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1 Replies and 5512 Views Colorado Drywash Claim?  5512  1 Started by I have a member of my chapter that has mentioned he wants to go drywashing here in Colorado and I have seen a few private drywash claims towards the Utah border and off of roads coming off of Highway 141 near Gateway, does anybody of any GPAA drywash claims in Colorado at all
1 5512
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
20 Feb 2017 10:44 AM
1 Replies and 4427 Views BUSTING CLAYS!  4427  1 Started by With all this stormy I have plenty of time on my hands to deal with a small bucket of my 2 cons off my shaker table. With a record run on the table from materials found on our last outing of the year producing 2000 grams of 1 cons out of a 5 gallon bucket  I had thought I had a great recovery but was to realize that I had just as much gold in the 2 cons as the 1cons. Even after pre soaking in dishwasher soap and micro managing the table and a all clear water run  the clays still ...
1 4427
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
18 Feb 2017 07:34 PM
2 Replies and 4906 Views Write to the new EPA Chief Scott Pruitt  4906  2 Started by      So it's official, the new mining friendly EPA Chief is Scott Pruitt. Everyone needs to write Mr. Pruitt a letter. Be respectful & ask him for help to uphold the 1872 Mining Act. Describe how Gold Miners & Prospectors need as much help as the Coal Miners need. Tell him that the BLM & USFS are using environmental rules to stop Gold prospectors from doing what clearly is our right to do...Prospect for Gold. Tell Mr. Pruitt that roads are blocked to Gold claims, Prosp...
2 4906
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
18 Feb 2017 07:51 AM
91 Replies and 33932 Views Where's the GPAA leadership???  33932  91 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
    An open letter to Tom Massie and the GPAA leaders...  It's time for everyone to contact Tom Massie and say 'Brandon's leadership in the GPAA is a disgrace...Where is he And Tom, your Father would not tolerate how Brandon & Kevin are avoiding the GPAA website. I think George Massie would be ashamed of Brandon' Brandon, I dare you to actually post something here...Anything. This is your website and you don't...
91 33932
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
15 Feb 2017 08:57 AM
6 Replies and 9784 Views Help with staking a claim  9784  6 Started by Hello! I'm still pretty new to staking a claim. I'm in Alaska and have an idea of where I want to stake a claim...I'm checked with BLM and checked out and can't find any issues. Well, I'm not sure exactly how to start the which forms and whatnot to fill out. It's winter now, but I'd love to have my claim ready for spring/summer. Anyone experienced with staking claims in Alaska Thanks!
6 9784
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
13 Feb 2017 12:00 PM
1 Replies and 4320 Views Dry washer build...?  4320  1 Started by I have done plenty of research on the internet about building a dry washer.  I understand the air box, riffle tray design and hopper aspects.   My question pertains to the cloth/mesh system that is used to capture the gold and yet allow the air flow up from the bottom. Anybody have any tips or suggestions  I plan to have a 1/2' hardware cloth under the top mesh to help with strength and rigidity of the catch cloth... just need a little direction on the material to us that wont ...
1 4320
by  tom glennJump to last post
10 Feb 2017 09:47 AM
2 Replies and 5072 Views Boise gold show  5072  2 Started by Anyone know why there is no gold show in Boise for 2017
2 5072
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
08 Feb 2017 05:25 PM
5 Replies and 10795 Views GRAVITY DREDGING AND BEATING THE SYSTEM!  10795  5 Started by   My buddy and claim owner neighbor came by for me to help him with some mapping and we got talking about all the water this year and his gravity system which is a 6' pipe with 3' nozzle sucking from the upper end and dumping in a sluice box. I'm glad he is upstream from us because he's sent plenty of fine gold and flakes our way. So I decided to try my hand at this using a different concept with 100 ft. of 3' corrugated plastic pipe necked down to 11/2' at the bottom to make hea...
5 10795
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
08 Feb 2017 10:06 AM
1 Replies and 4359 Views Canadian from AB  4359  1 Started by I am brand new to prospecting and just yesterday I received my GPAA membership. I have been buying toys for last few years but had no chance yet to try them out. I am planning to drive to AZ this coming week and prospect claims along the way to AZ, from AZ I'd like to go to NV, CA and work my way back north to BC. Any locals along the way that are willing to meet and share some experience and maybe even get out to a claim would be appreciated. My itinerary and time frame is not set in stone ...
1 4359
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
05 Feb 2017 09:33 AM
1 Replies and 4147 Views state laws  4147  1 Started by  raklineplumbing   a lot of states and parks have laws that say only panning is aloud, my question is if ya dig in a creek for material to pan, could ya beat the system by digging in river and run a highbanker in a wash pan as a reciculating system, there would be no steam discharge and muddy water. just kick the idea around
1 4147
by  tom glennJump to last post
04 Feb 2017 03:06 PM
3 Replies and 6442 Views lucky strike gold mine nc  6442  3 Started by  raklineplumbing   looking at taking a trip to lucky strike mine in nc around 2nd week in march any imfo about the camp would be great, camping with a rv, thanks
3 6442
by  GARY HITCHCOCKJump to last post
04 Feb 2017 10:08 AM
12 Replies and 7848 Views Green belt swank claim  7848  12 Started by Can someone please explain this green belt to me. The swanky claim says no digging in the green belt 20 feet from bank. The river is at most 40 feet wide so if no digging within 20 f=t of bank then there's no digging.
12 7848
by  STAN KARNJump to last post
03 Feb 2017 05:29 AM
2 Replies and 5247 Views IS MINING IN YOUR BLOOD AND HERITAGE?  5247  2 Started by My bride tells me in a recent post by my cousin from Colfax ca. on facebook that she had uncovered ownership of mines by our relatives from the past. With further research I found they owned part of the famous Big Oak Tree Mine, $ 100,000.00  and the Valley Forge and I'm sure some others. The Big Oak became part of the Rising Sun IN the 1930's $ 2,000,000.00 strong and the family was in all the major camps like Virginatown, Ophir, illinoisetown , Gold hill and others as they were all Corni...
2 5247
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
24 Jan 2017 09:52 AM
6 Replies and 6424 Views Traveler looking for info on prospecting Sacramento CA area  6424  6 Started by Hello,  I am a green to prospecting and was looking for some help to a few questions.  I am wanting to try panning in El Dorado county and found there is the Auburn state rec area to go on.  I have tried to contact the park but no answer yet.  So maybe someone on here can answer. 1. Do you need to purchase a vehicle or a park pass to go into the park. FYI I am from out of state. 2. Are there any claims to be concerned about  If so where do I go to be informed of them...
6 6424
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
23 Jan 2017 04:34 PM
7 Replies and 5360 Views JUST A GLEAM IN MY EYE, LOST AND FOUND GOLD:  5360  7 Started by
7 5360
by  Brad LambJump to last post
23 Jan 2017 11:17 AM
3 Replies and 3704 Views Grand new to gold, any info welcome! Arizona  3704  3 Started by Im north of Scottsdale and have been into Lapidary for some time, Cab King setup for grinding and polishing cabs; love to go hiking and look for new rocks. I read something about metal detecting, and did my research, ending up with a Minelab GTX 4500. Im still learning how to use it by having a 'garden' at home that I seed with stuff so i can figure out the machine. I bought Garrett pans and have been playing around with paydirt to hone my skills. Now I feel I am ready to go exploring.....then I...
3 3704
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
22 Jan 2017 10:03 AM
3 Replies and 3004 Views THE TWO BOX AND FINDING THE MOTHER LODE!  3004  3 Started by
3 3004
by  Tamara TizianoJump to last post
22 Jan 2017 04:26 AM
7 Replies and 9386 Views My Trip the the Arizona Gold Basin (Part 3) Bahde Claims  9386  7 Started by So as promised, in this thread I wanted to share some specific lessons learned, observations, tips and suggestions for anyone who plans on visiting the Gold Basin Arizona. Before you read this Part 3, please read Parts 1 and 2 as I won't cover anything that I already covered except to perhaps elaborate on a couple things I may have already 'briefly' mentioned. For anyone who doesn't already know, I am no expert, I am actually a Greenhorn, a rookie when it comes to Gold Prospecti...
7 9386
by  Tamara TizianoJump to last post
21 Jan 2017 03:48 AM
4 Replies and 6102 Views New Gold Bug by Fisher Question  6102  4 Started by I spend each spring/summer in the Black Hills of South Dakota panning and sluicing for gold.  I'm getting older (I'll be 72 this year) and the buckets of classified material that I run through the sluice are getting too heavy for me so I'd like to take up metal detecting for coins, and metal detecting for GOLD.  Last year as I was walking down a trail to my camper I picked up a square nail from the side of it.  Laying under the nail was an 1876 seated liberty dime!  It made m...
4 6102
by  tom glennJump to last post
16 Jan 2017 01:12 PM
3 Replies and 3410 Views Cracking the big ones, and just blowing crap up!  3410  3 Started by
3 3410
by  tom glennJump to last post
13 Jan 2017 11:44 AM
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