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4 Replies and 9645 Views State Director  9645  4 Started by I saw where South Carolina does not have a state director.  How does a person become a state director
4 9645
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
27 Dec 2016 12:14 PM
3 Replies and 4217 Views jon stansberry  4217  3 Started by i posted and it says i have 66 comments but i can not look at them. just woundering why
3 4217
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 10:02 PM
3 Replies and 4538 Views  4538  3 Started by   Has anyone heard of an outfit called sending out post cards trying to buy mining claims, could be a scam   Tom
3 4538
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 08:28 PM
13 Replies and 7254 Views LOST GOLD, WELL ALMOST LOST:  7254  13 Started by
13 7254
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 07:52 PM
13 Replies and 8497 Views Building a Home made river indoors.  8497  13 Started by   This is a pretty interesting challenge, what does it take to build a recyclable river in your own garage, be able to run materials, concentrates, and then keep the area pretty clean with low Ice build up.   So we came up with a system using a Keene Sluice over a tube that recycled the water, and we found it worked better then anything we can do on the river. Get your sluice set up at the correct angle first using small wood pieces placed between the tubs and once the angle is cor...
13 8497
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 07:11 PM
1 Replies and 3728 Views BEST OF BOTH WORLDS:  3728  1 Started by With the shortest day of the year behind us I can look out the window and see the Sierra Nevada mountains five miles to the west and the great basin northern washoe nv. and Skedaddle  range 15 miles to the east which gives hope of a easy winter, go global warming. My wife said  maybe  it will only be 4 to 6 weeks before she is running up and down the mountains in the high dessert and best go to the gym and get in shape. Me, I don't do much running and have to rely on my trust...
1 3728
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 06:18 PM
24 Replies and 12165 Views Got a Call from the GPAA the other day...  12165  24 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I got a message from Membership services the other day asking me why I have not sent in my renewal after being a member for over 4 years.  I kind of wanted to share my thinking here because I don't think the explanation sunk into the young Lady enough so that the powers that be will have a clue.  Blanket comment- the GPAAA is a great organization that is doing great things.   Just not so much for the east Coast. Now I'll grant that living in FLORIDA, just about the only state k...
24 12165
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 05:28 PM
1 Replies and 4144 Views Lost MINES AND BURIED TREASURES:  4144  1 Started by   The last few winters and springs we have ben looking for lost mines or treasures in northern Nv. described in the book NEVADA LOST MINES AND BURIED TREASURES by Douglas Mc Donald. The main one we chased was the three pools of gold and the story of John Durkin finding float north of pyramid lake and assaying at $ 15000.00 a ton but never finding the lode after 400 ft. of tunnel and trenches but I believe I have. Though my assays are only $ 7800.00 a ton I think I have figured it out ...
1 4144
by  jon stansberryJump to last post
24 Dec 2016 05:14 PM
0 Replies and 3417 Views best time in my life  3417  0 Started by planed a month trip. stopped in nc. did not move fore 10 days. i did spend 500 dollars for camper and gold bags. came home with over 1/2 oz. wow i had a blast. go there next year. but i will try to make my next 6 stops.
0 3417
21 Dec 2016 07:25 PM
1 Replies and 7560 Views WINNEMUCCA,NV New Chapter  7560  1 Started by hello everyone, Im sure most of you have seen my other post about starting a new chapter in northern Nevada ( north central area) in Winnemucca, NV . if you are a guest or a member on here from  the area please feel free to join us. We are not 'official chapter' yet because we need more members to fill our directors positions. we have monthly meetings on the last Tuesday of every month at the Humboldt county library from 7pm-8pm. or you can contact me  Travis nix (775)304-39...
1 7560
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
15 Dec 2016 08:11 AM
11 Replies and 5934 Views The big adventure begins  5934  11 Started by   Hey guys!   I should be camping tonight somewhere in the Gold Basin area.  I'm in a big 5th wheel and am set up for serious boondocking--no services required.  Has anyone camped a big rv out that way before  Any advice for first timer :-)   Here are my gear options for use on this trip...   I have a drywasher...(but have discovered that I need a 'VAC-PACK' to be fully effective in this...need to make one of those...or buy one.)   I have a Gold Cube...
11 5934
by  Wayne CrowderJump to last post
14 Dec 2016 07:16 AM
9 Replies and 7134 Views Anyone got a spare/non-used GPAA mining Guide?  7134  9 Started by Aside from losing things on a daily basis, I lost my 2014 mining guide (I am up to date on dues through Oct 2017) in a move from Inland Empire California to Orange County California. It's not uncommon with my condition, took a brain rattle overseas in Iraq and never been quite the same. I feel the need to share a bit as I was hoping someone might have a current mining guide lying around collecting dust and I'll even offer to buy it if you can let it go for less that the GPAA told me it would c...
9 7134
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
13 Dec 2016 09:33 AM
8 Replies and 6061 Views Here comes the NEW EPA!  6061  8 Started by Trumps selection to head up the EPA seems like a great choice which might work well for you dredgers. Scott Pruit is very combative with the EPA. 'Representing his state as attorney general since 2011, Pruitt has repeatedly sued the EPA to roll back environmental regulations and other health protections. He joined with other Republican attorneys general in opposing the Clean Power Plan, which seeks to limit planet-warming carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants. Pruitt has argued that curb...
8 6061
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
12 Dec 2016 04:54 PM
0 Replies and 2658 Views Boy am i glad she likes prospecting!  2658  0 Started by   Cold and windy today after a snow storm and then rained it all off so I decided to work on a project that I have been working on for a while which is a beer keg smelter. Had already bought the refractory and got a keg from my kids scrap yard and had it most the way ready to pour the cement. But again my shed is too cold so it was back to the kitchen so waited for her to leave Christmas shopping to set up the tubs and get the hoe and other goodies ready to complete the task. All went well...
0 2658
11 Dec 2016 03:46 PM
4 Replies and 4318 Views a good day at the table:  4318  4 Started by
4 4318
by  tom glennJump to last post
08 Dec 2016 08:34 AM
1 Replies and 3442 Views Oh Oh... :-(  3442  1 Started by    Hey guys...    I feel like an idiot here.   Just retired to an RV.  Am about 200 miles away from the Gold Basin on the first treasure trip of my 'golden age'...   Figured I better bust out my mining guide and get my poop in a group...  And I can't find it!  I think I left it at a restaurant 650 miles back :-(  Great way to start, I know...  Need to get a new one and fast.  Can someone tell me how to go about that    ...
1 3442
by  Brad LambJump to last post
08 Dec 2016 06:54 AM
11 Replies and 8227 Views First real greenhorn success!  8227  11 Started by Been playing around in the Wallowa river area. Places there are no claims. So far it wasn't very good. Out of about 3/4 of a bucket of dirt sifted to 1/4', I got a total of three tiny flecks of gold. Today, I went up the bank and dug in a dryer area just below the high water line on an inside curve. Got one nice little flake and one fleck in a single test pan dug down only on the surface, down to about 2'.  Now I can set up a sluice and expect the results to be worthwhile...
11 8227
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
07 Dec 2016 08:52 PM
6 Replies and 7226 Views Questions about mining guide  7226  6 Started by I've been looking through the mining guide and I found a contradiction. the page is PI-133 in the general information for Pennsylvania. The last paragraph of the page starts by saying 'State Forests and Game Lands are open to panning, and prospecting.'   Then the very last line of the page in bold says. 'State game lands are closed to all forms of prospecting. There is no removal of anything, violators will be issued citations.'  So I'm a bit confused. -Scott
6 7226
by  JOHN DORVALJump to last post
07 Dec 2016 04:29 PM
2 Replies and 3712 Views Fire Gold!  3712  2 Started by We spent the summer prospecting a portion of our claims that most would just walk over the top of and not look back. It was heavily mined by the Chinese with long rows of stacked rocks and my wife has found a bucket full of square nails along with  a hand pounded rusty gold pan, forged ax head among other things. But the most interesting thing we found was an array of small nuggets all in one small sample bucket containing  gold, silver, platinum and copper in different shapes and form...
2 3712
by  tom glennJump to last post
01 Dec 2016 01:14 PM
11 Replies and 9017 Views My Trip the the Arizona Gold Basin (Part 1) Bahde Claims  9017  11 Started by Well I am back. After months of research, study, planning and preparations... Frankly my first time at 'Electronic' Gold Prospecting was everything I had hoped for. I will begin by saying that with my goal of finding a gold nugget or two, I failed. No gold nuggets but I did collect some amazing rocks, I brought back 5 gallons of Gold Basin paydirt and in my collection of rocks I managed to find a handful of gold flake glazed rocks. I have alot to say and share about my trip, about Gold Basin...
11 9017
by  Shane EdwardsJump to last post
01 Dec 2016 07:18 AM
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