14 Replies and 9608 Views
New here to the GPAA ... and well prospecting too... 9608 14
Started by dnbstanley@comcast.net
Hi everyone me (Don) and my family(Wife, 3 boys and girl) are brand new to prospecting I live here in the Denver metro area. I figure it will be a great way to spend time with the family outdoors and pursue a hobby that's not only exciting but educational also. I found some areas online we are going to try out here around town. I also, cant wait to get the mining claim book and hopefully meet some other people that have the same interest in finding that gold. I was hoping to maybe find someone o...
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by BOB LAMBERTH  19 Apr 2016 05:01 PM |
4 Replies and 4639 Views
Hall of Fame Geologic map 4639 4
Started by jsohlberg@att.net
I have spent countless hours trying to find a geologic map of the Dale Mining district specifically of the area in and around the Hall of Fame claim. Can anyone direct me to a good source
And happy hunting
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by WALTER EASON  18 Apr 2016 04:20 PM |
0 Replies and 2717 Views
Hall of Fame Geologic map 2717 0
Started by jsohlberg@att.net
I have spent countless hours trying to find a geologic map of the Dale Mining district specifically of the area in and around the Hall of Fame claim. Can anyone direct me to a good source
And happy hunting
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2717 |
18 Apr 2016 09:41 AM |
14 Replies and 8922 Views
Unpublished Claims Online 8922 14
Started by dondorman@live.com
Is there a way to find out about new claims that are not in the current claims guide I am planning to go to the LDMA site at Burnt River Oregon soon and want to know if there are new claims nearby, or on the western side of Idaho. I have my Pick and Shovel Gazettes in storage currently so I can't go back through them. There needs to be an easy place to find the unpublished claims on the menus .
Thanks for any help!
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by Peter Makuta  18 Apr 2016 08:29 AM |
12 Replies and 9838 Views
Hoping for some Advice. Stuck in Florida... 9838 12
Started by greenhalgh.roy@gmail.com
Hey Guys and Gals,
I've been a member for a few years now and I have had the time to take ONE trip to the FARM in Ga. The Wife and I had a great time in meeting other members but felt a tad ill equipped with our little bazooka and a few pans.
Every once in awhile I get a 3 day weekend so the Wife has been trying to get me out of the house. I was hoping to find other places I can get to in a day where I can at least see a little color. I know there is the Alabama Camp a...
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9838 |
by LEO LORENZ  16 Apr 2016 11:29 PM |
18 Replies and 10756 Views
Tuolumne County Claims 10756 18
Started by stationerguy@aol.com
Heading to the three adjacent claims in Tuolumne county next week. First time out, looking for any help or suggestions. Also would like to check out the Rough Night claim but concerned about the access. Thanks for any help.
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10756 |
by TIM LEIBEL  14 Apr 2016 04:17 PM |
9 Replies and 15606 Views
To Classify or Not To Classify 15606 9
Started by jsohlberg@att.net
After reading the article in the Pick and Shovel dealing with tuning one's sluice, it seemed the the writer's recommendation that classification is important in reducing the gold losses. My mentor, a prospector of some 30 years, assures me that there is no need to classify and, in fact, is adamant about dropping larger rocks on the sluice front end so as not to lose any gold that may be clinging to those rocks. Normally being assigned to the sluice box when we are out prospecting, it...
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15606 |
by SHAWN WILLETT  07 Apr 2016 08:29 AM |
3 Replies and 3819 Views
Just joined GPAA and am looking for someone in my area 3819 3
My wife and I live in Red Bluff CA. I just bought a Gold Bug Pro. I have been out on our property and have found a whole lot of lead...no gold We would like to go up to the Weaverville claim and do some detecting and would like some feedback about the area. Any info would be appreciated.
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by LEO LORENZ  04 Apr 2016 09:18 PM |
2 Replies and 3837 Views
Claims Reports 3837 2
Started by armywarpig@gmail.com
Hey guys,
I was wonder if there was a way to access claims reports from other GPAA members to see how their gold is panning out
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3837 |
by Adam Mayer  29 Mar 2016 01:54 PM |
0 Replies and 1947 Views
libby dig 1947 0
Started by teak2752@yahoo.com
paul have you herd any thing about libby dig site being close in mt
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1947 |
28 Mar 2016 05:12 PM |
7 Replies and 7994 Views
GPS equipment 7994 7
Started by Mikeminer80@gmail.com
Good afternoon all,
I am a new member and also a new prospector (really new) and went out to a couple of claims in Mohave County Az. yesterday. Although the directions were pretty good, I don't have a GPS so I wasn't sure if I was in the right spot. Need advice on purchasing a decent GPS either for both the vehicle and walking the area or just for walking the area. Really don't want to piss off someone by intruding on their claim and it might help me become friends with the claim owner.
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7994 |
by Keith Ress  26 Mar 2016 10:53 AM |
3 Replies and 5660 Views
Process rock 5660 3
Started by phillip.a.gibson@gmail.com
Was at a buddies property and came across this rock with a big pyrite vein. In the area gold is always found with pyrite (so I'm told). How do I process this to extract any gold
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5660 |
by JERE CLEMENTS  21 Mar 2016 02:30 PM |
1 Replies and 5058 Views
Oconee LDMA camp, SC 5058 1
Started by mountainman227@yahoo.com
I would like to ask if there are any restrictions on the Oconee Camp in respect to equipment, like dredges and the like.
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5058 |
by TIM LEIBEL  18 Mar 2016 08:28 AM |
1 Replies and 2702 Views
New member 2702 1
Started by nieffenegger@comcast.net
Greetings from Spokane, WA. I have two boys who will be 11 and 8 this year. We prospected last year a little. They had a blast. Looking forward to going out again this spring and summer. Please share any close kid friendly spots. Much thanks in advance. We use a gold cube and a Miller table.
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2702 |
by Brad Lamb  16 Mar 2016 08:23 AM |
5 Replies and 7158 Views
Detector dealers? 7158 5
Started by jlocke1970@att.net
Anyone have a recommended dealer of detectors Has anyone heard of dealers offering any kind of GPAA discount
I appreciate any input. I am looking to purchase a Fisher Gold Bug 2.
Take Care, and thanks for the opinions!
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7158 |
by BOBBY FREEDOM  12 Mar 2016 09:04 PM |
4 Replies and 10627 Views
Gold in Colorado . 10627 4
Started by bmxkyle5@icloud.com
Going on a trip to Colorado just was wondering if anyone knew some spots I could pan even maybe a place where they rent out high bankers or dredges . Thanks guys !
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10627 |
by Scott Leidenberger  10 Mar 2016 06:58 PM |
3 Replies and 6061 Views
Hello from Sunny Arizona !! 6061 3
Started by azbyker01@msn.com
Hello all.
My name is Gary and I am a new member located in the greater Phoenix area. I have been prospecting for only a couple months and really enjoy the time out away from the hustle and tussle of the city. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you soon out on the claims or at one of the meetings if I am able to attend them. /salute
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by WALTER EASON  01 Mar 2016 08:12 AM |
1 Replies and 4584 Views
new in Kelso, Wa. 4584 1
Started by brommterry@gmail.com
Hello everyone. I am a new GPAA member, just recently joined, Looking to meet other prospecters near me. JUst got my membership package. Need someone to shoe me where to go. And teach me abput prospecting here in Washington. I also need instruction on using and reqading the minning guide. And I need information on how to read and use topo maps as well. Are there any members available and willing to help me in these areas All help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
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by ARTHUR WAUGH  28 Feb 2016 07:02 AM |
2 Replies and 4359 Views
NEWB For olympia / washington 4359 2
Started by rossco60@hotmail.com
I haven't even got my kit in the mail yet. Anyone have any idea of were to start mining. Or just Let Me know where the closest claims are located around the Olympia . Thanks And Have A Great Day.
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4359 |
by Richard White  24 Feb 2016 12:25 PM |
0 Replies and 2493 Views
New member in South Dakota 2493 0
Started by bfritz125@gmail.com
Howdy folks, thought I'd give a quick intro to GPAA community. My wife and I live in Sioux Falls and I'm a recently retired LEO and loving every minute of it . I have been an avid metal detectorist for many many years but have always wanted to try prospecting. I've learned so much from lurking on this and other forums and finally signed up for my 3 year subscription. My new pan is seasoned, I have a set of classifiers, and I've been practicing my panning in a plastic tub.
Although I ...
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23 Feb 2016 10:44 AM |