2 Replies and 4153 Views
newbee looking for others 4153 2
Started by Jsparky22.jm@gmail.com
hi my name is jesse minter im an 41 year old electricion living in sanjaun island north west washington st. very eager to change lifestylse and seek the get able
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4153 |
by Wayne Crowder  24 Dec 2017 04:03 PM |
3 Replies and 7224 Views
Gold King Creek Alaska Adventures 7224 3
Started by kib@goldkingcreekalaskaadventures.com
I would like to introduce myself. I am Kib Cannon and have been mining on Gold King Creek and the surrounding area for over the last 30 years. I am getting older and slowing down, but still have the fire and the passion for gold mining. So I have decided to open up to the public. I still have plenty of virgin ground with a strong pay streak going through it. If you have the fever, you will come home with gold, not just some colors in a pan. I have a nice and modern Infrastruc...
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7224 |
by Kib Cannon  20 Dec 2017 03:04 PM |
7 Replies and 5374 Views
Hey guys. Made a video of my homemade sluice. Check it out! 5374 7
Started by Brettamuss@gmail.com
Hey guys. Made a video of my homemade sluice. Check it out! Tell me what you think. I would like to hear all comments good or bad. Thanks! https://youtu.be/kehCht9GESM Like and share if you want. Subscribe too!
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5374 |
by brett lucas  19 Dec 2017 09:54 PM |
7 Replies and 6804 Views
looking for places to highbank in north Ga. 6804 7
Started by golfballbill67@yahoo.com
I am going to north Ga. in just over a week and would like to do some highbanking while there. I have been to gold and gem grubbin 5 or 6 times in the last year. Great place I always have fun and find lots of gems but never much gold. I have ran both the paydirt piles and out of the river there and just didnt find much gold. So I am looking for other places to run my highbanker in Ga. North Ga. would be best but anywhere in Ga. would be helpful and it does have to be in Ga. this trip. I am aware...
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6804 |
by Bill Boles  17 Dec 2017 07:59 PM |
13 Replies and 13881 Views
GPAA Claims near Happy Camp CA 13881 13
Started by Jackandgabriela@gmail.com
Has anyone done any sluicing or panning in the Happy camp area GPAA claims. Live in Oregon but would like to plan a trip down there is it is worth it. Thanks in advance.
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13881 |
by Jonathan Monnier  04 Dec 2017 05:01 PM |
1 Replies and 2623 Views
Newbies checking out San Luis Obispo! Guidance? Words of Wisdom? 2623 1
Started by Lesleytipton@gmail.com
Hey guys!
My granddad used to prospect in AZ and guided us to GPAA to get started. We just signed up today and plan to go out to the claim in SLO this weekend.
I'd love any guidance as far as what to bring (we have pans, we expect we need to bring water but don't know how much, we're going to get a shovel and pick ax....), what to look for when we get there, how to decide where to dig. Anyone been to this claim in particular
We've been watching videos and are read...
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2623 |
by WALTER EASON  29 Nov 2017 08:56 AM |
2 Replies and 2728 Views
minelab eureka god detector 2728 2
Started by kenny.stites@gmail.com
Fellow yellow stuff diggers. I have a chance to purchase a minelab Eurela Gold detector(used) older model. What should I expect to hear or see in this model I know nothing about them. Are they easy to use or are they more for the expert Will it actually find gold Would 400 be to much to pay for one
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2728 |
by kenny stites  26 Nov 2017 04:34 AM |
5 Replies and 4798 Views
New member 4798 5
Started by tmitch8206@gmail.com
Hello everyone, I'm a new member, and just getting started in prospecting. I live in southern New Jersey, I know I need to travel to do so. I looked in the properties section and saw about Calvert Cliffs in Maryland, I can not find anymore info about prospecting there online. Anyone on here been there or have info on it Thanks in advance. Tom
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4798 |
by WALTER EASON  22 Nov 2017 07:14 AM |
3 Replies and 3463 Views
Oconee , SC property advice 3463 3
Started by kgard1225@yahoo.com
Hi all, I am going to take my wife to the Oconee property to do a little sluicing in December if we don't freeze. I have never been there before , I usually go to the Loud Mine or Weekend Goldminers property in north Georgia. I'll only have a few hours in the water so am looking for some advice on where to have a decent chance of digging up some yellow. I want her to find a little color so she will get interested in going more often. Happy Wife, Happy Life !! OR , at least she will see why I hav...
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3463 |
by KEN GARDNER  22 Nov 2017 06:28 AM |
14 Replies and 9590 Views
observations 9590 14
Started by roady692001@yahoo.com
just a few observations ive seen in claim reports. people that give negative comments on a claim because they didnt get rich after spending one day on a claim. and people that complain about signs down or how much trash is on a claim and saying that somebody needs to fix these. do they think there is maintenence guys are going claim to claim. clean or fix, not complain. im in michigan and am happy to be out prospecting and knowing i wont get much here. quit complaining and help out.
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9590 |
by WILLIAM HALL  21 Nov 2017 02:43 PM |
5 Replies and 6699 Views
Rye Patch, NV Claims Higrading 6699 5
Started by bmoorewi@aol.com
There were some recent discussions on another forum that must be shared with the GPAA membership. For those that metal detect and prospect in Rye Patch, NV, please read the following summary and share with your Clubs members and prospecting friends.
From Land Matters:
The above map shows who the land manager is and which sections have claims. The simple fact that the BLM is the land manager does not mean the land is open to prospecting or claim.
I took the next st...
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6699 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  17 Nov 2017 04:24 PM |
3 Replies and 3743 Views
Minelab SDC 2300 3743 3
Started by worldavi@gate.net
Anyone have good experience with this MD Just picked 1 up, wanting to know if there are any quirky things that I need to watch for What are depths/nugget size relationship approximately
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3743 |
by joseph Loyd  05 Nov 2017 06:22 PM |
3 Replies and 13955 Views
Colorado claim 13955 3
Started by ScottSn3@aol.com
I'm a new member to the GPAA and would like to try the Homack 1 - 3 claim outside of Idaho Springs. Anybody visit the claim recently Is it well marked Anything I should know before I go. I plan on panning or using a small sluice if their is water.
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13955 |
by Jesse Stephens  05 Nov 2017 08:08 AM |
3 Replies and 7247 Views
Negativity in forums 7247 3
Started by bfergusson57@gmail.com
Im new so i dont know Much about the club yet So i have been reading The forums i was Quite shocked to see So many negative posts The membership fees In this club are very Inexpensive in my Opinion and it opens A lot of places to mine I would be happy with My membership even If i never find any gold Thats just a bonus Clubs are about Comrades and doing Things together not About making money I say for those that Are unhappy just go File your own claim And stop compl...
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7247 |
by WILLIAM HALL  02 Nov 2017 03:23 PM |
1 Replies and 4118 Views
New member gpaa 4118 1
Started by bfergusson57@gmail.com
Hi everyone i just joined and Am planning a trip to Or. Was thinking of stopping At 9 mile gold any tips About that claim no one has Posted about it in the guide Thanks. Brian
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4118 |
by WILLIAM HALL  01 Nov 2017 03:12 PM |
0 Replies and 1539 Views
Change or addition to the forums possible ? 1539 0
Started by cmcnure@hotmail.com
Is it possible to get the 'Mark as Read' also added to the top of each forum so we do not have to scroll to the bottom of the page to hit this feature . Most times only the first couple topics has new information added.
Thanks, Clem
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1539 |
01 Nov 2017 08:07 AM |
14 Replies and 8199 Views
I am a new member. Need advice 8199 14
Started by Tommygoswick67@gmail.com
I was a member a few years ago but.never got the chance to get to serious about mining. Now I'm retired. Me and my wife are excited to head out this spring to mine. Can anyone help us out with a good place to go for our first time We are in Oklahoma but can go anywhere. Thanks Tommy..
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8199 |
by Benjamin Crain  30 Oct 2017 05:39 AM |
14 Replies and 9843 Views
Twentynine Palms, CA area 9843 14
Started by lynn-smith@roadrunner.com
Any other prospectors out there in the Twentynine Palms, CA area Just moved back to this area from South Carolina. Glad to be back on the West Coast..
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9843 |
by DAVID BRUTON  25 Oct 2017 06:50 AM |
3 Replies and 4463 Views
Cube 4463 3
Thinking about getting the three stack cube set up. Will be used as a final cleanup tool. I have a spiral wheel but it's way too finicky to use and I always find gold in the tailings. I know this topics been posted a bunch , I prospect New Mexico mostly small stuff. What's everyone's opinion Joe
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4463 |
by Garrett McDermott  23 Oct 2017 06:07 PM |
3 Replies and 4040 Views
New claims 4040 3
Started by Honeydew.list@yahoo.com
I looked in the pick & shovel and seen 2new claims in montana went to the form to see where they were at it said no matches on them could anyone give me info on them they are the Bessie Henry and the Kamsie 1 & 2
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4040 |
by TIM COULTER  18 Oct 2017 10:43 AM |