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3 Replies and 4940 Views Any info on Hahns Peak North of Steamboat Springs CO?  4940  3 Started by Im Going to Hahns Peak the first week of June does anyone know what I should expect 
3 4940
by  Ron FlanaganJump to last post
12 Sep 2016 08:59 AM
9 Replies and 8563 Views Why is there such a low level of Activity on the Forums?  8563  9 Started by It's dissappointing seeing so many members who have had sincere questions or made genuine offers of friendship to share their passion for Gold Prospecting to only go unanswered. We have more than 33,000 members registered here and yet such a low level of interaction and activity... It's sad! Anyways... I am pretty good at this kind of thing but very limited in knowledge. My experience is in metal detecting and mostly relic shooting up to this point. I am just now getting into Gold and nugget sho...
9 8563
by  Ed BraggJump to last post
08 Sep 2016 02:20 PM
54 Replies and 27661 Views Fine gold recovery?  27661  54 Started by
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So I'm running into a issue of not being able to get the fines out of my concentrates.( I've been saving all concentrates). Quick google search I find a ton of gadgets and watzitdo's at various places, and of them worth it I saw some YouTube vids of a bearded fella classifying down the material a bunch of times then panning. Is that a better route Any insight would be helpful James
54 27661
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
07 Sep 2016 05:06 PM
16 Replies and 15455 Views Frustrated NOOB  15455  16 Started by OK I'm frustrating myself. At the moment I can only classify down to 30. When I'm panning I am seeing what I think is flour gold flowing out of my pan. I am using a Garret riffle pan. I get my concentrates very wet and swirl it around and when I look in the pan I see gold on top of the rest of the cons. When I'm panning I can watch the flakes move up the riffles and the rest of the cons stay in the pan. Could it be that what I'm seeing is mica It sure looks shiny yellow to me.  I guess I...
16 15455
by  THOMAS GLOVERJump to last post
03 Sep 2016 05:24 PM
10 Replies and 11233 Views Colorado trip  11233  10 Started by I am planning a trip to Colorado hopefully in May, I can't really find any current information on the forum. Can anyone give me some information on good claims to prospect I am still waiting on my mining guide to arrive so not sure of what the club has, but I am hoping someone that has been on the claims can give me some info. Is Colorado a waste of time Thanks
10 11233
by  THOMAS GLOVERJump to last post
03 Sep 2016 05:17 PM
6 Replies and 6791 Views Best Dry sluicing process?  6791  6 Started by I an truly a greenhorn when it comes to prospecting.  I live in AZ and have just joined GPAA.  I am curious about dry prospecting since the water sources are very spread out, to say the least, in AZ.   I am curious about prospecting on day trips, hiking trips.  I am not looking to carry a number of water jugs through the desert to try and run a recirculating sluice.  The majority of the trips I want to go on appear to have a few miles of hiking to do so I would prefer ...
6 6791
by  THOMAS GLOVERJump to last post
03 Sep 2016 04:00 PM
3 Replies and 7679 Views  7679  3 Started by  A friend told me about it. Seems it's an overlay for Google Earth that displays mining claims of all types. It also links to BLM's LR2000.  They have a free seven day trial and then it's a $35.00 per year per computer license. Has anybody heard of or used this I'm wondering if this might be a good investment. Thanks ------------------------------------- Chris
3 7679
by  GARY SCHWALLJump to last post
01 Sep 2016 07:19 PM
2 Replies and 5914 Views Im new and need a buddy  5914  2 Started by Im totally a newbie at the gold game and I'm doing all I can to be prepared to prospect for gold but I feel I might need a friend to give advice or if close enough to my location go prospeting with im a year round prospector and dont think there is a limit to my ability to lern and work hard ... hope to here from anyone..... klamathfalls oregon! Thank you KMFS
2 5914
by  JOSEPH STASIKONISJump to last post
01 Sep 2016 03:49 PM
2 Replies and 4096 Views Didnt know where else to ask this soo..  4096  2 Started by Is there a way to NOT get GPAA email spam everyday,  geeze already renewed my membership for 2 more years and they still blow up my mail sometimes 2 times a day. I want to get important info just not the spam. 
2 4096
by  SHELDON SWEATJump to last post
31 Aug 2016 01:20 PM
0 Replies and 2241 Views Im new and need a buddy  2241  0 Started by Im totally a newbie at thevoldgame and I'm doing all I can to be prepared to prospect for gold but I feel I might need a friend to give advice or if close enough to my location go prospeting with im a year round prospector and dont think there is a limit to my ability to lern and work hard ... hope to here from anyone..... klamathfalls oregon! Thank you KMFS
0 2241
31 Aug 2016 12:53 AM
27 Replies and 16385 Views Hard Wages Claim, I'm confused or lost  16385  27 Started by
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Our first adventure in prospecting , to scout out the Hard Times claim,  4 x 4 filled up, high-lift jack, power winch ready, extra food, water, clothes and blankets, shovels, flares, GPS, camera, and showed the kids where we were heading,  you get the idea,  hopefully we were ready for just about anything when going off-roading.  Found NF road 462  (mile marker 74 3/4,  its marked 'Bear something trailhead',  hung a left, and turned on GPS,  followed for a...
27 16385
by  JOEBOB FECTEAUJump to last post
24 Aug 2016 10:27 PM
6 Replies and 8564 Views Can you turn a Jet Ski in to a Gold Dredge?  8564  6 Started by My Son left his old Yamaha Jet ski on the side of my house and forgot about it. I am in California and cannot use a dredge yet, but was thinking that Jet Ski might make a nice dredge. Plus that will teach him not to leave things on the side of the house. So has this been done yet, and any DIY dredge plans out there.   Thank you, CW
6 8564
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
21 Aug 2016 10:56 AM
5 Replies and 4054 Views Rock id  4054  5 Started by While searching one of the gpaa claims in oregon I found cracks in bedrock with mystery substance and wonder what it is It's a white clay chalk like substance that milks when put in water. Does quartz breakdown to clay I dug out a little and panned, but no color. There is a lot more in the crack. The big question, should I follow the deposit
5 4054
by  Kenneth LiedtkeJump to last post
15 Aug 2016 07:12 AM
12 Replies and 7717 Views Unidentified Rock  7717  12 Started by We have been finding this rock in the desert, often where we are finding gold.  The rock, as you can see, (the sliced version) is very dense, weighs a great deal and is non-magnetic.  The glassy looking crystals (for the lack of a better term) appear bluish in sunlight and silvery otherwise.  We have asked a couple rock hounds but noone has come up with a definitive answer.
12 7717
by  Michael WheelerJump to last post
14 Aug 2016 07:40 PM
0 Replies and 3923 Views Mica  3923  0 Started by I'm rich! Pans full of... Mica!  Yes, I can tell the difference. Knew at the start as the pretty gold mica flakes are all over the river bed here and some do end up in the pan. Stick a pin (or fingernail) into the paper thin floaty flake and it breaks apart into smaller pieces. Gold doesn't do that. 
0 3923
13 Aug 2016 03:25 PM
14 Replies and 9406 Views Did I break prospecting etiquette?  9406  14 Started by  JBONES39@YAHOO.COM So I'm out with a long time friend, were sluicing and at the start we agree to keep the take from our individual sluice. He seemed seemed fine with that. Each our own sluice digging from same hole, taking turns with each shovel load. An hour into my shovel brings up some Quartz with what appears to be fine specks of gold embedded. I tell him get your shovel over here. I bring up more, setting it ll aside on some bedrock. Next thing I know he's doing a clean out. I ask clean out so soon he says ...
14 9406
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
13 Aug 2016 01:00 PM
14 Replies and 17537 Views Pisgah National forest  17537  14 Started by Has anybody went panning for gold in Pisgah forest I'm just curious to see if anybody has had any luck there. I know you can only use a pan but I think it would be fun.
14 17537
by  ROBERT HOBDYJump to last post
12 Aug 2016 06:30 PM
2 Replies and 6401 Views Vein Mountain  6401  2 Started by  MCKC@ATT.NET Looking for information on the Vein Mountain outing from people that have gone in the past. I don't own a camper so I will be using a tent, unless someone can tell me if there is a local motel close by. This will be my first outing ever so any information would be helpful. Thank you for any help M. Canales
2 6401
by  ROBERT HOBDYJump to last post
12 Aug 2016 06:11 PM
2 Replies and 5971 Views Georgia Gold  5971  2 Started by We just moved to Georgia from Northwest Ohio and I am so disappointed that there are no GPAA claims close to me. Does anyone have any suggestions, I am having severe withdrawls and need a place to relax, play in the water and find some gold. I currently live near Brunswick, Georgia.
2 5971
by  MICHAEL JUDDJump to last post
10 Aug 2016 01:52 PM
5 Replies and 8467 Views New GPAA Memer in the Inland NW!  8467  5 Started by   So has anyone been up to the Kevin Claim in North ID Recently It's the closest GPAA Claim to where I am. Also has anyone prospected the Spokane River or Liberty Creek above Liberty Lake Looking at the info I can find there has been gold found on the Idaho side of Mica Peak ID, but no info on the WA side. I have tomorrow off and plan on panning up Liberty creek for half a day to see if there is anything...     Thanks GPAA,    
5 8467
by  Vince EmeryJump to last post
09 Aug 2016 05:16 AM
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