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0 Replies and 1181 Views Moses Lake  1181  0 Started by I bought a 20 acre claim in Idaho City on Granite Creek. I camped there for a week, and brought back several granite, and quartz peace's lined with both Gold and Silver, I dug into a Quartz vein I believe and have 2 small bowls full of sludge and Gold flakes. I am brand new and need help cleaning my minerals. If anyone is in or near Moses lake who has equipment and knowledge to help me, I would appreciate it. I also have a few big rocks with what I believe to be Black Onyx stones inside, as well...
0 1181
11 May 2021 11:03 AM
2 Replies and 2156 Views gpaa claims and propertys  2156  2 Started by how long can a member stay/camp on a GPAA property or claim
2 2156
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
03 May 2021 07:43 PM
3 Replies and 3178 Views oregon laws  3178  3 Started by just need someone who knows for sure if i can legally high bank in oregon. To old to be bent over panning any more. thanks
3 3178
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
03 May 2021 07:38 PM
3 Replies and 2019 Views washington gold?  2019  3 Started by new to prospecting where are some good places to go any help is greatly appreciated.
3 2019
by  Nathan BrindzaJump to last post
03 May 2021 01:49 AM
5 Replies and 2553 Views Handheld GPS  2553  5 Started by I have been working with getting the claim boundaries loaded into an iPhone. Frustrating, to say the least. I have finally figured out all the steps to make it happen but wondered what others use to keep from wander outside the boundaries of a claim I tried making a map at and saving it in Drive, then trying to open it in my cell. No go. I tried emailing myself a link to the shared map. No go. I tried to export the kml and email the file to myself. No go. I installed Googl...
5 2553
by  Mike DavisJump to last post
29 Apr 2021 11:07 AM
19 Replies and 2709 Views New member  2709  19 Started by Was wondering if they're are any spots near liberty Washington I can go metal detecting I'm a new member and would love to check out some spots in Washington, idaho, and Oregon. Thanks!
19 2709
by  Mike DavisJump to last post
29 Apr 2021 10:59 AM
4 Replies and 2047 Views Mining olan  2047  4 Started by I have recently staked a claim now it is time to put together a working plan. The claim is in NM along an arroyo. I understand about mapping the roads and structures utility pole etc. can the are to be worked is less than 5 acres. Is there a way to word my plan so I do not have to put up a huge bond to dig holes and prove the claim has enough gold. I am good with a pick and shovel but I need to move more dirt than that to really evaluate the whole claim. So I will need an excavator .
4 2047
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
22 Apr 2021 11:27 PM
5 Replies and 1747 Views BAHDE claims  1747  5 Started by I am planning on going out to the BAHDE claim 17 18 group claim Has anybody been out there and if so what have they found or at any other of the claims BAHDE 10-14 Thank you I want to bring out my goal monster in my 140 dry washer any advice Would be great thank you
5 1747
by  Patrick CalhoonJump to last post
22 Apr 2021 03:02 AM
2 Replies and 1838 Views Gold cube trommel  1838  2 Started by Can I use my 2' trash pump on a gold cube trommel if I was to idle it down to adjust the water flow
2 1838
by  Joseph AndersonJump to last post
19 Apr 2021 07:34 AM
9 Replies and 7461 Views GPAA MARKERS  7461  9 Started by I went to a few of the claims north of Morristown here near Wickenburg AZ, and I couldn't locate any gpaa claim markers I was at the right gps coordinants. Is there a certain post, poll, or sign im suppose to look for when looking for the claims And also I advise if you go to these claims during the summer you bring plenty of water, its a hot one this year!
9 7461
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
14 Apr 2021 07:22 PM
10 Replies and 3432 Views Get the gold out of wet vial to weigh  3432  10 Started by So, being new, I have been panning pay dirt over and over for practice. Now that I have a gram of gold in a vial of water, what is the best way to dry the gold so it can be weighed I have not found any videos on that phase. Do you just leave that up to your buyer (if I ever get enough to sell) Mark, Montgomery, Tx
10 3432
by  Tommy GriffithJump to last post
13 Apr 2021 04:59 PM
13 Replies and 2393 Views Road trip and Camping (Vulture Bait)  2393  13 Started by Looking to meet with local chapter members and talk. Definitely talk before hand. Will be arriving Saturday the 13th of March or late Friday. Will be in the area for 4 weeks. Any help and knowledge is appreciated!! Driving from Florida. If you can help in this manner, please don't hesitate to ask for my contact info.
13 2393
by  Doyle McCandlessJump to last post
11 Apr 2021 09:33 AM
16 Replies and 2275 Views Greenhorn  2275  16 Started by Just asking if you go to these claims or area that has said other claims in or around you and don’t see or find any claim posts can you hunt those areas I’m metal detecting selling all my other Highbanker/Suction dredge equipment..
16 2275
by  Doyle McCandlessJump to last post
03 Apr 2021 09:07 AM
8 Replies and 7292 Views Mojave Desert  7292  8 Started by Just joined GPAA and I'm wondering if there is anyone in the area. Also if there are any claims in the Randsburg area. I'm located in Tehachapi CA
8 7292
by  PETE KOTTKEJump to last post
31 Mar 2021 01:19 PM
2 Replies and 2303 Views Prospecting around Coeur d'Alene Idaho  2303  2 Started by I'm going to be taking a trip to Coeur d'Alene in a week or two and I would love to meet up with somebody they can take me out panning or at least show me where to go myself.
2 2303
by  Troy LaFountaineJump to last post
26 Mar 2021 06:19 PM
0 Replies and 1354 Views Brady Noonan  1354  0 Started by Brady, I seen your Claim report posted for Bahde 12,13,14. and you will have better luck posting your questions here than in the Claim Report area. Plus you will have more of us seeing it and if you add some more details too of what type of prospecting your going to be doing and what claims your interested in that will be helpful too. Hopefully you see this and post your questions here or on one of the other areas listed. You'll get the feed back your looking for that will help you out. I've spe...
0 1354
18 Mar 2021 04:08 PM
3 Replies and 3128 Views GPAA claims in Meadview Arizona  3128  3 Started by Is their any GPAA claims by King Tuts Placier mine in Meadview or Dolan Springs Arizona
3 3128
by  Donald FurrowJump to last post
16 Mar 2021 10:18 PM
2 Replies and 1493 Views Placer mining plans  1493  2 Started by Does anyone have examples of approved mining plans. I have never submitted one so any help would be great. Acrampton1 Hotmail. Com
2 1493
by  Alan CramptonJump to last post
16 Mar 2021 04:21 PM
1 Replies and 1699 Views AKAU/GOLOD  1699  1 Started by I am planning a 2 week trip from the July 1st- July 29th and wondering will anyone plan to be there during this time frame Has anyone been there and give me your review of the place and experience This is me going big this while I wait for Australia's boarder's to open and I want to take a 2 - 3 week trip trip to Western Australis's, Kalgoorlie gold field areas also if the timing is right I will Tyler Mahoney's family while there they were on Gold Rush, Parks Trail. Any and all info woul...
1 1699
by  kary taylorJump to last post
13 Mar 2021 07:50 PM
2 Replies and 1653 Views Built a rocker box.  1653  2 Started by Looking forward to using it soon. Would like to plan a trip to California Motherlode country. I know my way around there a little bit. This is the 2nd rocker I've built. I think this one will work better than the first.
2 1653
by  Steve TueyJump to last post
13 Mar 2021 10:07 AM
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