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1 Replies and 2135 Views I'm new to GPAA and looking for help and advice  2135  1 Started by     I'm new to the GPAA and looking for GPAA properties in Georgia. Is there anyone out there that can help me with some information on sites in Georgia. Thanks for any help.
1 2135
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
05 Jul 2018 09:49 AM
9 Replies and 6292 Views Reading the stream/creek/brook  6292  9 Started by I am fairly new to the gold panning world and have learned a lot from good people that I have met on in the waters and banks. However I have been out multiple times on a gold producing creek and have recovered small colors from my pans. Just yesterday I was out and met this guy and he was having pretty good luck up here in the north east and showed me his findings and there were some pickers and good flakes. I have been to this creek many of times over the past couple months and only pulled out ...
9 6292
by  MICHAEL STEELEJump to last post
03 Jul 2018 12:13 PM
4 Replies and 7322 Views Staking your own claim  7322  4 Started by Ok I have researched and found a piece of land in a township that appears to have no claims on BLM /Forrest Service Land. I have narrowed that out of a section this land 1/4 of the section should be available actually more however thats the section I was focusing on. Now I am interested in 80 acres of that 160 acres Do I stake it and file as 1 claim it seems somewhere I read i have to register it in 20 acres. Also is the fee higher for 80 acres compared to 20 if all in same connected land mass.....
4 7322
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
29 Jun 2018 03:01 PM
7 Replies and 4676 Views gold on beach?  4676  7 Started by Looking for possible beach locations (for a vacation)  along the Atlantic Ocean that may have gold hidden in the sand. Do you have any spots you have had luck 
7 4676
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
28 Jun 2018 11:56 AM
9 Replies and 14853 Views gpaa / ldma  14853  9 Started by ok soo I have a gpaa membership and still waiting for book n such in the mail...I see that the ldma has lots of property for them to mine but im not ldma..first question is can I mine any gpaa property in my area without group meetings ..say 24/7 if I choose to do second question is..looking under memberships I see ldma has property size like 120 acres n such like one in ga or sc cant remember but tells of gold found like nice nugs or flake gold but the gpaa has no such info under membe...
9 14853
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
26 Jun 2018 08:23 PM
2 Replies and 2342 Views 50 / 50  2342  2 Started by Looks like we just rolled over 50,000 members on the 50th anniversary of the GPAA. I think the 'Buzzard' would be proud.   Thank you Massey family. Scott L.  
2 2342
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
26 Jun 2018 11:01 AM
6 Replies and 4650 Views Setup for starting out  4650  6 Started by  Hello,       Alright I am wanting to go for a 4 day trip to southern Indiana for a  prospecting trip.  I have a 10 inch stream sluice and digging tools generator gas powered water pump small cleanup table, gold wheel separator. I have been in the industrial repair/maintenance for many years and usually if I want it or have an idea I make it or I'll  save my pennies and buy it later.   . My main question is, with what I have what is the...
6 4650
by  JIMMIE SMITHJump to last post
23 Jun 2018 11:19 AM
0 Replies and 1808 Views Gold on the Feather  1808  0 Started by Gold on the Feather   Watch Jeff as he takes you on a Prospecting trip to the Feather River in Northern California 
0 1808
22 Jun 2018 11:44 AM
2 Replies and 3997 Views Where to go in MD, DC, VA area  3997  2 Started by Good Afternoon, I have just joined the assoc. and I am interested in finding some areas near me that offer camping and mining activities.  Can anyone help me Thanks, Michele
2 3997
by  DONALD PIGEONJump to last post
21 Jun 2018 05:09 PM
1 Replies and 2463 Views Strategies to restrain those who are in office from controlling and limiting our freedom to prospect !  2463  1 Started by  TEDNICOL@MSN.COM   I have a hatred for the need of certain people to always try and control our lives and all in the name of FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE crap !   I am not trying to stir up trouble but I am wanting some input to an idea. These people need to understand that their constant meddling in other peoples affairs can be turned against them. I have read that the majority of our GOD GIVEN RIVERS that are rich in gold are the ones that these people ALWAYS  target to stop us from dredging or...
1 2463
by  ARTHUR PEARSONJump to last post
20 Jun 2018 01:17 PM
0 Replies and 1651 Views Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold  1651  0 Started by             Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold Take a trip with Jeff and Mike as they go on a trail ride up in the Sierra's to look for some Gold trapped in Bedrock . My first try at doing a prospecting video for my YouTube Channel it was a lot of work and a lot of fun to do !!! Hope you enjoy it If you liked the video please hit the like button and Subscribe to the channel I have more video's on the way.
0 1651
15 Jun 2018 07:41 AM
20 Replies and 15806 Views New to the metal detecting game and can't find anything, please help!  15806  20 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I am a 25 year old in the Nevada county area CA and been having the darndest time finding a good place to metal detect for gold! Anyone have any advice as to where I can find some good nuggets I really want to up my game from flakes and pickers (Sniping and Sluicing) to the chunky good stuff!
20 15806
by  lance carlsonJump to last post
11 Jun 2018 04:42 PM
3 Replies and 3854 Views Claim Maps  3854  3 Started by All, When I searched the forums I didn't see this question answered, although it seems like it would have been and I just didn't see it: Where can I get detailed maps of mining claims like the ones in the printed mining guide  In particular the Golden Tattoo, Fantastic, Lucky Strike, Quad C, R Double J listed in the online properties guide (which isn't in the printed guide and doesn't seem to have been in the Pick and Shovel updates).  RR 
3 3854
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
11 Jun 2018 08:15 AM
1 Replies and 2188 Views Two Colors of gold on the same river only miles apart  2188  1 Started by
1 2188
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
10 Jun 2018 12:41 PM
7 Replies and 3836 Views Snake Season again, be careful!  3836  7 Started by   As a Texan I am super cautious about snakes and thought I would be the last person to ever get bit, WRONG. Heading to my truck off the claim I heard a hiss but no rattle and felt a sting on my leg. I thought maybe a wasp or hornet had gotten in my jeans and stung me right above the boot level so I checked my jeans and there was nothing there so I continued to my truck and drove home. While driving I noticed my vision was as if I was looking through a fog, that and I felt terrible. So whe...
7 3836
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
09 Jun 2018 03:13 PM
0 Replies and 1342 Views How can I ALWAYS hide the LDMA sub forum  1342  0 Started by Noticed tonight just looking for new reading material that the LDMA sub forums are not viewable topics for me. I’d rather not have them clog up my list of forums if I am denied read rights. How can I block these from showing up in my forums list I see the arrow yes, but I would rather not have to click that every time I log in. Thanks
0 1342
08 Jun 2018 12:15 AM
6 Replies and 5212 Views New member, help with claims/places to go in central California  5212  6 Started by Hey everyone, glad to finally be a member of the GPAA! When I was growing up I went with my grandparents every weekend to the Greeley Hill area to look for gold. My grandpa would dredge and me and my grandma would pan and sluice. We didn't strike it rich but we got gold every time we went out. I've been trying to get started prospecting again but it's little bit intimidating. I've spent hours looking at online claim maps looking for unclaimed areas to try out. It just feels like everything ...
6 5212
by  MICHAEL STEELEJump to last post
07 Jun 2018 01:56 PM
0 Replies and 1527 Views Rocky Mountain Prospector Blog/Website  1527  0 Started by Hey Greenhorns! Be sure to check out my new Blog/ Website Rocky Mountain Prospector at  Helpful articles on basic gold prospecting gear and tips with many more to come.  Also check out the prospector shop for gold and gear for sale on ebay and Amazon! Also, like the Rocky Mountain Prospector Facebook page and join the RMP group!!   -Christian  
0 1527
06 Jun 2018 04:23 PM
2 Replies and 2515 Views New to the Forum and Hobby  2515  2 Started by Hello All, Just thought I would write a wee bit as I just joined the GPAA.  Have been panning a bit and getting some small bits here and there around Southern California for a few months now.  Just got my Minelab GM 1000 so going to take that out sometime soon and see what damage I can do with that as well.  Travel a lot for work, so hoping I can experience some of the different GPAA claims around the US as schedule permits.  I also like flyfishing, so there is some travel c...
2 2515
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
04 Jun 2018 04:27 PM
5 Replies and 3762 Views Quartz crushing  3762  5 Started by Hello, I am a new member and new to this Forum. I am from the UK and am now living in Murrieta California. Prospecting is new to me, but I just love the whole idea. Due to nearby new road being built I have collected many small bags of quartz showing many of the characteristics For possible gold bearing (watched a number of videos). Now purchased a small rock crusher and am ready to crush, wearing a mask of course. The quartz collected varies in size, but mostly less than 2”. My question is-“H...
5 3762
by  Scott LeidenbergerJump to last post
04 Jun 2018 02:20 PM
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