as GPAA leans heavily on PLP to look after legal issues, I'm surprised this has gone unreported.
GPAA needs to support the PLP, AS WELL AS get into the various legal fights themselves. I've yet to hear of GPAA representing in *ANY* court.
One more reaso...
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5774 |
01 Aug 2014 07:58 PM |
11 Replies and 15273 Views
LDMA outings 15273 11
Started by nodnorthewise@gmail.com
Where can I find a complete schedule of the LDMA digs this year, and is there a place to sign up for a dig online Thanks, Paul
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15273 |
by CHARLES FETTEROLF  23 Jul 2014 08:49 PM |
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10898 |
by JAMES AU  19 Jul 2014 07:48 AM |
0 Replies and 5099 Views
Last One Standing 5099 0
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
Looking on the chapters page I see we are the only chapter in the state, but that may be because no one else has set up their page yet.
Now I get the new issue of the magazine last night and see we are the only listing for the state.
Hang on the end of the rope baby, like a kitten on the curtains, we are!!!!!!
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5099 |
16 Jul 2014 11:04 AM |
7 Replies and 10653 Views
New Image Album 10653 7
Started by djpeterson83@hotmail.com
Hey Guys and Gals,
I've just swapped out the old image album for a brand new one I've been brewing for a little while now. The new album aims to change some things I didn't really like about the old one - most notably, it's much easier to use.
Image Tagging
We'll also be adding some new features to it down the line. For now, we've added the ability for you to tag photos to events you've been. You will now find on the event pages (such as gold expos) a new Com...
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10653 |
by SHAWN WILLETT  05 Jul 2014 06:28 PM |
20 Replies and 19055 Views
Using names? 19055 20
Started by jchapman@peachtreepestcontrol.com
I'm curious since we are all using our real names on this forum how it will be handled when 2 or more people have the same name I know there are more people with my name and if any ever joined or if someone opened another account with my name is there a concern it would cause problems
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19055 |
by WILLIAM HALL  30 Jun 2014 12:04 PM |
1 Replies and 9215 Views
Hot ! 9215 1
Started by davecrider@berryplastics.com
Hot here in Kentucky,
Not too much longer , and I'll be headed north to Alaskan gold fields
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9215 |
by DOMINIC RICCI  17 Jun 2014 11:12 AM |
1 Replies and 8220 Views
Real Names 8220 1
Started by rockkingron@gmail.com
If we have to use our real names, then how is it possible that someone has logged on here as SuperUser Account!!!
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8220 |
by PAUL STRAUB  09 Jun 2014 05:06 PM |
1 Replies and 7786 Views
GPAA Programming 7786 1
I may have missed the latest info, if so I apologize. Are their any new shows to be aired If so, when and how many What is being aired is great for newcomers to the program, but old farts (like me) would like to see something new. Especially since a lot of us have purchased the video sets which contain all the reruns or have taped the shows. Looking forward to new shows, topics, and locations. thank you in advance for the information and may everyo...
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7786 |
by BRANDON JOHNSON  08 Jun 2014 06:14 PM |
3 Replies and 9802 Views
Minor issue with this forum navigation. 9802 3
Started by matt@rtmdesigns.com
When a thread reaches multiple pages, clicking the page number to go to, under the thread subject it returns you to the forum homepage. I don't know if I am the only one experiencing this, but thought I would report. Moving to the next page while reading thread is fine. But you can only get to the first page from the forum threads...
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9802 |
by FRANK NOVAK  08 Jun 2014 09:09 AM |
1 Replies and 6648 Views
Chapter Announcements Page Updates 6648 1
Started by djpeterson83@hotmail.com
I've updated the chapter announcements page to give it some new functionality and a tiny bit nicer to look at. I'm hoping everyone will find the new functionality a bit easier to understand and use.
Listing Changes
First, past announcements will now drop off - meaning you won't have to wade through past events to get to the good stuff. This existed in a previous build of the site but due to revamps it somehow got removed - but it's back now! Second, I've sorted everyt...
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6648 |
by DOMINIC RICCI  22 May 2014 08:07 PM |
7 Replies and 9668 Views
topic subscriptions 9668 7
Started by nodnorthewise@gmail.com
I have a question about the topic subscriptions. When you are subscribed to a topic, or create a topic, and get a reply, or a reply is posted, are you supposed to get an e-mail. like the old forum If this is the case it is not working for me. I have checked all the appropriate boxes on my profile and on each subject I watch or create. I have brought this up a month or so ago, and am still having this problem. Note: I do get e-mails whe...
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9668 |
by PAUL STRAUB  12 May 2014 07:53 AM |
1 Replies and 7369 Views
Consolidated Dredging Cases 7369 1
Started by stomcullen@gmail.com
I find myself incredibly surprised by the lack of reaction by GPAA to the Consolidated Dredging Cases hearing on May 1st at the San Bernadito district court. I would think GPAA would want to keep reaction and news of this at the forefront. More dredgers = more miners = more GPAA members.
Anyway, here's a link to ICMJ's post on this recent hearing. Looks like it went well, and I've also heard that the judge called for a settlement conference that very same afternoon:
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7369 |
by BRAD JONES  06 May 2014 12:43 PM |
3 Replies and 7847 Views
GPAA Machine calling my house.... 7847 3
Started by wesmartintv@gmail.com
Has anyone else gotten a recorded message on the phone I keep getting a call from the GPAA offices and when I answer its a recording of Kevin Hoagland trying to get me to attend a LDMA camp dig. One thing is for sure, I HATE telemarketers, I'm not saying that the GPAA are telemarketers but they are definitely resorting to the same tactics by having a recording call my house several times a week. It wouldn't be so bad if it were a live human being but a recording, come on guys.
Can any...
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7847 |
by Jeremy Jefferson  02 May 2014 08:56 AM |
2 Replies and 7708 Views
Joining the GPAA 7708 2
Started by kt1957@cox.net
I went to join the GPAA today and no direct access from the new GPAA to join. I then called and was informed I would only receive the 2012 book and that once the 2014 book is out I would need to renew my membership in order to get the 2014 book or join for two years and then get both books. Why on earth do I want the 2012 book if the 2014 book is going to have more up to date info. on open and closed claims. I think new members should get the 2012 and 2014 book when the ...
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7708 |
by TIM LEIBEL  16 Apr 2014 06:59 PM |
1 Replies and 7225 Views
Purchasing and Renewing a Membership Video 7225 1
Started by nmccleaf@goldprospectors.org
If you need help purchasing or renewing a membership on our website This video will walk you through the process. You can also find the video in the Learn section of the website. http://bit.ly/1eQeiIK
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7225 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  16 Apr 2014 04:49 PM |
0 Replies and 5087 Views
Account 5087 0
Started by mstsgma@gmail.com
Why does the sight keep asking me to enter my member number about every three days .Beging to be a pain.
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5087 |
13 Apr 2014 06:26 PM |
0 Replies and 5492 Views
Code of Conduct 5492 0
Started by nmccleaf@goldprospectors.org
The Gold Prospectors Association of America’s online communities aim to provide a family friendly environment where members can post ideas, ask questions, and share thoughts about all aspects of prospecting. The following guidelines are designed to help provide a quality environment for our community members. Please take a moment to read them and keep them in mind when you participate in our communities. http://www.goldprospectors.org/Comm...of-Conduct
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5492 |
08 Apr 2014 04:49 PM |
2 Replies and 8015 Views
Avatar picture 8015 2
Started by audigger22@aol.com
Would someone please explain how to put a picture in the avatar spot I'm not to smart, so I need exact details!!!! Thanks for this info.
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8015 |
by Stephen Trent  05 Apr 2014 08:39 PM |
0 Replies and 5188 Views
Non Member vs Member Site Access 5188 0
Started by nmccleaf@goldprospectors.org
We've had a few questions today about non member vs member site access, specifically re: commenting.
A non member can post comments throughout the site on News, Videos, Events Chapter pages, etc. A non member cannot create topics or reply on the forum, however they can view most topics, except for the topics in the GPAA and LDMA Member sections.
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5188 |
03 Apr 2014 05:20 PM |