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4 Replies and 11124 Views An Irishman walks out of a bar  11124  4 Started by    That's the joke, get it...An Irishman walks out of a bar...Oh come on, it's funny after a few rounds of Jamison.
4 11124
by  PAT O'MASTERSJump to last post
22 Mar 2018 06:49 PM
0 Replies and 4721 Views How does a gold panner become a millionaire?  4721  0 Started by Start off as a billionaire
0 4721
01 Aug 2017 02:30 PM
1 Replies and 22686 Views Who is Happy to See You?  22686  1 Started by   Hypothetically Speaking (of course)   If you were to lock your significant other, along with your dog, in the trunk of your car and came back about 30 minutes later, who is happy to see you
1 22686
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
01 Jun 2017 01:02 PM
0 Replies and 4573 Views Why did the chicken cross the road?  4573  0 Started by   Why did the chicken cross the road To go see his less than intelligent friend.     Knock, Knock Who's There The Chicken.
0 4573
01 Jun 2017 03:36 AM
2 Replies and 15794 Views A 3-D Race  15794  2 Started by      I don't know about you, but for myself it is very refreshing to see a 3 party race for the 2016 Presidential election for a change.  Yes land mark history is about to be made with this 3 party race, instead of the normal 2 party race that we have become accustomed to in the past, for this race will influence  our lives and America for many years to come.  So lets take a look at the players in this historic event.        First we have ...
2 15794
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
19 Jan 2017 08:36 PM
1 Replies and 10101 Views Gold Shrinks  10101  1 Started by   Over time one may have noticed how big the gold looks sitting in the black sands and also how much fine gold there appears to be when panning. It looks as if there is a lot of nice size pieces of flour gold in the pan throughout the black sand and when all the black sand is panned out, a mystical, magical, transformation takes place, the gold shrinks.      Next, the gold is let to dry in the pan and it shrinks again.      Now, the dry gold is put in a gla...
1 10101
by  ROBERT GALYANJump to last post
16 Oct 2016 01:26 PM
1 Replies and 8084 Views The Perfect Membership  8084  1 Started by      Come on gang it's time to lighten up a bit here for it seems that some people mistakenly think that they have bought the super special presidential elite membership package, a.k.a. ' The Perfect Membership ' instead of the normal mediocre club membership.      Now I can understand their frustration when they find out that they do not have access to the ' Hold Your Hand 24/7 Hot Line ' which is always busy because 1 or 2 members are always hogging the line...
1 8084
by  Brad LambJump to last post
01 Oct 2016 03:31 AM
0 Replies and 7195 Views A little song I wrote about baby gold miners  7195  0 Started by Here is a song I wrote about little gold miners. I believe the old Creedence Clearwater Revival tune for 'Cotton Fields' will work pretty well with this song.  Beware, once you start humming or singing it, it will stay with you for several hours. ******************************************   Little Bitty Gold Miner   When I was a Little Bitty Gold Miner, My Papa would rock me in a miners cradle, In those old Gold Fields back Home !   It was down in Colorado, Just...
0 7195
03 Aug 2016 01:35 PM
1 Replies and 23119 Views $1M and Gold Mining  23119  1 Started by ChooChoo had worked hard most of his life and at the ripe age of 60 had finally saved up a million dollars and decided to follow his dream of gold mining. After 10 years and now at the age of 70 he had finally found a beautiful 1.5 ounce gold nugget but his million dollars was gone. He decided to put his 1.5 ounce nugget up for sale on eBay and he got an email about it. This is the discussion: How much do you want for the nugget ChooChoo Signed: BooCoo ChooChoo replied, one million doll...
1 23119
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
15 Jan 2016 09:37 PM
3 Replies and 13690 Views Precautionary Tip !  13690  3 Started by
3 13690
by  Len SolarzJump to last post
06 Jan 2016 03:11 AM
0 Replies and 9721 Views Poem  9721  0 Started by
0 9721
31 May 2015 03:04 AM
7 Replies and 23885 Views A PROSPECTOR AND HIS OUTFIT  23885  7 Started by A PROSPECTOR AND HIS OUTFIT 1898 The following list of necessaries it is as full as can be given by anyone, and is more than the average prospector generally needs. As a rule, we would say take as little as you possibly can, and do not overburden yourself with impedimenta.   First. Two pairs of heavy blankets, weighing about 8 pounds each. Second. A buffalo robe or blanket lined poncho. Third. Suit of strong gray woolen clothes, pair of brown jean trou...
7 23885
by  JOSEPH STASIKONISJump to last post
28 Apr 2015 05:54 PM
0 Replies and 6939 Views The dog and the butcher  6939  0 Started by From Yahoo the other day....   Guy goes into the local butcher shop and sees a black lab with a small coin purse around his neck, sitting patiently behind the customer at the counter.  When the dog's turn comes, the butcher says what do you need  Dog puts a paw on the glass in front of the hamburger, butcher asks how much do you want.  Dog barks twice, butcher wraps up two pounds.  Anything else the butcher asks  Dog puts a paw on the glass in front of the pork ...
0 6939
15 Jan 2015 04:08 PM
3 Replies and 11805 Views The Chicken and the egg  11805  3 Started by A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken takes out a cigarette and begins to smoke. The egg, pissed off, takes one look at the chicken, rolls over and pulls the blanket over him and says, 'I guess we answered that question!'
3 11805
by  Matt MortensenJump to last post
09 Jan 2015 03:17 AM
0 Replies and 9949 Views I want to grow my own food....  9949  0 Started by
0 9949
22 Sep 2014 05:57 PM
3 Replies and 11850 Views What Dysfunction?  11850  3 Started by The classroom was in awe as the teacher welcomed various animal handlers to show and tell the various animals under their care. Little Johnny was particularly taken by the snake handler. After all the animals were shown, the teacher asked the children if they had any questions about the animals they had seen. Johnny was quick to raise his hand and was the first chosen. He asked, 'Where can I get a snake I think my daddy needs a new one.' The snake handler, kind of bemused by the question, repli...
3 11850
by  JASON DENNEYJump to last post
18 Aug 2014 08:41 PM
8 Replies and 15066 Views Wanna laugh?  15066  8 Started by Coming to this site is a joke. Everytime I try to post on here, a pop up tries to get me to download a malicious adobe or google...
8 15066
by  DONALD BAILEYJump to last post
02 Aug 2014 07:38 PM
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