1 Replies and 1370 Views
Barstow desert conditions 1370 1
Started by Petekottke@gmail.com
I've been out to to the desert a few times and had fun prospecting. Right now it's March and we are getting all of our rain. How long does it take for the soil to dry out before I can dry wash the material I'm really interested in going to the Barstow claims, but I don't want to waste my time and gas if it's too wet.
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1370 |
by Bill McCoy  07 Mar 2019 12:46 PM |
2 Replies and 2106 Views
We have concentrates we just need someone who can extract the gold 2106 2
Started by david@ucvcfunding.com
My boss is part owner of a pretty famous gold mine and because of this we have about 50k tons of concentrate and hard rock ore left over from the exploration stage of his project. This particular ore is known to have high concentrations of gold, silver and other PGM's, but one of the issues we're having is that normal fire assays are not picking up all the gold. Much of the gold is being washed away. We need a master assayer that can extract hard to get gold through a chemical or atomic procedur...
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2106 |
by DAVID ZHOU  04 Mar 2019 02:18 PM |
3 Replies and 2117 Views
GRE Claim size too large? 2117 3
Started by Kenaslan@earthlink.net
Just got an email from the infamous GRE (Gold Rush Expeditions) trying to sell me a Lode Claim here in Montana. (side note - nobody should ever NEVER buy from them). The claim is a Lode however they state that it is 20 Acres. How can they do that Please correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it the maximum size for a lode claim is 1500 feet by 600 feet, that is nowhere near 20 Acres. I am not an attorney in my mind this should invalidate any claim they are making as it is against the...
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2117 |
by richard lambert  04 Mar 2019 01:42 PM |
3 Replies and 2466 Views
Mining guide coordinates 2466 3
Started by Kenaslan@earthlink.net
In the day and age of modern GPSs that use STANDARD coordinates the latitude and longitude system went out with the dinosaurs. Does anyone know of a good app to change the outdated longitudinal coordinates to every day Garmin GPS The Garmin Montana 610 that I use, uses standard WGS 84 hddd°mm.mmm' not a system that was used at the turn of the century. The use of non standard,outdated coordinates makes me want to not renew my GPAA membership
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2466 |
by Ken Castillo  24 Feb 2019 06:24 PM |
11 Replies and 12576 Views
Lytle creek middle fork 1-3 (A) 12576 11
Started by kevinryan@netzero.net
Ok I know I am new here. I do have a question I went to Lytle creek a couple of time to find the middle fork 1-3 (A) claim I was following the direction in the book after I made the turn on the middle fork rd I found the road on the left but it was only a mile down the road. Today I went down the same road and went the 2.5 miles and did not find any road on the left. So what am I doing wrong or missing. I do not have a gps yet but am looking at getting one soon.
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12576 |
by Don Wendt  23 Feb 2019 01:37 AM |
0 Replies and 1593 Views
Started by pbhunter4@aol.com
I know a lot of people have been looking for treasure in the wrong place according to Dal's site (friend of Forrest Fenn}. Many, many people are looking for it in Yellowstone. You can read a cheap book and narrow down the location or keep throwing away money like looking in the wrong places like Yellowstone. Yellowstone is a no go, get the book. Forrest Fenn's book is great but it won't lead you to shiny dime. My book will help, get the book, save a bunch of money. https://www.facebook...
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1593 |
21 Feb 2019 10:01 PM |
6 Replies and 5383 Views
Just arrived in Tucson 5383 6
I got into Tucson yesterday. I am really new to this prospecting thing and plan to check out some GPAA claims in the area. Have been trying to contact someone from the club here but no luck for the past week.
Anyone have any advice or area info
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5383 |
by ROBERT MORALES  18 Feb 2019 09:29 PM |
4 Replies and 1953 Views
Newbie nugget hunter in BUCHANAN 1953 4
Started by tknauber1@gmail.com
Good evening all! First time poster, and recent remember of the GPAA! I was looking at the property in Buchanan, GA and was curious if anyone had tips they were willing to share Despite ten ish years of trail panning I have yet to find a flash in the pan. Any help is appreciated; I am eager to listen!
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1953 |
by Todd Knauber  16 Feb 2019 10:05 PM |
2 Replies and 2172 Views
Winter Prospecting on the Feather 2172 2
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/Uttr3RSSMxk Watch as Jeff does some winter Prospecting for Gold trying to get the jump on Gary ( Two toes ) on there yearly Gold contest !!! I only had a short window between storms so I took a short drive to the River in search of Gold.
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2172 |
by JEFF SMITH  14 Feb 2019 01:26 PM |
2 Replies and 2258 Views
Does anybody read these? 2258 2
Started by pbhunter4@aol.com
I'm giving someone a chance with my book. If you don't buy the cheap book with many color pictures and secrets and clues and just a good read and go find it. I will find it this summer, fairly positive. link below to my facebook where you can purchase the future best seller. Ha 'greenhorn' kind of misleading; I'd challenge Tom Massey any day to outpan him with REAL fine gold not what he calls fine gold, he can't catch it, but I think it means a greenhorn to this forum. Thanks htt...
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2258 |
by Dave Stewart  06 Feb 2019 08:06 AM |
4 Replies and 2086 Views
Melting gold 2086 4
Started by jesse.a.grayson.1@gmail.com
I was smelting my gold and using propane but it didn’t heat up enough so I changed from propane to map gas and the gold seems like it melted into the flux. I’m new to this so I’m not sure exacly how to redo it. My flux went from black with a gold center to black with a greenish center that I assume is the gold mixed with the flux.
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2086 |
by JOSEPH STASIKONIS  01 Feb 2019 10:07 PM |
4 Replies and 2262 Views
Newbie 2262 4
Started by y.jaron@gmail.com
I’m new to GPAA and was wondering what I need to bring with me when I visit a Claim besides my prospecting equipment
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2262 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  28 Jan 2019 11:32 AM |
0 Replies and 1329 Views
ATX Metal Detector 1329 0
Started by marquez.ja86@gmail.com
just looking for anyone with an ATX to go out with, do alittle hunting and could possibly give me tips on my ATX. Im in Glendale AZ so if you local lets hit up a creek or two. (623) 258-9889 cell text please.
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1329 |
22 Jan 2019 12:21 AM |
4 Replies and 2300 Views
Prospecting Mentor 2300 4
Started by dhartman57@outlook.com
Hello, I an a new prospector an will be camped in the area of Leadville Co. June July an Aug. of 2019. I am looking for a prospecting partner / mentor. I am a 61 year old retired firefighter and have my own tools.
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2300 |
by David Hartman  14 Jan 2019 08:31 AM |
1 Replies and 3748 Views
Directions To A Claim In Idaho 3748 1
Started by jask5152@live.com
Hello! I am planning a trip from Arizona to Boise, Idaho in May of this year (2019). Does anyone know directions to the His & His 1 and 2 claims in Boise County, Idaho No directions are provided for those claims in my Mining Guide. I appreciate any accurate information you have. Thanks! Jim
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3748 |
by WILLIAM HALL  11 Jan 2019 07:16 PM |
2 Replies and 1927 Views
Crevicing for Gold Another Day another Crevice 1927 2
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/JsRLj0mQ8Ko Tag along as Jeff and Gary (Two Toes ) head to the Hills in search of Crevice's filled with Gold !!!!!
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1927 |
by JEFF SMITH  09 Jan 2019 03:41 PM |
8 Replies and 7166 Views
Alberquerque area gpaa members/ gold spots 7166 8
Started by anthonyyip94@yahoo.com
Hey guys what is going on Im Anthony im new to the GPAA but not new to gold prospecting, anyways i'm wondering where exactly in the Sante Fe arroyos is the gold, like all the arroyos I was also wondering about the placetas area by Sandia mountain. Im going to leave my number here for any near by prospectors who would like to go gold huntin with me. (505) 582-3772. thanks happy diggin!
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7166 |
by Jamin Neet  08 Jan 2019 04:24 AM |
11 Replies and 10840 Views
Help with BLM website 10840 11
Started by otsoutdooradventures@gmail.com
New to all this and confused. Trying to research GPAA claims and referencing all corner posts on active claims via BLM stuff. Very confusing someone could make a mint on seminar on how to navigate. All help is greatly appreciated. So the question is ‘ how do you actually find and accurately find GPAA corner posts on claims’ Goodnews is though through stumbling I found my first piece of AU on one GPAA claim. GPAA mining claims online some of the GPS stuff/coordinates is way off posted b...
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10840 |
by J. Bella  07 Jan 2019 04:16 PM |
0 Replies and 1728 Views
Directions To Idaho Claims (Boise County) 1728 0
Started by jask5152@live.com
Hello! Am planning a trip to Eagle, Idaho around the end of May 2019. Would like to take my daughter, son-in-law, and, 2 grandkids to the His & His 1 & 2 claims for some fun family prospecting. In my mining guide, there are no directions to these claims. If someone can give me directions to these claims so I can plan the trip well in advance, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks! And, safe and prosperous prospecting to you all! Happy New Year!!!
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1728 |
28 Dec 2018 04:50 PM |
0 Replies and 1565 Views
California 1565 0
Started by kneptune19961@gmail.com
My husband and I went hiking over at this park. I want you all to be aware that there,is a large tree that has fallen across the pathway leading down to the stream bed. Also,there is structure that is near the waterfall what I could see of it, it was made up of plastic cover and wooden planks ,I did not investigate as I heard voices and backtracked my way out. I did email the Forrest Service,pre what the GPAA told me to do.
Kim Stone
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13 Dec 2018 02:06 PM |