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3 Replies and 4328 Views panning material  4328  3 Started by New member.  Looking for recommendations who to order material to pan.
3 4328
by  Ken CastilloJump to last post
28 Sep 2018 05:22 PM
0 Replies and 1446 Views Lincoln New Mexico area  1446  0 Started by  BIGTRUCKCDL@GMAIL.COM I am looking for stores in or near Lincoln New Mexico to purchase prospecting equipment.
0 1446
27 Sep 2018 09:43 AM
1 Replies and 2968 Views withdrawal maps  2968  1 Started by has anyone come across a master BLM withdrawal map  With so much 'Land Grab' by the feds, 100's of millions of acres, it would be nice to have a withdrawal map so as to know where NOT to be.
1 2968
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
25 Sep 2018 06:36 AM
13 Replies and 7856 Views Prospecting near Yellowstone park.  7856  13 Started by Last weekend I went up to Cooke City to do some prospecting. Went into town for lunch and was told it was made illegal to do any prospecting in the NF for several miles outside of Yellowstone park and couldn't go to the GPAA claim there.  I have sence found out that the locals don't like protecting because of the government's allowance to that Canadian company to prospect there and will not tell the truth.    Nevertheless I will be there again Saturday.  Has anyone prospect...
13 7856
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
24 Sep 2018 10:56 AM
6 Replies and 3648 Views RIVER'S GOLD GROUP RIVER'S GOLD 2 RIVER'S GOLD 3 & FLW  3648  6 Started by Does anyone have the corner coordinates for this group of claims  Or at least the rivers upper and lower limits of the 3 claims.  The online guide has the ingress and center coordinates but it doesn't make sense because the group is suppose to be 240 acres and the distance between the ingress and center is only 750ft.   I'm new to this so could someone help me out if i'm missing something 
6 3648
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
21 Sep 2018 07:53 AM
4 Replies and 1979 Views New Bern area, NC  1979  4 Started by Hello All, we are considering moving to the New Bern area of North Carolina. Can anyone advise on the opportunities available for panning in this area, if any Stephen
4 1979
by  STEPHEN PARKERJump to last post
17 Sep 2018 03:46 PM
2 Replies and 3403 Views Claim with RV Access  3403  2 Started by Hello fellow gold fevered friends, I'm looking for a place to take the family out on a camping/prospecting trip with an RV, does anyone know of a comfortable spot within a 5 hour driving radius from Los Angeles Much appreciated
2 3403
by  THOMAS GLOVERJump to last post
17 Sep 2018 08:11 AM
1 Replies and 1970 Views Gold maps  1970  1 Started by Has anyone purchased maps from hhengineering If so were they worth it
1 1970
by  Bill KillianJump to last post
12 Sep 2018 07:36 AM
2 Replies and 2137 Views New and looking for advice  2137  2 Started by  SUCCESSIN18@GMAIL.COM I am a new member of GPAA and new to prospecting.  It has been on my bucket list for a lot of years and I guess my wife decided it was time for me to actually do it.  I have talked about it and discussed it so she bought some stuff that we had talked about, a blue bowl, classifier screens, a RDH 6' power sluice and assorted other pieces of equipment. My question for now is what size material (max screen) should you run through this RDH mini power sluice  It is set up for recir...
2 2137
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
11 Sep 2018 11:30 AM
4 Replies and 3177 Views First day Prospecting Tips  3177  4 Started by Today is my first day going out to a gpaa claim. Looking forward to seeing what I find when I get there. I know there are not to many different claims here in the state of Texas that are close by for prospecting, so going to head out to the closest one to my home town of Dallas. If anyone has any tips I could use them. I know I am really going to enjoy getting out in nature.
4 3177
by  Scott LeidenbergerJump to last post
10 Sep 2018 04:11 PM
2 Replies and 1838 Views Greeting from Dallas  1838  2 Started by Today is day 1, my introduction to the GPAA. I have had some success with panning out paydirt that I had purchased online. Now I am looking forward to getting out in the field and finding the goodies that await. Any tips are welcome.
2 1838
by  Christopher WilburnJump to last post
04 Sep 2018 05:07 PM
0 Replies and 1285 Views Claim with RV Access  1285  0 Started by Hello fellow gold fevered friends, I'm looking for a place to take the family out on a camping/prospecting trip with an RV, does anyone know of a comfortable spot within a 5 hour driving radius from Los Angeles Hoping to be able to park the RV on the creek/river Much appreciated
0 1285
02 Sep 2018 07:48 AM
4 Replies and 3841 Views gold bullion  3841  4 Started by Just wondering if you bought lets say a one ounce gold bar. It comes in it's own packaging .Would it lose value if you removed it from the packaging I think if you remove the packaging from a uncirculated mint coin it would lose some of it's value. Inquiring minds want to know. Scott
4 3841
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
31 Aug 2018 03:29 PM
6 Replies and 4141 Views using a claim  4141  6 Started by I am a new member, haven't even got my card in the mail yet. I am almost ready to try my hand, once I get the card how do I go about using the local claims Do I have to call ahead make reservation or can I just show up will someone show up and check that I am there legal
6 4141
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
30 Aug 2018 04:16 PM
2 Replies and 1873 Views Does size really matter?  1873  2 Started by Hey All, Have a Whites TDI and three different sized heads.  Beyond the practical consideration of how big and does it fit in the nooks and crannies, can someone please direct me to a site or YouTube videos that address how to select what size is best for what specific applications Can give more specific details on what I have if helpful, but did not want to blather on unnecessarily. Cheers!!
2 1873
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
27 Aug 2018 11:09 AM
2 Replies and 2553 Views Need help with type of hose for a DIY 2 INCH dredge  2553  2 Started by There are pvc, flat, canvas and more. Which is the correct hose material. Can anyone send a link to where to buy the proper hose I'm building a dredge with a homemade venturi suction nozzle with a 1.5 inch pressure hose going to the venturi inlet then outlet is a 2 inch . Using a 3500gph bilge pump powered by slow draining deep cycle batteries... What type of hose is strong enough for 45 to 55 psi of water and rocks moving through it Any positive constructive criticism is welcomed...
2 2553
by  george oconnorJump to last post
27 Aug 2018 06:12 AM
1 Replies and 1753 Views Claim Access  1753  1 Started by I wanted to go try a claim, however I have been told by the local gpaa chapter that the neighbor has blocked a public road, the only access into the claim, and posted no trespassing signs.  How do I access the claim  Bolt cutters
1 1753
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
26 Aug 2018 03:46 PM
3 Replies and 2140 Views Why I voluteered to be a State Director and why we need more  2140  3 Started by   The man to my left is a close friend. We met getting water for our cisterns at the pump site. He had just retired from the Army after 33 years of service, two tours in Afghanistan, and one in Iraq. He like myself moved off the grid because a great deal of civilians are complete idiots and hard to be around, we both have our own form of PTSD but speaking the same language having both being Army we developed a bond. I taught him how to pan like I do with a lot of kids and it is a dying art...
3 2140
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
26 Aug 2018 03:40 PM
10 Replies and 8509 Views I may be gone for a bit!  8509  10 Started by   I took a hard fall backwards down a mountain and woke up in a pile of rocks trying to figure out how to get out, at the time I was inverted. In that incident I broke my elbow and left wrist but figured out how to get unpinned and get back up. I did not realize that I had been unconscious  for some time. The next day coming up I got bit by a Rattlesnake and it should have killed me, but some how I survived and got to keep my leg without anti-venom.     A few months go by...
10 8509
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
26 Aug 2018 03:30 PM
20 Replies and 10844 Views What to do with all the lead?  10844  20 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
So, one thing I enjoy about panning is that, even when I do not find any shinies (which is the majority of the time), I am collecting a ton of lead (birdshot, bullets, and fishing weights) out of the creeks, rivers, and ground, which is good for the environment. But, I now have a ton (figuratively) of the stuff and, if I just pitch it in the bin, isn't that the same thing as just putting it back in the river (more or less from an environmental standard) When I flyfish, I keep my cut line and ...
20 10844
by  William BarlowJump to last post
22 Aug 2018 01:02 AM
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