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1 Replies and 6036 Views My Trip the the Arizona Gold Basin (Part 2) Bahde Claims  6036  1 Started by So in this thread I thought I would begin to share some of the things I wanted to know about before visiting the Gold Basin Arizona, specifically the Bahde...
1 6036
by  Brad LambJump to last post
30 Nov 2016 11:12 AM
25 Replies and 11000 Views Undercover BLM and Forestry Department agents?  11000  25 Started by
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From what I was told from a trustful source is that the BLM and Forestry Dept. is sending out under cover against that act like fishermen or hunters, and...
25 11000
by  tom glennJump to last post
30 Nov 2016 08:51 AM
3 Replies and 4808 Views Cub Scout Outing  4808  3 Started by Hey all. I also posted this in the business section since I wasn't sure where to post in the first place.  So my nephew's cub scout pack is going...
3 4808
by  Sam BritchJump to last post
29 Nov 2016 08:08 AM
1 Replies and 5490 Views River Dredging on the San Miguel in return for some dry washing.  5490  1 Started by Just an idea, but would some groups this year like to come to a highly producing dredge claim on the San Miguel River in return for offering a trip for...
1 5490
by  Travis NixJump to last post
25 Nov 2016 07:48 AM
3 Replies and 4959 Views Arkansas River in Colorado  4959  3 Started by Any fellow prospectors been to the GPAA claims near Buena Vista Colorado Going there in September. Any info on the claims would be greatly appreciated.!!
3 4959
by  Michael PlessingerJump to last post
25 Nov 2016 04:31 AM
1 Replies and 5440 Views Undercover BLM and Forestry Department agents?  5440  1 Started by From what I was told from a trustful source is that the BLM and Forestry Dept. is sending out under cover against that act like fishermen or hunters, and...
1 5440
by  Travis NixJump to last post
23 Nov 2016 04:22 PM
6 Replies and 3952 Views Brand new member and to prospecting. Claims?  3952  6 Started by Hello all, I am new to the gold thing. Taken this on with my son, so we can spend more time together. We are both getting the fever and learning as we...
6 3952
by  Scott McCullockJump to last post
22 Nov 2016 04:35 PM
2 Replies and 4971 Views Looking for hard rock mining  4971  2 Started by Is there anyone here ever do any hard rock mining beyond casual use in Arizona If so can you tell me anything about the permit and bond process, like filing...
2 4971
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
21 Nov 2016 03:54 PM
2 Replies and 5480 Views Gold Basin Arizona Claims = Bahde vs Hoppy  5480  2 Started by Okay fellow members... Last attempt at hopefully some discovery. Tomorrow early I head out on my very first Nugget Shooting adventure and it's going...
2 5480
by  Shane EdwardsJump to last post
19 Nov 2016 06:30 PM
6 Replies and 6978 Views Processing Calvarites and Tellurites?  6978  6 Started by   Since our claims here in Colorado are only a few miles down stream from the head of the San Miguel River which is in Telluride we have a great deal...
6 6978
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
18 Nov 2016 04:26 PM
19 Replies and 9896 Views NOTICE: Active GPAA Member Chapters  9896  19 Started by So I notice under the Community Section there are only 5 'Active GPAA Member Chapters listed. But I recall when I purchased my GPAA Membership there were...
19 9896
by  Vince EmeryJump to last post
18 Nov 2016 07:46 AM
1 Replies and 3850 Views BLM Permits?  3850  1 Started by So a good friend of mine has given me permission to prospect on his claim.  Am I responsible for getting any permits from BLM or Forest...
1 3850
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
17 Nov 2016 02:46 PM
27 Replies and 15831 Views NEW GOLD RUSH  15831  27 Started by
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So the new season of the gold rush started on Friday the 14th of October. My wife and I watch the show pretty religiously, but I was wondering does any...
27 15831
by  JEFF STONEJump to last post
16 Nov 2016 12:30 PM
4 Replies and 6992 Views Hardrock Mining in Northern Washington State  6992  4 Started by I have access to a 1900's hard rock mine.  I've been through the tailing piles, assed several locations plus have old surveys of the area that...
4 6992
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
13 Nov 2016 11:16 AM
6 Replies and 5672 Views The New Country leadership  5672  6 Started by With the election results now final, we can look forward to having a government that will be 'more' for our interests. The dredging issue should be appealed...
6 5672
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
13 Nov 2016 09:59 AM
5 Replies and 7833 Views Sluice versus Suction dredging  7833  5 Started by To Dredge or Sluice I have worked a few GPAA claims.  The latest one out of Boise outside of Boise.  I meet the manager of the Boise GPAA claim. ...
5 7833
by  Kevin GillasJump to last post
12 Nov 2016 10:01 PM
5 Replies and 6402 Views Randsburg gpaa claim  6402  5 Started by A long time ago I seem to remember a GPAA claim just down the road from LDMA camp near Randsburg, CA - does this claim still exist or is it long gone ...
5 6402
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
11 Nov 2016 05:12 PM
8 Replies and 6863 Views Which is best for Nugget Shooting, Bahde 10-14 or Hoppy 1-4?  6863  8 Started by So regarding my Gold Basin Arizona trip this month, I early on in my planning selected the Bahde 10-14 Claims out of the Claims Guide and have completely...
8 6863
by  Shane EdwardsJump to last post
09 Nov 2016 07:47 PM
7 Replies and 8533 Views NEW POST: GPAA Forums Strategy  8533  7 Started by I get nothing but Crickets on so many of my posts LOL... So I just keep talking to myself until someone else joins in... Conversation on the GPAA Forums...
7 8533
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
09 Nov 2016 09:19 AM
3 Replies and 6277 Views New guy here  6277  3 Started by Dropping in to say howdy to y'all Got my pack in the other day and where heading up to the hills to see what we can find. All I got now is a few...
3 6277
by  Shane EdwardsJump to last post
06 Nov 2016 11:44 AM
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