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4 Replies and 6716 Views Quartzsite, AZ - Beginning of February  6716  4 Started by Anyone planning on being in the Western part of Arizona say, the first couple of weeks in February. '16 The wife and I usually stay in Quartzsite at least a week, the first part of the month. I was wondering if anyone may want to meet up. We will be taking our new (pretty new anyway) Keene 192 Dry washer this year. I plan on puttin' a load of dirt through her!! I have not made a schedule set in stone yet, so let me know when you may be around. Take care Jim Fight for what rights you have l...
4 6716
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
02 Nov 2015 06:47 PM
2 Replies and 5302 Views northern nevada  5302  2 Started by hello from Winnemucca, nv  hi im travis , new member and new to the site, just wondering if there was any one else in the area.. Im sure there are a few in Reno, Fernley area and would like to know if any one in Winnemucca area too. if you are close and want to try to get out some time, get in touch.. my equipment: Garrett AT gold 3' gold king 5'x14' suction dredge   (project:  still trying to get every together) 3'x8' river sluice 6' rcm highbanker (recircul...
2 5302
by  Travis NixJump to last post
23 Oct 2015 08:00 PM
1 Replies and 6670 Views sept 19-24 money creek claim, gold bar, wa  6670  1 Started by I'm looking for anyone in Washington state who wants to go camping/ prospecting at the money creek claim in gold bar. I'm going for my bday . I'm new to the gpaa. But I have a nice metal detector and a bunch of pans and what not. If you want to join me respond to this post. I'd like to meet some new prospecting buddies.
1 6670
by  Vince EmeryJump to last post
14 Oct 2015 05:53 AM
0 Replies and 3864 Views New guy - Eastern Wa. - N. Central Idaho  3864  0 Started by Want to get out this weekend. New toy's to play with. Loaded and ready to go!!!! Just joined 04:00 this morning. Anyone want to share some dirt thanks Vince
0 3864
12 Oct 2015 09:11 AM
0 Replies and 3339 Views South Carolina Flooding  3339  0 Started by My thoughts and prayers go out to all the folks in SC, not only GPAA/LDMA members, but everyone affected by the flooding. My condolences to the people who have lost family members, due to the storm. Let's keep them in our prayers.   Paul
0 3339
05 Oct 2015 12:07 PM
0 Replies and 4155 Views NW Idaho Claims (Potlatch Area)  4155  0 Started by Hi I just joined last week and received my kit and 2014 manual.  The closest GPAA claims are around 3 hours from my location.  Are there any new claims that have been added to the Idaho GPAA  Any ideas on places in Idaho to prospect other than what is listed in the GPAA manual I have spent some time prospecting on the Palouse River and have only found minimal flour gold. I look forward to getting to know GPAA members. Thanks Rory
0 4155
10 Sep 2015 08:02 AM
0 Replies and 4611 Views Looking for someone to go metal detecting in North Georgia with  4611  0 Started by  RANDALL BONDS I am looking for someone in North Georgia near Toccoa Falls who would like to hang out and metal detect with me. Please respond here or at my email:
0 4611
01 Aug 2015 10:59 AM
0 Replies and 3184 Views hello from southeastern montana! looking for some help in southwestern mt.  3184  0 Started by Hey everyone, just joined finally, been wanting to for years. Anyway, I live just outside of Colstrip, and work at the power plant. Anyone else in my area I'm taking a week vacation, to go to crystal park by Wise river in the southwestern part of the state, and well probably stop by gem mountain for a half a day. Is there much for gold in those areas I'll bring my pan along, but I was hoping I could find someone local to guide my trip. I'm bringing my girlfriend and her three kids too. Should ...
0 3184
21 Jul 2015 07:34 AM
1 Replies and 6979 Views looking for a prospecting partner  6979  1 Started by I live in blossburg pa an looking for a buddy I don't like to go alone also in to metal detecting  lets go find some stuff I know its out there
1 6979
by  John LeamerJump to last post
08 Jul 2015 07:20 AM
1 Replies and 6886 Views Kansas City Area Prospecting  6886  1 Started by I am going to be in Kansas City, KS at the very end of April for 4 days while my wife attends a convention. I am looking for somewhere the dog and I can go and maybe do some panning or metal detecting within 2 hours of Kansas City or there about.  I see both the Green Valley and Independence GPAA clubs meet close so maybe someone there could point me in the right direction. Again nothing serious, just want to spend some time outdoors and maybe add some Kansas or Missouri gold to my collecti...
1 6886
by  Adam RiceJump to last post
03 Jul 2015 01:26 PM
7 Replies and 10046 Views Moving to Rifle, Colorado..  10046  7 Started by We  will be moving to Rifle, Colorado at the end of July and we have 1 spot we really love that produce great gold.. we are always interested in more locations. We have a Dry Washer, ' high banker/Dredge, sluice box, Whites MXT, Blue bowl, and other helpful equipment. I will give personal phone to people that are GPAA members and that would like to go prospecting, families are more than welcome to join for the prospecting trips. experience or no experience I have alot  of knowledge ...
7 10046
by  Roger SchulzeJump to last post
29 Jun 2015 05:06 PM
1 Replies and 6932 Views Frisco Colorado  6932  1 Started by I am going out to Frisco Colorado July4-11. Anyone in that area want to show a stranger around  
1 6932
by  Matt JohnsonJump to last post
28 Jun 2015 06:28 AM
1 Replies and 9467 Views Alaska anyone?  9467  1 Started by I would love to plan a prospecting trip to Alaska this summer. Would like to get to know one or two people that would be interested. Would spend the winter planning the trip. I am 55 and retired from the army. Send me an email if interested.
1 9467
by  DAVID NEWSOMJump to last post
17 Jun 2015 05:09 AM
4 Replies and 9510 Views east Tennessee or near by area  9510  4 Started by Looking for people in or near east tn area to prospect with and maybe travel
4 9510
by  Christopher daltonJump to last post
20 May 2015 07:13 PM
5 Replies and 8431 Views New Member From Ohio  8431  5 Started by I'm a new member from New Philadelphia, Ohio. Just getting started along with my son who got me interested in gold prospecting. 
5 8431
by  Kathleen BiffleJump to last post
10 May 2015 05:34 AM
7 Replies and 8288 Views Western Montana Prospecting  8288  7 Started by Looking to meet fellow prospectors for adventures in western Montana. Areas of interest are Anaconda, Butte, Boulder. 
7 8288
by  PAUL PRAASTJump to last post
30 Apr 2015 04:45 PM
5 Replies and 9683 Views northwest illinois  9683  5 Started by I live in northwest Illinois and was wondering if there were any other members in this neck of the woods. I am always looking to meet fellow prospectors and rockhounds.
5 9683
by  David SalinasJump to last post
29 Apr 2015 08:16 PM
4 Replies and 7233 Views Kc area looking for fellow prospectors  7233  4 Started by Live in the kc area, but typically vacation in New Mexico or Arizona. Have some equipment... Bazooka gold trap 24' sniper, jobe45 sluice, & cascade mini high banker. Looking to prospect ne Kansas, nw missouri,sw Iowa, & se Nebraska. I wouldn't consider myself a novice, but I'm sure I can be schooled! I've found minimal amounts of gold in Kansas, but color none the less! Reply to the post/ thread and hopefully we can schedule a prospecting trip.
4 7233
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
21 Apr 2015 05:02 PM
0 Replies and 5340 Views Illinois  5340  0 Started by Primarily for people in  Northern Illinois and near Chicago. I'm looking for some people who live in the area to talk to about prospecting in the area and to just learn some new things. Just send a friend request.
0 5340
20 Apr 2015 02:36 PM
0 Replies and 3110 Views Kansas City Prospecting  3110  0 Started by I will be in Escelsier Springs from April 27 to May 1 and would like to get together for a day of panning or metal detecting. Maybe trade a few stories.
0 3110
05 Apr 2015 06:54 PM
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