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10 Replies and 8551 Views I may be gone for a bit!  8551  10 Started by   I took a hard fall backwards down a mountain and woke up in a pile of rocks trying to figure out how to get out, at the time I was inverted. In that incident I broke my elbow and left wrist but figured out how to get unpinned and get back up. I did not realize that I had been unconscious  for some time. The next day coming up I got bit by a Rattlesnake and it should have killed me, but some how I survived and got to keep my leg without anti-venom.     A few months go by...
10 8551
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
26 Aug 2018 03:30 PM
20 Replies and 11010 Views What to do with all the lead?  11010  20 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
So, one thing I enjoy about panning is that, even when I do not find any shinies (which is the majority of the time), I am collecting a ton of lead (birdshot, bullets, and fishing weights) out of the creeks, rivers, and ground, which is good for the environment. But, I now have a ton (figuratively) of the stuff and, if I just pitch it in the bin, isn't that the same thing as just putting it back in the river (more or less from an environmental standard) When I flyfish, I keep my cut line and ...
20 11010
by  William BarlowJump to last post
22 Aug 2018 01:02 AM
1 Replies and 1810 Views Roads and non-roads  1810  1 Started by I am wanting to use a claim up above Placerville, CO.  This is how it is listed on the site: San Miguel, CO 204.41 Acres Land Status: BLM Claim Can I drive off the roadway and drive onto the claim lands where there are no marked roadways.  If it is safe to do so (safe for my vehicle) am I allowed to drive wherever I please if it is not destroying property Thanks.
1 1810
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
20 Aug 2018 07:23 AM
1 Replies and 2224 Views Spam in PM's  2224  1 Started by Over the weekend recieved a PM from an Evan Swaak.  Stated I had interest in buying claims and directed me to their new website for buying and selling claims.  Have never stated anything of the kind here or anywhere.  If I want a claim, I'll file one. Getting bad when spam goes from emails to PM's. Just wondering how many others got hit with this crap Hope the powers that be eliminate his forum privilges for thai kind of behavior
1 2224
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
13 Aug 2018 03:49 PM
2 Replies and 3503 Views Ca dredging ban  3503  2 Started by Does anyone know if there are any updates regarding dredging in ca. I have been looki g for updates since feb and can’t find anything new.
2 3503
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
11 Aug 2018 01:42 PM
0 Replies and 1601 Views Mystery Creek Gold  1601  0 Started by Mystery Creek Gold Join Jeff as he goes on a hike to a small Creek to check and see if there's any Gold in it !!!     Thanks for watching,       Jeff 
0 1601
10 Aug 2018 12:48 PM
2 Replies and 3415 Views Green Horn from Southern Calif  3415  2 Started by Work has finally let up enough for me to get out more. This is my first year prospecting and i would like to learn as much as I can about prospecting so I can pass it on down to my youngins'. I'm 35, A Millwright by trade so I already work my hiny off for a living, but now I'm geared up and ready to DIG! Inventory is as follows- 2 Fisher Gold bug 2's & all the necessary accessories, a Royal explorer drywasher and blower, picks, pans classifer screens * spell check is broke I gue...
2 3415
by  Gilbert RuizJump to last post
08 Aug 2018 07:05 PM
12 Replies and 9902 Views Heading to Colorado  9902  12 Started by I joined the GPAA last year and this is my first time to post anything on here. I apologize if this is posted in the wrong place. My girlfriend and I are heading to Colorado from south Texas for a “scenic tour”. We will be in the Durango, Silverton, Montrose area on the 11th and 12th of August. Anyone who might be prospecting in those areas and who might be interested in some free labor and willing to teach someone who is brand new and completely green, just shoot me a message and we can see...
12 9902
by  Chuck DixonJump to last post
07 Aug 2018 07:02 PM
6 Replies and 5302 Views opinions of access to claims  5302  6 Started by   Hello to all,  I'm trying to get a read on some of the suggested routes and requirements that it  takes to get to the claims. In Arizona the rocky and be real rocky and sandy can be deep sandy in the washes. I know the rental companies say no go on off road adventures but that is a definition. I've been reading the access points that some of the gentlemen have added to the claims and the pictures are a added value to say the least. I have done off road driving before but nothing...
6 5302
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
07 Aug 2018 07:08 AM
5 Replies and 4524 Views High Sierra Gold  4524  5 Started by High Sierra Gold Join Jeff and Mike as they look for Gold and Treasure in the High Sierra's , Watch as Jeff finds a  .45 Gram nugget.     Hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching,   Jeff
5 4524
by  JEFF SMITHJump to last post
03 Aug 2018 09:33 AM
0 Replies and 1510 Views Greaterville claims  1510  0 Started by Does anyone have better directions to the Greaterville claims I spent a day out there and finally stumbled upon Friendship. The map in the 2014 guide is not that clear.Hopefully the maps in the new guide are much better. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
0 1510
01 Aug 2018 04:18 PM
1 Replies and 6123 Views Hand dredges in California  6123  1 Started by Hey everyone, are hand suction dredges legal in California I have not been able to find much info but from what I have heard it is legal if it’s Manual and not connected to a sluice box. Any input would be greatly appreciated
1 6123
by  Dennis LynchJump to last post
28 Jul 2018 07:52 AM
0 Replies and 1869 Views Assay lab?  1869  0 Started by I was curious if anyone has any experience with Reed Laboratory  in California  I'm considering sending a sample in for analysis . I apologize if this should have been posted in another area. I really couldn't see where else would have been better. Thanks for any insight or opinions.  Jim
0 1869
23 Jul 2018 05:20 PM
4 Replies and 3295 Views How to post photos?  3295  4 Started by Hi All, I still cannot figure out how to upload a photo into a posting.  Figured out how to upload my image for the icon, but not this other. Also, tried searching but could not find instruction there either (likely my fault since there were a ton of hits on the search and I gave up after about 15 or so). Thank you in advance!
4 3295
by  Dennis LynchJump to last post
23 Jul 2018 09:16 AM
34 Replies and 14906 Views No Claim Markers?  14906  34 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I am a new member here in Northern California and have been to two claims so far. Both were unmarked in any way I could find. Most notably at the entry points, No notices of federal mining claim were anywhere to be found. The BLM land office in El Dorado Hills has told me unmarked claims are considered unprotected by them. On the Lady Bug claim there is an obvious public entry point with no claim signs and on S Able Granma there is a 4x4 road to a well developed camp site that also has no markin...
34 14906
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
22 Jul 2018 04:33 PM
3 Replies and 2857 Views Newbie here, what’s in my pan?  2857  3 Started by Hey everyone I joined the club a few days ago and love all the info here. I went sluicing near auburn ca a few days ago and after panning the material there is a bit of gold and silver looking material. What exactly is this silver material It moves with the gold flakes and all I have left is some gold and this silver stuff.
3 2857
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
18 Jul 2018 04:22 PM
4 Replies and 5145 Views Latest Greenhorn Says Hello  5145  4 Started by Hi Folks. Just joined the GPAA today. I live in the great gold prospecting State of Florida. However, I do get make trips to Georgia and the Carolinas a few times a year so I am looking forward to getting expert at panning with time. My last visit to Dahlonega got me hooked. While in Florida, I spend my time urban prospecting for gold jewelry, usually at the beaches. Just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to learning this hobby even better through the GPAA.
4 5145
by  WARREN WYMANJump to last post
18 Jul 2018 01:50 PM
3 Replies and 3705 Views Need Clarification  3705  3 Started by Need clarification on  some of the areas where you cannot dig/dredge on the banks of rivers. Does this include no digging on the inside corner rock piles that are above the water line Thank you.
3 3705
by  RICHARD KERSTENSJump to last post
12 Jul 2018 03:05 PM
7 Replies and 7588 Views Sluice advice please  7588  7 Started by I am running a 50” sluice with 2-1/2' high, 9-1/4' wide with a 13-1/4' flange has carpet & miner moss and the metal ramps(not sure what they are actually call). Please correct me if I have bad info, I have read to set with up any where from 4 degrees to 10 degrees pending gold loss and to pan a tailings pile to make sure minimum/no gold loss. I was out this weekend with some success however I kept running into it would take a very long time to run my material through my sluice.... I tried a ste...
7 7588
by  JUSTIN MORALESJump to last post
09 Jul 2018 11:02 AM
1 Replies and 3109 Views New to GPAA and have Questions  3109  1 Started by     My name is James. I have always wanted to prospect for Gold. I finally decided to join the GPAA. I have ordered some stuff online (practice pay dirt) to get some practice. I would like to take my grandson to one of the GPAA sites in Georgia seeing they are the closest to where I live. Can anyone give me some advice/help picking one that we could go to and camp for a couple of days.
1 3109
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
05 Jul 2018 09:55 AM
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