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0 Replies and 3188 Views Santa Ynez River, California  3188  0 Started by I will be in Santa Ynez, California this weekend and as I understand that area has a history of mining. I checked to see if there was a local chapter in the area but did not find one.    has any one been out there and would you know if it is OK pan or set a sluice box Any advice is appreciated!!!   Danny
0 3188
05 Aug 2016 01:59 PM
0 Replies and 2218 Views grizzley sluice 111  2218  0 Started by   Has anyone used this piece of equipement,and what are your opinions
0 2218
30 Jul 2016 08:15 AM
0 Replies and 2281 Views Lake Catherine / Pecos NM Area  2281  0 Started by I would like to hear from some of you that know NM well. I will be in this area from Weds. 27th to Mon. the 1st. I have plenty of Gold maps and areas to look but have never prospected in NM. If anyone has any places or recommendations for good sites close to Lake Catherine/ Pecos I would greatly appreciate it.
0 2281
25 Jul 2016 02:31 PM
2 Replies and 5214 Views New guy in Utah  5214  2 Started by Hi all! I'm a pretty green greenhorn from the Salt Lake City area that just joined GPAA. By greenhorn I mean that I can get my pan facing the right way up at least 2 out of 3 tries. So far I've successfully resisted my usual urge to go buy lots of expensive equipment before I even know if I enjoy a new activity, so at the moment my equipment consists of a couple of Keene pans, buckets, a shovel and good supply of elbow grease. Although I'm from the Utah area I'm planning on taking a trip up to...
2 5214
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
23 Jul 2016 07:02 AM
2 Replies and 4901 Views Camping at Homack?  4901  2 Started by Can anyone tell me some information about Homack Claim Is it possible to camp there and if so what is there What should I expect to see  Thanks  Matt
2 4901
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
15 Jul 2016 07:41 PM
11 Replies and 7878 Views New Guy  7878  11 Started by I live in McKinney, Texas and have been relic hunting for years. There is not too much to find here, I found mostly new coins and a few musket balls. Any advice and help on navigating the site and learning the basics of GPAA is welcomed.  Glad to be apart of GPAA. Matt  
11 7878
by  Gary WhitedJump to last post
13 Jul 2016 01:46 PM
13 Replies and 11415 Views Hand dredges  11415  13 Started by Still looking at other equipment and reading old conversations. Ran across a mention of 'Hand Dredges' so googled for them. This particular one looks promising and quite affordable as well as being easily portable and light weight: Funny, I've been contemplating methods for getting the material out of rock crevices and this seems to fit the bill. Comments/opinions I've also pretty much settled on Bazooka sluices for when I go to purchase one. Probab...
13 11415
by  Mary McCartyJump to last post
12 Jul 2016 03:04 PM
2 Replies and 6491 Views Mining Guide use  6491  2 Started by Hope all are enjoying a great 4th of July weekend. I would like to encourage all members, not just new members, to read the front section of the 2014 mining guide. Some really great information on sluice box setup, GPS use including topo maps, mining claims use and meanings, mining guide use. Some info is basic, but we all start somewhere. Just recently the use of GPS as well as reading topo maps came up, information within the MG covers the basics and how to read and interpret to...
2 6491
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
11 Jul 2016 10:34 AM
2 Replies and 5671 Views Similkameen River, Oroville,WA  5671  2 Started by I'm planning a trip up by the Canadian Border in WA w/ a LDMA Buddy that dredges. I've never dredged before. I have several questions and would appreciate some advice. Wetsuits- Probably have to go used for now. What weight suit I'm 6ft, 250, what size to look for Any folks out there that have been there Any info, suggestions Thx JP  
2 5671
by  JIM ACKERJump to last post
03 Jul 2016 03:18 PM
1 Replies and 5245 Views Yellow Jacket Creek ORMC151725  5245  1 Started by I attempted to check this claim out yesterday and I'm 95 sure I was in the right place (I didn't have a GPS).  I found a claim marker, right were the book said it was located, but the information on the claim marker didn't match what was in the mining guide.  Is there a way to find out if this is still an active claim  The claim number on the Marker was ORMC 169223. It is possible I was in the wrong place, but the mining guide had it down to a tee.  It wasn't super easy to...
1 5245
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
21 Jun 2016 08:17 AM
0 Replies and 2314 Views Yellow Jacket Creek ORMC151725  2314  0 Started by I attempted to check this claim out yesterday and I'm 95 sure I was in the right place (I didn't have a GPS).  I found a claim marker, right were the book said it was located, but the information on the claim marker didn't match what was in the mining guide.  Is there a way to find out if this is still an active claim  The claim number on the Marker was ORMC 169223. It is possible I was in the wrong place, but the mining guide had it down to a tee.  It wasn't super easy to...
0 2314
20 Jun 2016 04:44 PM
0 Replies and 2869 Views Gold Show this Saturday and Sunday in Denver  2869  0 Started by Gold Show this Saturday and Sunday in Denver, At the Adams county Fair Grounds.  
0 2869
17 Jun 2016 02:03 PM
2 Replies and 5253 Views GPAA claims in Quincy, Ca  5253  2 Started by Good day fellow dreamers, Can anyone tell me about the GPAA claims in Quincy Ca. We will be going there beginning Monday and looking for any advice about the area, tips or suggestions.  Thanks in advance
2 5253
by  Mike MinerJump to last post
17 Jun 2016 09:41 AM
23 Replies and 10911 Views Dumb Greenhorn Question of the week  10911  23 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Okay, mom and dad only taught me how to use a gold pan. What is the difference please between a Dredge and a Sluice
23 10911
by  Mary McCartyJump to last post
16 Jun 2016 03:37 PM
2 Replies and 5606 Views Alaska equipment headaches  5606  2 Started by   We will be leaving for Alaska in a few weeks. Can anyone whos gone, please give me some tips on getting all our equipment there. We were told we could ship flat rate boxes out early but the boxes are ridiculously small for our needs. We have to bring sleeping bags, air mattresses, waders, hip boots and all kinds of other stuff! How do we get all this into our luggage and maintain the weight restrictions Thanks for your help!
2 5606
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
16 Jun 2016 10:52 AM
4 Replies and 6324 Views Pan modification for fine gold recovery  6324  4 Started by I was at a gold show recently and one of our old timers was taking a knife and scraping his pan, I had to look twice at what he was doing. If you are new to prospecting I will tell you a little secret, the uglier your pan is the better it will hold gold. The riffles on most of the pans are large enough to catch nuggets but do nothing to trap the fine gold, that comes from experience and technique, but just a few simple modifications to your pan can make a huge difference in the gold you catch,...
4 6324
by  Mary McCartyJump to last post
15 Jun 2016 06:13 AM
11 Replies and 8307 Views Claims for sale?  8307  11 Started by Ran across this ad in my web wanderings: That Is a good price for that much land in that area even if it was not being touted as a placer gold claim. I wonder how old the ad is  Takes me a  year or three to save up that much cash if I really sit on my salary. Something to consider
11 8307
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
13 Jun 2016 04:30 PM
5 Replies and 8295 Views Tuning Your Sluice  8295  5 Started by I am relatively new to gold prospecting, drawn into the hobby by a close friend who has prospected for over 15 years.  Being a computer and network troubleshooter for nearly 30 years, I often think how we might improve our recovery of gold.  My friend believes that feeding his sluice material including fist size rocks.  Naturally, a greater water flow is required to move those rocks out of the sluice.  I have questioned him about this method and if the rocks might be disturbi...
5 8295
by  Mary McCartyJump to last post
13 Jun 2016 03:13 PM
2 Replies and 5962 Views An obvious observation (Panning!)  5962  2 Started by After reading threads on Sluices, gold cubes and other ways of making concentrates, I conclude that, no matter what prospecting method you are using, good panning skills are still tantamount to success. Goody! Now I have an excuse to purchase more on-line paydirt since I'm stuck here for another 5 weeks... Need to practice!
2 5962
by  Mary McCartyJump to last post
13 Jun 2016 12:48 PM
7 Replies and 11331 Views Constellation Mining Company Paydirt  11331  7 Started by My wife and I had planned to go to Alabama Gold Camp (AGC) this weekend but the weather looked a bit damp for the weekend so I placed an order from Constellation Mining so I could still get a bit of a gold fix this weekend.  Yesterday, seven bags of paydirt were delivered by USPS Priority Mail.  I ordered on 11/3 and it was delivered on 11/6! I weighed the seven - 1 pound bags and the weight was 8 pounds 10.5 ounces.  Nice to get more than you pay for!!  Here's what it look...
7 11331
by  Mary McCartyJump to last post
10 Jun 2016 08:15 AM
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