11 Replies and 12905 Views
Little Georgia Silverton,colorado Claim 12905 11
Started by garyspoonemore@yahoo.com
I'am going to this claim in July and was wondering if anyone has been there and could get me some information about the claim.
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12905 |
by Gary Spoonemore  12 Jul 2017 08:17 AM |
1 Replies and 5312 Views
Can anyone identify this 5312 1
Started by dehaasmedia@yahoo.com
Small black very metallic or iron like even has rust color in cracks weighs 5 grams for its size but is not magnetic nor responds to metal detector but feels like very hard metal https://www.dropbox.com/s/fk59oqf6c0hplv1/IMG_1460.JPGdl=0
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5312 |
by Mark Jackson  10 Jul 2017 03:05 AM |
7 Replies and 6433 Views
Started by Jackandgabriela@gmail.com
Ok what's up 129 views to my info request on these claims and not one response. Has no one been or done anything on either of these claims Would really like to plan a trip down from Oregon but not getting much help from my fellow GPAA members.
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6433 |
by joseph Loyd  07 Jul 2017 04:58 PM |
11 Replies and 8662 Views
Fine gold in creek question 8662 11
Started by Sal@historyhunts.com
I have located a patch of creek with lots of very fine gold and a few pieces big enough for tweezers - still tiny. This shows as much as 20 colors in a pan of 1/2 inch classified material. I've only dug in the surface gravels - say surface to 2 feet - with gold being found on surface on down. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as to where larger gold might be. My thoughts are possibly upstream or deeper but I am relatively new at this. Thanks
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8662 |
by CHRISTOPHER SATKOWSKI  07 Jul 2017 02:54 PM |
8 Replies and 5835 Views
Wet Rock and Wandering Star Claims road conditions 5835 8
Started by Jputke@hotmail.com
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the Wet Rock claim and Wandering Star claim can be reached without a 4wheel drive vehicle They are east of the Las Guijas Mountains just north of Arivaca, AZ. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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5835 |
by joseph Loyd  04 Jul 2017 09:15 PM |
20 Replies and 15092 Views
Gold Bug II vs Gold Bug II Pro 15092 20
Started by Jputke@hotmail.com
Hi Everyone, I am new to GPAA and prospecting. I am thinking of getting a metal detector. I met a guy who has a Gold Bug II Pro. He likes it, although he said he has never found any nuggets with it yet. He said if I bought one he could show me how to use it. I've been reading as much as I can on detectors and reading forums. From what I've seen and read on forums, people seem to say better things about the Gold Bug II than the Gold Bug II Pro. Any advice for me before I buy Which one will...
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15092 |
by Jim Utke  02 Jul 2017 10:49 PM |
0 Replies and 2597 Views
GPAA CLAIM information 2597 0
Started by Jackandgabriela@gmail.com
I would like to try my luck on The Big and Little Dipper Claim out side of Happy camp CA. I will be coming down from Oregon and was wondering if anyone could give me any updates on those. Thanks.
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2597 |
29 Jun 2017 11:06 AM |
3 Replies and 4679 Views
Best Producing Family Friendly Claim 4679 3
Started by clemgram99@gmail.com
Any recommendations on a claim that will produce color, has easy access, with fewer cougars, bears, and snakes. My son (20), wife (60), and I wants to try a hand at gold panning / detecting.
State, County, Federal, Rules, Regs, and carrying a shotgun while out of state, (Iowa vs Colorado), is causing Gray Hair!
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4679 |
by David Clemens  25 Jun 2017 10:22 PM |
3 Replies and 6512 Views
Arapahoe Bar Gold Panning Park, Wheatridge CO 6512 3
Started by tricountyconst07@hotmail.com
Greetings fellow Prospectors,
Found some color..... But had lots of black non- magnetic sand & magnetic black sand, so the A52 riffles loaded up quickly. Grrrrrrrrr
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6512 |
by Scott Leidenberger  25 Jun 2017 07:52 PM |
2 Replies and 5827 Views
Micron Gold Processing 5827 2
Started by crashcrain@gmail.com
These gentlemen have approached me twice about doing a demonstration of their product, and I must say I am not only impressed but a few hundred dollars richer from just 2 gallons of material that had already been panned, and I just classified it down to 20 micron and below.
The name of the company is goldstrikemicrongold.com. You can buy one of their machines or send them buckets of cons for them to process. The price is either 1/3 the gold recovered or $100 per 5 gallo...
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5827 |
by DAVID LINE  18 Jun 2017 01:16 PM |
2 Replies and 4687 Views
Professional Dredging Job Opportunity? 4687 2
Started by crashcrain@gmail.com
Talking with a 11 Claim owner, he is working at getting a permit to run a 5' Dredge up a creek that has never been touched in Colorado. He is currently completing the permits, and he needs people with dredging experience to work it. The creek is not large enough to support pontoons but anybody can rig up a wench or come along to move it forward. The pictures of the materials are unbelievable and I am pretty sure he will pay well since he has no dredging and only lode experience hi...
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4687 |
by Benjamin Crain  16 Jun 2017 05:42 PM |
18 Replies and 11143 Views
What's the status of the SGR East Fork? 11143 18
Started by Joshuafreitas@hotmail.com
Hi Everyone,
New'ish member here. I'm looking to take my wife and three boys to the East Fork at San Gabriel in a week or two and before we drive the 2 hours from San Diego I wanted to know if the Forrest Service has banned panning and sluicing (there seems to be a lot of conflicting information). I haven't been up there for a year so I'm looking to those more informed about the status. My boys are really looking forward to it (first time for my 5 year old twins) and my older ...
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11143 |
by joseph Loyd  01 Jun 2017 07:41 PM |
2 Replies and 4617 Views
Dry Washer 4617 2
Started by smpellz@yahoo.com
I am looking to purchase a dry washer and was wonder what others like and dislike about what they have or have had in the past. What do you like/dislike about a certain brand. If you had to purchase another one would you stick to the same brand or purchase something different.
I would be dry washing in the Southern CA desert area.
Thanks for any replies/advice in advance.
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4617 |
by WALTER EASON  01 Jun 2017 07:54 AM |
10 Replies and 21594 Views
Magnets and black sand 21594 10
Started by tinkersnotes03@outlook.com
I'm a newbe and looking at the black sands in with the dross , what kind of a magnet would be best to separate them out I see from the posts that there are several types of magnets discussed and was wondering if some one has tried the polished hematite avalible at rock shows It is just a thought but it seems to me that several hematite in a small nylon panty hose would be a cheap way to go.
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21594 |
by WALTER EASON  30 May 2017 02:34 PM |
36 Replies and 12236 Views
Buy Gold and Silver @ wholesale 12236 36
Started by kathybullock@ymail.com
How Do We Do It
'How can 7k Metals not charge commissions or mark up on bullion and still make money'
We have a very simple business model. By having a focused group of customers brought together for a single purpose (getting the best prices on precious metals), we use our collective buying power and purchase precious metals from the largest distributors in the world at the lowest prices possible!
We then pass the prices WE pay on to our customers. Now, obviously...
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12236 |
by joseph Loyd  28 May 2017 07:10 PM |
2 Replies and 4110 Views
Lady Bug Claim 4110 2
Started by gmcde2002@yahoo.com
Can anyone give me some info or feedback on the Lady Bug Claim Access ok Findings I'll be In Sacramento working for a few days and wanted to add a few days of prospecting to my trip! I'm set up for sluicing, panning and Metal Detecting , thanks in advance for any tips and feed back. I look forward to exploring the area, I've never been up that way! Garrett
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4110 |
by Garrett McDermott  25 May 2017 01:28 PM |
2 Replies and 4209 Views
Husker 1 / Notice of Intent 4209 2
Started by k_sutton3@yahoo.com
Greeting all. Have some questions that I hope everyone one can answer or have a opinion on.
there's a small section on the husker 1 claim that I would like to set up a small operation on. before going any farther I would like to make sure I'm within the club regs. and have members onboard. I would like to bring in a small track hoe and mine a small area. the hoe would be used to strip and stockpil...
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4209 |
by WALTER EASON  25 May 2017 11:33 AM |
1 Replies and 3918 Views
Husker 1 / Notice of Intent 3918 1
Started by k_sutton3@yahoo.com
Greeting all. Have some questions that I hope everyone one can answer or have a opinion on.
there's a small section on the husker 1 claim that I would like to set up a small operation on. before going any farther I would like to make sure I'm within the club regs. and have members onboard. I would like to bring in a small track hoe and mine a small area. the hoe would be used to strip and stockpil...
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3918 |
by WALTER EASON  25 May 2017 11:22 AM |
3 Replies and 3848 Views
gold bug 2 coil cover 3848 3
Started by tim.lammers@yahoo.com
just bought a gold bug 2. want to buy a coil cover for the 6.5 coil. what is the old head and what is the new head. the covers are different
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3848 |
by Garrett McDermott  23 May 2017 08:00 PM |
2 Replies and 5494 Views
BLM OFFICER of the Year 5494 2
Started by crashcrain@gmail.com
I want to give incredible thanks and appreciation to a BLM officer people have nicked named '7 Clips'. He got the nickname because he caries 6 clips and one in the pistol, but I have never called him that and I personally think it is an insult. His name is Ted and he works in Colorado where my claims are. He comes down and checks on us to make sure we are not trespassing and sometimes just to talk. If you are breaking the law he is going to address it certainly. Over the last few years our organ...
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5494 |
by EDWARD LEGAULT  20 May 2017 09:56 PM |