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2 Replies and 265 Views Alabama Gold Camp  265  2 Started by Howdy to all you prospectors, I have been to Alabama Gold Camp a few times and got just a tad of flour gold. I only spent a couple hours each time. Rented a high banker and also used a small sluice box another time. Little return. I'm sure did not stay long enough. Question is, how much time would anyone continue without much payout. As grandpa said when I was fishing and did not get a bite, 'Probably wasn't hold my mouth right.' A day, a week, thoughts Also, if I wanted to head to anothe...
2 265
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
21 Mar 2025 05:51 PM
1 Replies and 275 Views navigation  275  1 Started by What's a good app or mapping GPS for navigating back roads and searching for claims,
1 275
by  Ernie EspinozaJump to last post
06 Mar 2025 03:37 PM
0 Replies and 103 Views Virginia  103  0 Started by Is there a chapter in Virginia I know people prospect and find gold there, but I don't see a chapter listed. Just wondering if I missed it. Thanks.
0 103
26 Feb 2025 06:20 AM
204 Replies and 250508 Views What is the best place to buy pay dirt from  250508  204 Started by
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I was wondering if anyone has a preferred place to buy pay dirt to pan with where you will find good color.  I ask because my 5 year old daughter has become bitten by the gold bug and I want to help 'cultivate' her understanding of the trade.  I my self am green at it all but have a couple trips planned with family and friends to go on a couple GPAA claims.  I want the pay dirt to make sure my daughter finds something.  Just looking for any suggestions.  Yes I know this ...
204 250508
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
22 Feb 2025 03:29 PM
16 Replies and 1769 Views Where did my claim go?  1769  16 Started by I started to have some fun in Southern CA at Red Cloud/Rusty Sieve last winter and getting ready to go down south again. I ordered a new Mining Guide but my claims are not listed any longer. What's the deal They were close by and very remote. Did the claim holding get abandon It seems like there are less claims in riverside county now. What am I missing Lee
16 1769
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
16 Feb 2025 01:31 AM
44 Replies and 11773 Views Friends of Placer Pete  11773  44 Started by
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Hi All From March 17th to March 21st we will be having a outing out at the claim. Come on out and enjoy the fun as we dry wash and metal detect for Placer Pete Gold! Spend a day or more with us. We will also be working with a small group of greenhorns on Friday and Saturday in dedicated classes to learn how to read the claim to dry washing / metal detecting through clean out and weighing your gold! Contact us for details on the classes. There are only 4 spaces left in these dedicated classes. ...
44 11773
by  Steve ScukanecJump to last post
03 Feb 2025 11:54 AM
2 Replies and 600 Views Where to?  600  2 Started by I finally finished grad school! Now I have some time to plan a trip and am wondering where I should go. I obviously don't expect to get rich, but I'm wondering where some promising places are to go on a camping/prospecting trip for a week or two. For example, somewhere where it's possible to find enough gold to cover the travel expenses from Ohio.
2 600
by  Charles EdwardsJump to last post
19 Jan 2025 05:45 PM
24 Replies and 1220 Views Greenhorns in SoCal  1220  24 Started by
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Hi fellow prospectors! Ashley and Jerami here, greenhorn prospectors living in Los Angeles. We've been on a 5 trips and we are eager to find our first Gold. We've been to East Fork in San Gabriel twice, D&M in Gorman twice, we have been to Warrior claim in San Diego and we traveled up to Pine Flats in Kern County. We've tried digging the root banks, digging under large rocks, and tried walking a ways to some undredged areas. We've tried our mini sluice, panning and using our g...
24 1220
by  scott knoopJump to last post
10 Jan 2025 09:50 AM
4 Replies and 1599 Views Looking for Mining buddies, central valley california  1599  4 Started by new to the gpaa but not new to mining, I live in Stockton and I regularly head up off the Mokulmne and consumnes rivers above Jackson and angels planning a trip to ROCK CREEK RICHES above Placerville on Sept 26th 2024, looking for some mining buddies to team up with, I have some basic equipment, pans shovels buckets, and I just got my first sluice box *still trying to learn the correct way to set it up' and I keep my clean up equipment at home. im hoping to hook up with someone...
4 1599
by  scott knoopJump to last post
09 Jan 2025 04:51 PM
0 Replies and 170 Views Greyback Group Updates?  170  0 Started by RVing down from Colorado to S. NM for the first time. Based on the regs I’ve seen, no need to bring a gas highbanker. I have river sluices, can gold cube and recirculate and a battery dry washer. Hoping to also sample the arrow wall and crush to pan if needed. I’d appreciate advice on: Access this time of year, Local knowledge Digging partner Other areas, GPAA or not. Thank you in advance.
0 170
06 Jan 2025 01:29 AM
5 Replies and 3204 Views Arizona Prospecting  3204  5 Started by I have been mining Arizona now for four years. I was a very successful river miner for years, but this desert mining has got the best of me. I have taken some classes on drywashing and now have figured out how to set it up properly. The issue is my sampling has had very little success. My best day in four years is 0.10 of a gram for 50 full buckets of dirt. Notbworth my efforts. Need help. I have heard stay out of the washes, stay in the washes, sample on top of the hills between the washes, re...
5 3204
by  Alejandro UriasJump to last post
03 Jan 2025 03:41 PM
0 Replies and 327 Views Yuba River Gold Panning and Detecting  327  0 Started by Yuba River Gold Panning and Detecting Just like most of the Country we love the time change but that's not going to stop us from enjoying the cool crisp Mountain air and the Yuba River. So running just a bit behind me and Gary TwoToes make our way up Highway 49 towards Mother Yuba and the Gold that waits for us to find it. Our original plans were to do some Sluicing but the River had her own plans so we adapt and put out the Gold Pans and start look...
0 327
12 Nov 2024 04:24 PM
6 Replies and 4872 Views Hydraulic Pit Gold Nugget Patch Detecting  4872  6 Started by Hydraulic Pit Gold Nugget Patch Detecting Click and Paste to watch The Last Trip to the Hydraulic pits for the year was the best trip for me. We load up in Brian's Dodge Ram Pickup and head for the pits in hopes of pockets full of Placer Gold Nuggets the size of walnuts !!!!! ( We can Dream ) !!!! Each week me and Gary and Brian say this is probably our last trip of the year before the Snow runs us out till next spring and this was that Trip !!!!! The...
6 4872
by  JEFF SMITHJump to last post
12 Nov 2024 04:19 PM
0 Replies and 220 Views There's Gold in them thar Hills  220  0 Started by There's Gold in them thar Hills Bugs Bunny say's it in the 1952 Looney Tunes cartoon '14 Carrot Rabbit' featuring Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam ' There's Gold in them thar Hills ' The phrase 'There's gold in them thar hills' is, in fact, a misquote. The actual phrase was yelled from the steps of the Lumpkin County Courthouse in 1849 by Dahlonega Mint assayor Dr. M. F. Stephenson to stop the exodus of miners from Dahlonega in Georgia to California, whi...
0 220
04 Nov 2024 01:34 PM
0 Replies and 331 Views Virginia Maryland Gold Hunters  331  0 Started by Hey all! New to gold prospecting here. Looks like there’s a lot of people in the NOVA MD DC southern PA area interested in getting a group back together, anything happen yet I’m tired of watching Parker schnabel have fun and have a strong desire to learn. I live in Leesburg. Looking forward to connecting with everyone! Bill
0 331
21 Oct 2024 07:02 PM
1 Replies and 2840 Views GPAA Mining Guide  2840  1 Started by I have the 2020 50th anniversary edition mining guide. Is this the most recent edition If not, how do I go about upgrading If it is the most recent, how often do they put out a new guide I find that the guide is a lot more helpful on claim boundaries than the website. Many of the website claims only have an ingress and a center point (sometimes). When they are in the guide, they tend to have more information........or is there some secret menu online that I don't know about where I can acc...
1 2840
by  Dave BarenbruggeJump to last post
28 Sep 2024 11:10 AM
4 Replies and 2430 Views Black sand  2430  4 Started by Is black sand worth anything Is there a place that buys it What can I use it for Thanks for any answers to my questions
4 2430
by  Jesse LechnerJump to last post
27 Sep 2024 04:18 PM
14 Replies and 6883 Views New Mexico Chapter  6883  14 Started by I am a newbie and planning a trip to New Mexico. I tried to contact the chapter member listed on this site, but was not able to get an email to him. The email listed did not work. It came back failed to deliver. Can a New Mexico Chapter member give me an email contact near Silver City NM. Thank you for your help.
14 6883
by  Jonathan LorettoJump to last post
14 Sep 2024 07:58 PM
7 Replies and 6291 Views Whatever happened to the Frederick Maryland chapter?  6291  7 Started by Hey y’all, I used to be a local member of the Maryland GPAA chapter pre Covid era. Since then I’ve just been solo prospecting here and there and new baby kept me from getting super involved. Now I’m looking to get back into prospecting community just to find out it doesn’t exist anymore. Anybody from the Maryland chapter still active on here Can we rally numbers and start the chapter back up again
7 6291
by  James McGrannJump to last post
31 Aug 2024 08:14 PM
3 Replies and 2797 Views Alaska group north  2797  3 Started by My claims guide shows a GPAA claim called Alaska group north but it’s not listed in the online guide. So probably no longer a claim
3 2797
by  James MakerneyJump to last post
09 Aug 2024 08:08 PM
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