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0 Replies and 3946 Views Claim Jumper  3946  0 Started by
0 3946
14 Nov 2023 11:34 AM
1 Replies and 4763 Views Garrett super sluice pan  4763  1 Started by I got wondering if a garrett super sluice panning pan would be able to wash rice after losing a bunch of rice down the sink drain. Any testers want to take on the challenge
1 4763
by  Scott ParkerJump to last post
06 Nov 2023 03:17 PM
1 Replies and 7944 Views is this real?  7944  1 Started by basically a nugget the size of my fist. I just think its too good to be true because of where it was found. maybe it is, was wondering if anybody can shine some light on this.
1 7944
by  DON GREENOJump to last post
27 Jul 2022 06:59 PM
0 Replies and 5088 Views Tip to greenhorns  5088  0 Started by There are 3 different ways of understanding your fellow prospector you meet them on the claim and ask them how they are doing 1. He/she says they haven’t seen 2 colors all day long. That means they are on the Mothers Load and they aren’t going to tell you! 2. Person says he is getting rich with his digging. That means they haven’t seen 2 colors all day long! 3. You only get a quick glimpse of 3 as they are heading back to the truck and they Yell back I Struck the Mother Load ...
0 5088
19 Mar 2022 08:46 PM
4 Replies and 8765 Views Bear attack  8765  4 Started by A fellow was mining in the BC wilderness when he was attacked by a bear. The beast snuck upon him while kneeling beside a creek and hit him pretty hard across the back knocking him over. The prospector knew right away it was a bear attack and did his best to be submissive and played as dead as he could while being mauled. The worst of his injuries was a rake across the face which tore away both his eyelids but he managed to survive and spent several weeks in the hospital. The doctors did all th...
4 8765
by  JEFF SMITHJump to last post
09 Jun 2021 01:30 PM
0 Replies and 4973 Views Called a bluff  4973  0 Started by A few years ago , my buddy Rob and myself were taking a fishing trip to Canada, and I explained that I was taking a stream sluice, a few tools and some pans with us to prospect for gold. So we were having a blast catching lots of fish, seeing a lot of moose and exploring the bush. We came upon a spot on a creek that was strewn with quartz boulders and some red coloring to the walls. We started probing around and found some likely areas ,we thought ,for gold to drop out .After a good portion of a...
0 4973
31 Aug 2020 11:59 PM
0 Replies and 3017 Views Grizzled gold panner  3017  0 Started by Years ago, I was on my claim near Camptonville. While I was there, this one-armed gold panner showed up, and started 'talking shop' with me. His voice sounded like old whiskey and sourdough and he looked like Gabby Hayes. What really got to me was when he held up his left hand and said 'Y'know, I found a nugget this big one time!'
0 3017
02 Jun 2020 11:22 PM
1 Replies and 5804 Views becoming aware of surroundings in all this downtime  5804  1 Started by Three days without sports... Found a lady sitting on my couch yesterday. Apparently she's my wife.She seems nice
1 5804
by  DON GREENOJump to last post
03 Apr 2020 10:32 AM
1 Replies and 6038 Views Why the Chicken crossed the road  6038  1 Started by Why did the chicken crossed the road To prove to the Raccoon it can be done.
1 6038
by  Robert ScarboroughJump to last post
05 Sep 2019 02:30 PM
1 Replies and 4648 Views Newbie Gold panning success  4648  1 Started by Just me and my hubbies luck: We're pretty new at panning and headed up to a claim in Arizona last summer. Hubby is working the dig. I'm hauling the buckets to classify the dirt. Low and behold! Success in one bucket! 3 small, golden brown, almost transparent scorpions! We hit pay dirt! Found 2 more by the end of the day... Not exactly the color we were looking for, but we called it a successful day because there were no bites! The scorpions were released a couple of yards away from us... So fa...
1 4648
by  robert murataJump to last post
10 Jun 2019 10:26 PM
0 Replies and 3182 Views Dirty Joke  3182  0 Started by Her is a 'Dirty' joke . . . . A white horse falls into a mud pit. Ha Ha Ha!
0 3182
08 May 2019 10:26 AM
0 Replies and 5917 Views 1st time with new 4 dredge brought the boys with  5917  0 Started by  CRAIGRC56@YAHOO.COM Well got all set up miles from anywhere on bedrock not 5 minutes into the whole event my son gets diharria bad.well as a single dad it w was a horror show flathead national forest son will never forget it!
0 5917
02 Aug 2018 08:26 AM
0 Replies and 4458 Views Metal Detector  4458  0 Started by
0 4458
26 Jun 2018 04:54 PM
2 Replies and 14171 Views Out of Gas  14171  2 Started by
2 14171
by  JOSEPH STASIKONISJump to last post
09 Jun 2018 06:43 PM
0 Replies and 4352 Views New Career,,,  4352  0 Started by '' A gynecologist had a burning desire to change careers and become a mechanic. So she found out from her local tech college what was involved, signed up for evening classes and attended diligently, learning all she could. When time for the practical exam approached, she prepared carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill. When the results came back, she was surprised to find that she had obtained a mark of 150. Fearing an error, she called the instructor, saying &ldqu...
0 4352
02 Apr 2018 08:41 AM
0 Replies and 3679 Views Wrong!  3679  0 Started by Had a guy pull up to the gas pumps around 11 am on the first day of the hunt. An older man with his wife. They get out and he is all smile! He says 'you boys seen my elk!' My friend and I walked over to take a look. We look in the bed of the truck. Look at each other, look at the man, look back at the carcass. Without thinking I say, 'your joking'. The man got a little upset, thinking I was making fun of his kill. I said 'sir, that is a mule!' He says 'dont be silly, its a cow elk and I tagged i...
0 3679
29 Mar 2018 09:33 AM
1 Replies and 5555 Views Poker player,,,  5555  1 Started by ''Six old retired guys are sat playing poker at Gary’s house one night when Rocco loses 600 bucks on a single hand. At the shock of this he clutches his chest and then drops dead from a heart attack. Tony asks, “Who’s going to go and tell the situation to his wife” None of them want this horrible job so they finally decide to cut the pack, and lowest card loses and has to go tell her. Ronald draws a three and loses so he’s the one who has to go and break the b...
1 5555
by  Merle MitchellJump to last post
29 Mar 2018 09:11 AM
0 Replies and 3313 Views Poker player,,,  3313  0 Started by ''Six old retired guys are sat playing poker at Gary’s house one night when Rocco loses 600 bucks on a single hand. At the shock of this he clutches his chest and then drops dead from a heart attack. Tony asks, “Who’s going to go and tell the situation to his wife” None of them want this horrible job so they finally decide to cut the pack, and lowest card loses and has to go tell her. Ronald draws a three and loses so he’s the one who has to go and break the b...
0 3313
29 Mar 2018 08:23 AM
2 Replies and 7410 Views I could have been eaten...  7410  2 Started by  I got introduced to gold panning in June 2017 and since I was planning a motorcycle trip out to Colorado up through Wyoming and back through South Dakota to Pennsylvania , I figured I would bring along some gear. While I was camping on the west side of Yellowstone, I ran into a local who suggested going to Virginia City, MT.  Off I rolled, with buckets, sluice and gear hanging off the bike. Once there I find a local who points me down a dirt road. I got permission to dig on a claim. N...
2 7410
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
25 Mar 2018 05:42 PM
0 Replies and 3914 Views Dr, visit,,,,  3914  0 Started by '' A Doctor recently had a patient “drop” in on him for an unscheduled appointment. “What can I do for you today” the Doctor asked. The old gentleman replied: “Doctor, please help me. Every time I make love to my wife, my eyes get all bleary, my arms go weak, I can hardly catch my breath… Doctor, I’m scared!” The Doctor, looking at his eighty five years old patient, said: “Mr. Atkins, these sensations tend to happen over time, especiall...
0 3914
23 Mar 2018 07:26 PM
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