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6 Replies and 2641 Views Upcoming trip to Phoenix AZ - Any suggestions for claims?  2641  6 Started by I am heading to Phoenix, AZ this next week, and want to do some dry panning. Any suggestions on claims that are 'close' to Phoenix that you would recommend I have never dry panned before, and am going to try out my Gold Claw pan while I am out there. Any claims you would recommend that are within an hour or so of Phoenix Any locations on the claims (if willing to share) Any advice for a newbie for locating where to sample I have been prospecting for just over a year in Oregon, a...
6 2641
by  Leroy FennJump to last post
09 Feb 2024 04:07 PM
2 Replies and 2636 Views Stamp mill fines  2636  2 Started by I have some stamp mill fines from Blackhawk, Colorado. After screening them, I ran a few scoops with my gold pan. I'm seeing some very fine gold as well as some dark gray material (not black sands) which is heavier than the gold. I was thinking galena (lead ore), but although lead is heavier than gold on the periodic table, galena is less dense. Any idea what the dark gray material is and any suggestions on how to separate it from the gold Thanks for any information you provide.
2 2636
by  DON GREENOJump to last post
05 Feb 2024 03:47 PM
3 Replies and 3420 Views Gregory Fee  3420  3 Started by Hi Greg WELCOME TO THE CLUB AND TO THE FORUMS! The Forums, this is the area you should post your questions about Prospecting your question is 'where do I look' posted in the Placer Pete's claim guide review Where should I look Can someone show me through coordinates or detailed location on where to go for finding gold Whether it’s with detector or panning Ive never done this before and I don’t know where to go. Not sure where I should’ve posted this so I posted here, sorry. A...
3 3420
by  Joel ThomsonJump to last post
22 Jan 2024 06:24 PM
20 Replies and 18384 Views Angeles National Forest  18384  20 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
The 2014 GPAA Guide (Lastest version, I believe) lists Angeles National Forest near Azusa California as Public Land on which prospectors can pan or sluice for gold.  However, upon visiting the website for that national forest, I find this statement:  'All mining operations (location of mining claims, prospecting, and mining, including panning, sluicing, and dredging) under the 1872 Mining Law are prohibited within withdrawn areas of the Angeles National Forest.  Public Law No. 57...
20 18384
by  DON GREENOJump to last post
22 Jan 2024 12:37 PM
0 Replies and 1706 Views We Found a Gold Mine  1706  0 Started by We Found a Gold Mine We found an Abandon Gold Mine while scouting around looking for another hot spot on the creek so lets check it out !!!! I fire up my Minelab SDC 2300 to check for targets ( Gold Nuggets ) till our light goes out. On our next trip we will have better lights and more gear to test it properly. Brian takes a sample to pan of the Gravels to see if we can find any Gold in it. After our light went dead we head down to the creek to do some...
0 1706
17 Jan 2024 04:51 PM
8 Replies and 4355 Views Locations  4355  8 Started by Hello, I'm eagerly awaiting my first gold detecting outing, still.... I have been looking for the closest place to me in Yuma. This site says it is in California, Imperial. My question, is the Hauser Geode Beds the same as the Cinnamon Geo Beds thanks for your time. Anita
8 4355
by  Dean DahlheimerJump to last post
16 Jan 2024 09:56 AM
10 Replies and 4374 Views No local chapters were I reside  4374  10 Started by No one to help me here in north west Arkansas, sure would appreciate so sort of help in the arts of prospecting. I shud have checked first before I became a member. South west Missouri wouldn’t hurt either eastern Oklahoma. Hello
10 4374
by  Mern ShepherdJump to last post
15 Jan 2024 07:54 PM
9 Replies and 3475 Views New Mexico claims  3475  9 Started by New Mexico being closest place of interest to me, what should I expect What should I bring to camp there Cold does not bother me, being that I came from the Great Lakes Ohio area and moved to Fort Worth Texas recently. Any information would be helpful. Thank You All
9 3475
by  Debra SalazarJump to last post
12 Jan 2024 01:05 AM
0 Replies and 1426 Views First Gold of 2024  1426  0 Started by Me and Gary TwoToes head to the Hills for the first time in 2024 in search of Placer Gold Nuggets !!!!! Will it be a Happy New Year Mother Nature is working against us as the Snow levels have dropped to around 2000 feet and the temperature has dropped also making each rock and boulder a slippery death trap !!!! We both break out our Detectors the Minelab SDC 2300 for the first time in the New Year !!!! Moving Boulders to find Bedrock Crevices...
0 1426
10 Jan 2024 01:23 PM
9 Replies and 10573 Views GPS App for Android?  10573  9 Started by Hello all, Does anyone have an app that they recommend so I can use my phone as a handheld GPS when I'm far from any cell towers. Thanks
9 10573
by  Randy CocherellJump to last post
09 Dec 2023 11:37 AM
0 Replies and 2004 Views Bedrock Nugget Shooting on the River  2004  0 Started by Last Winters Bomb Cyclone and Mother Nature cleared off a patch of Bedrock for us to Detect in our search for Placer Gold Nuggets. The weather wasn't the best as it rained off and on during our hunt but a short thirty minute hike and we were back at Gary's TwoToes Jeep warming up and getting a bit to eat. Sometimes it pays off to hike a little further and check new areas to see if anythings changed with the river after it's hit it's highest water le...
0 2004
06 Dec 2023 02:55 PM
3 Replies and 4829 Views El Dorado / Placer County  4829  3 Started by Looking for others so I do not have to walk around the forest alone. I live in Shingle Springs and would be happy to drive.
3 4829
by  Steve TueyJump to last post
30 Nov 2023 10:42 AM
0 Replies and 1706 Views Detecting Placer Gold on the Yuba River  1706  0 Started by Detecting Placer Gold on the Yuba River ( Copy and Paste link to view ) Me and Gary pack up the Jeep with all the gear to head up in the Sierra Nevadas ( Mother Lode ) to find some Placer Gold Nuggets on the Yuba River. Metal Detectors, Sluice boxes and all our hand tools for Gold Panning and Crevicing are packed in Garys Jeep Rubicon just waiting to get the call if we need th...
0 1706
29 Nov 2023 01:23 PM
2 Replies and 3306 Views First Riffle Clogs on Sluice  3306  2 Started by I recently got a sluice box; it is my first time using one. For reference, I am using the Royal Manufacturing 30-inch compact sluice and classifying it down to 1/4 an inch. For some reason, the first riffle of my sluice box keeps clogging up while the rest of the riffles perform and act exactly as they should. When I was running it the other day I figured the other riffles would catch the gold even though the first riffle was clogged (they did) so I didn't mess around with it. But I would like t...
2 3306
by  William HallJump to last post
22 Nov 2023 04:07 PM
5 Replies and 4355 Views Tonopah Arizona area  4355  5 Started by while i have been looking through the forums and searching online. I have not found more exactly what im looking for (may not exist but im trying) and thats any areas south of i10 to go look around for gold.well really,silver,copper,cinnabar,precious stones and gems but for now trying my luck at gold. i own protperty in tonopah az near palo verde power plant to give an idea to the area im looking at but would also like to know how to identify,test rock for different things espe...
5 4355
by  Kenneth WilsonJump to last post
22 Nov 2023 12:54 PM
0 Replies and 6006 Views Junior Prospector Membership  6006  0 Started by I just received an email from the GPAA on the new JUNIOR PROSPECTOR MEMBERSHIP! I just wanted to shout out to all the members that visit this site and say, ' Now that is a wonderful idea to add to the future of the GPAA!' As I have always said the age group of the GPAA members are mature and seasoned adults like me. I am 54. But as many of us believe, 'we are on our way out in life, right' (chuckling as I am writing this Heck, you all know what I But all...
0 6006
02 Nov 2023 05:40 PM
2 Replies and 3510 Views what's your favorite or preferred way to stay within claim boundary's  3510  2 Started by I was wondering what are the best ways to stay on the claims and not venture off do you guys use a certain GPS'S or a preferred topo map
2 3510
by  DON GREENOJump to last post
16 Oct 2023 07:48 PM
0 Replies and 2020 Views Crevice Detecting Gold Nuggets  2020  0 Started by The Bomb Cyclone that California Received this spring moved around and Redeposited some of the smaller Placer Gold. We hope to find a pocket that Mother Nature left and maybe a patch of Bedrock that she cleared for us to Detect in our search for Placer Gold Nuggets. You couldn't beat the the weather and the water was nice also. The hike well that was another story make sure to take plenty of water for the not so short hike out of the Cany...
0 2020
10 Oct 2023 11:04 AM
3 Replies and 3786 Views looking for more info about the FRIENDSHIP MAYBE MAYBE NOT: in south east Arizona  3786  3 Started by just joined the GPAA and the closest claim to me is the 'FRIENDSHIP MAYBE MAYBE NOT: claim but there's not to much info on it or at least that i have come across any more info would be greatly appreciated
3 3786
by  James WestJump to last post
09 Oct 2023 01:23 PM
10 Replies and 5526 Views California Clarification  5526  10 Started by  JIM BROTHERS So do I understand it correctly that dredging is no more How about highbankers Anything else killed off prospecting related Jim
10 5526
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
27 Sep 2023 05:28 PM
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