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1 Replies and 4362 Views transferring a claim  4362  1 Started by Anyone have tips on paperwork checkoff when buying a claim deed from someone Seller did the quit claim deed and registered in the county office already. Just curious if there is anything else to do prior to the 1 Sep deadline for assessment, etc  Also, will the LR2000 not be updated until I file the 1 Sep paperwork  
1 4362
by  A. BRENT HARSHBARGERJump to last post
06 Apr 2017 12:18 PM
0 Replies and 3715 Views PANNING, PANNING, PANNING, get your dredges smoking, RAWHIDE!  3715  0 Started by The most important thing to learn when you begin prospecting is how to pan, but you don't know if you are doing it right if your materials have no gold in them. You will have to pan to test a site, and then your final cleanup depends on how well you can pan. For new prospectors I recommend you buy a bag of concentrates, and not from 'GOLD RUSH'. Watch youtube videos to learn the technique if you don't have somebody to teach you, and then try it out on some concentrates over a tub so you don't ...
0 3715
03 Apr 2017 01:08 PM
2 Replies and 5568 Views New member  5568  2 Started by Hi everyone . I have been placer mining since 1989. Stopped due to a death in the family for 10 years & now i am back . Looking forward to visiting Stanton again . I will be there on the 11 of April . See you there
2 5568
by  Catherine StephensJump to last post
29 Mar 2017 12:16 PM
9 Replies and 8138 Views Gold in your own back yard  8138  9 Started by I was curious to see if anyone has prospected around their backyard and actually have found gold.  I'm not talking about within a few miles driving distance but actually right behind your house.  I keep thinking to myself theirs gold in that there backyard.
9 8138
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
28 Mar 2017 04:00 PM
0 Replies and 2369 Views pan or more  2369  0 Started by what methods of take or is it just panning on gpaa claims  
0 2369
24 Mar 2017 04:52 AM
3 Replies and 5054 Views Greenhorn 2 GPAA  5054  3 Started by I just joined the GPAA and I'm in the process to learn this web sight and all of the great tools of information and so much more, that said, I'm just a greenhorn. I was wondering if anyone could answer a question for me. Would like to know if any local Los Angeles, Kern County or So Cal group outings get put together on this Form. Would like to find out or how too join a group of fellow gold prospectors. Best, Erick J
3 5054
by  Steven PellnitzJump to last post
22 Mar 2017 07:12 PM
5 Replies and 6000 Views new member. Central calif.  6000  5 Started by wondering if anyone meets up on a regular basis to go to any of the claims. I am in driving distance to tuolumne or eldarado.   I drove to one this weekend, but due to the weather it wasn't going to work out.
5 6000
by  JOSEPH STASIKONISJump to last post
19 Mar 2017 07:52 PM
2 Replies and 4524 Views Downieville Claim Location  4524  2 Started by The D AND J 1 claim next to Downieville CA says there is a switch back trail that leads to the claim. Has anyone been there Very difficult hike, no decent trail could be found, looked for hours. All I could assume is walk through the creek for a mile, as my GPS shows, or maybe all the brush is heavily overgrown. Sides of canyon are very steep so options are limited. Any tips
2 4524
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
19 Mar 2017 09:40 AM
2 Replies and 5242 Views New member  5242  2 Started by Hi everyone, I'm glad to be a member of this wonder group. This has been a goal of mine for 7 years now and love prospecting. I am living in Hesperia, CA and have been to both Lytle Creek area and East Fork on the San Gabriel River. Next I plan to go to Stanton, AZ for a while and test out the claim there then we'll see where life takes me from there.
2 5242
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
17 Mar 2017 08:20 PM
26 Replies and 12981 Views Has anyone tried using the blm lr 2000?  12981  26 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
  Looks like Obama has hit us again by eliminating the old system and putting something in there that you will have to have a major in computer science in to use, just 18 more days if he don't take us all prisoner before then. Tom
26 12981
by  Wayne TorresJump to last post
09 Mar 2017 06:02 PM
3 Replies and 10901 Views Staking a claim on a Closed claim  10901  3 Started by Does anyone have experience, advise on staking a claim on old closed claims with the BLM  I have 2 closed claims nearby I would like to claim and work.  Any insights on what forms to start with a send in would be great.
3 10901
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
09 Mar 2017 06:45 AM
3 Replies and 6607 Views ANY NEW Gold Fever shows ?, not on my cable network  6607  3 Started by Anybody seen new Gold Fever shows , I love that theme song  but my cable company , Verizon  doesn't carry the Outdoor channel anymore ! I had to order some dvds from the store here !!! I sure miss my sat. show 
3 6607
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
06 Mar 2017 06:00 PM
1 Replies and 4416 Views Chapters joining forces via Facebook!  4416  1 Started by Our Chapter recently got into a heated battle with the BLM trying to close down hundreds of thousands of acres in our region alone. Because those that want all prospecting shut down are very organized and doing the majority of the protesting we decided to try to join Chapters via the most commonly used website for Social Media, Facebook.     As much as I don't like using the site our message and the people wishing to join our fight took off. People from prospectors, other chapters,...
1 4416
by  William AdamsJump to last post
04 Mar 2017 03:51 AM
3 Replies and 5518 Views Do you really know how big a mining claim is ?  5518  3 Started by   I really get a kick out of post that say there is no gold on this claim after they get out of there truck and turn on there $5000.00 detector and walk about a 100 ft. and declare a shity claim. Do they even comprehend how big a 20 acre claim is, (43560 sq. ft. per acre x 20 = 871200 sq. ft. and if you go a ft. deep I think its 32266.66 yards of dirt to move. Most just walk over the best ground because they have listened to  many self proclaimed nugget hunters or watch to many you tu...
3 5518
by  William AdamsJump to last post
04 Mar 2017 03:38 AM
8 Replies and 8485 Views small miner waiver  8485  8 Started by  WATMOC@HOTMAIL.COM as a new claim owner I would like information on assessment for a waiver. what would be standard improvements to do to satisfy the requirement  is labor by me considered in the fee is sampling part of the fee I could ask the BLM, but would rather do it here if possible.
8 8485
by  William AdamsJump to last post
04 Mar 2017 03:16 AM
2 Replies and 5440 Views Directions  5440  2 Started by Planning to check out the Placer Creek claims in North Central New Mexico.   Anyone been there and have any better directions.  Not much info in the guide or on line.  
2 5440
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
01 Mar 2017 02:30 PM
4 Replies and 6830 Views GRANT COUNTY, OREGON  6830  4 Started by  EJWHITEJR81@HOTMAIL.COM Just checking to see if anyone knows if they decided what can be used in Oregon or not on a claim with a river going in it. like classifying bucket to spiral wheel or crushed rock to blue bowl. YEAH I'm bad at panning had to cheat LOL. Of course metal detecting and if you need a permit for the little stuff like that
4 6830
by  William AdamsJump to last post
28 Feb 2017 03:52 AM
4 Replies and 5347 Views PCSC Claim round Gold Found  5347  4 Started by Went prospecting at the PCSC Claim this weekend only to find gold. The strange thing is, I was pick axing on the wall face to DryWash, when cleaning my con's I found some very strange teardrop BB or round gold. Has anyone seen gold like this before Some said that some one must of seeded the grounds but I said that's impossible because I was picking at virgin ground. Any help would be nice.  
4 5347
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
27 Feb 2017 10:34 PM
1 Replies and 5304 Views Did not find the claim  5304  1 Started by   Hi all,     I could use some help. I'm totally new. Went to the Little Jo and Little Jo 2 claims in Socorro County NM. The directions in the mining guide were very close so I found the road easily. The claim was to be about 6.33 miles after the highway turnoff. The road even had markers every .35 mile. I thought piece of cake as the actually goes through part of the claim from the map. When I got to the 6.25 mile marker I went very slowly to look for anything posted. Nothing...
1 5304
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
21 Feb 2017 07:14 AM
4 Replies and 3259 Views Finding a place to try out- CO  3259  4 Started by It is a little overwhelming trying to find a place I can go checkout.  Is it an active claim, am I allowed to mine in the area, can I use a high banker, is it private property, are the Rangers going to take my stuff and give me a ticket, etc... How can I find an area before hand without driving up and finding out there is no parking or the area is privately owned (even though its in the national forest)  I even tried out some of the local spots along I70 near Denver but it was extre...
4 3259
by  Ken RedingtonJump to last post
20 Feb 2017 10:09 PM
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