1 Replies and 8342 Views
Michigan prospecting 8342 1
Started by greenmm2k4@yahoo.com
If anyone would like to help me with this goal it would be much appreciated. Here in michigan we do not have many areas avail. for prospecting that are open to the public, and state lands have too many regulations and rules to allow you to be free in your prospecting. However....... on private land anything goes. So......if there are any of you on here who would like to donate to this awesome cause, please help. I have really big plans for this project, Any michigan schools will be able to...
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8342 |
by Jonathan Sever  17 Feb 2016 08:41 AM |
5 Replies and 9261 Views
Need leather cup preservatives opinions 9261 5
Started by len.solarz@gmail.com
Just finished fashioning 2 leather cups for a slurp gun. Need experienced advice on shape preserving water proofing preservative for use in water/gravel environment and proper storage advice for seal between uses. I've an old can of 'Sno-seal' a bees wax leather protectant. Is that the ticket
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9261 |
by Len Solarz  14 Feb 2016 08:24 PM |
2 Replies and 7187 Views
Burnt River timing 7187 2
Started by Keithperron@yahoo.com
My name is Keith , My wife and I joined the LDMA a few months back and we are signed up for the spring outing. We live in Spokane and would like to go down to Burnt river before the spring outing, we were wondering about what time of year things start to thaw out down there and when people start to show up to gold prospect,. We have really bad cabin/gold fever and are really wanting to get out and do some digging. Thanks for any info you can provide, thanks. Keith.
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7187 |
by Keith Perron  12 Feb 2016 08:43 AM |
1 Replies and 5501 Views
high banker- dredge 5501 1
Started by jstansberry@live.com
any vedio that will help me out would be good. and like to know if e bay is good i think i bought 20 acres in idohoe. i thank i bought anuther one.too 40 acres. i'm think i'm going to arazona and get anuther 20 down there. i am taking anuther year or two off.
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5501 |
by Travis Nix  06 Feb 2016 09:50 AM |
2 Replies and 5783 Views
Going to AZ in March, have a question about the claims 5783 2
Started by lookfor3gun@yahoo.com
I am new to the GPAA and the claims, I was looking through the claim guide and I notice for several sites it say to have a copy of the Coronado National Forest POO, what is that
Thanks Bob M
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5783 |
by BOB MANNING  03 Feb 2016 04:20 PM |
3 Replies and 4981 Views
prospecting stores along the way? NV to CA 4981 3
Started by travnix82@yahoo.com
hi everyone, im in winnemucca,nv and going to sacremento, ca soon for a visit.. im looking for prospecting stores along the way.. i know there is one in reno but not that good of a selection to chose from... so if you know of any not far off the beaten path of I-80 or hwy 50 let me know.. i would have thought gold run area would be crawling with a few shops but no luck with google.. I am hoping to get up close and personal with some keene drywashers.... thanks
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4981 |
by Travis Nix  28 Jan 2016 01:28 PM |
4 Replies and 3643 Views
Greenhorn in Wisconsin 3643 4
Started by lostandfoundmetaldetecting@gmail.com
Hi Everyone! I am a new member from Northern Wisconsin and I am looking for help with what are the regulations for gold panning in my state Any info any one can help me out with would be great, and I'll take any advice I can get as well. Currently my father and I are avid metal detectorists and we thought we would give gold panning a try this summer... We can also be found on youtube as I video all of our metal detecting adventures... Thanks for the help!
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3643 |
by Van Kinnunen Jr  20 Jan 2016 02:56 PM |
4 Replies and 6309 Views
New member from Oklahoma 6309 4
Started by 821clifton@gmail.com
Hello everyone. I am a new member and new to prospecting. I have always found it very interesting but never know anyone in our area that knows anything about it. The closest claims to me are the Placer Creek claims in NM. Is anyone familiar with the area
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6309 |
by Clifton Butler  11 Jan 2016 10:58 AM |
0 Replies and 6323 Views
You could get your own paydirt in Alaska this summer 6323 0
Started by turmacmact@msn.com
The PorcupinePaydirt .com website offers an invitation to mine on a claim in Alaska for one day with the purchase of a bag of pay dirt and will send an invitation which should be completed and mailed back if you want to participate. You could stay longer:
could do small scale gold mining FOR 3 DAYS on our State of Alaska Gold Mining
Claim on Porcupine Creek during the 2016 mining season with option to buy at
terms we have agreed to accept.
CLAIM IS near a ...
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6323 |
07 Jan 2016 12:44 PM |
7 Replies and 6389 Views
New to Georgia 6389 7
Started by dsfriedman57@yahoo.com
Not really a Greenhorn, been MD'ing since 1984 when I bought my first MD a Fisher. But now new to Middle Georgia and wondering if there are any clubs in the area I live in the Warner Robins area and I did start a Middle Georgia Metal Detecting Group on meetup.com just to see if there was any interest and 7 people have signed up so far. Anyway I'd be happy to participate in any GPAA activities.
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6389 |
by TIM LEIBEL  07 Jan 2016 06:06 AM |
5 Replies and 11408 Views
Kern River West of Lake Isabella 11408 5
Started by jsohlberg@att.net
Headed out this weekend to Kern River west of Lake Isabella. Does anyone know what the condition of the river is during this drought Has anyone been to the K-Able site and if so, did you have any success
Thanks Everyone - this forum is just the most informative and successful forum I have ever been a part of!
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11408 |
by Patrick Reed  06 Jan 2016 03:58 AM |
2 Replies and 3782 Views
We're New...CA Central Coast 3782 2
Started by whimzy103@aol.com
Howdy: Whimzy Treasures has been the name of my wife's collectible business for thirty years. We have been to a few meetings at the Warbird Museum and just bought a Garrett AT Gold today. We have managed to collect quite the assortment of dirt from a couple of the local GPAA claims. No nuggets yet but lots of fine gold. Next purchase will be a high banker. So far all we have is a small alluvial sluice. I built it an expanded metal riffle and it works but it's obvious that we need a rock wa...
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3782 |
by JERE CLEMENTS  04 Jan 2016 09:28 AM |
6 Replies and 7112 Views
Colorado Land 7112 6
Started by worldavi@gate.net
I was wondering if the south western side of Colorado holds any promising gold This in the area of Route 50 and State Highway 69. I get these emails with land for sale, and thought if it would be able to pickup some cheap enough land in a good area, might make the detecting days much nicer. I would think someone may be familiar with the areas.
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7112 |
by Benjamin Crain  03 Jan 2016 08:24 PM |
5 Replies and 7334 Views
Newbie in Georgia 7334 5
Started by waltfletcher@hotmail.com
Just joined GPAA today and looking forward to learning the ropes of prospecting! Happy Holidays Walt
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7334 |
by PAUL STRAUB  29 Dec 2015 08:22 AM |
6 Replies and 14571 Views
Floating Gold? 14571 6
Started by crashcrain@gmail.com
I worked a claim down on the San Miguel River with my wife and we brought a bucket of river sands home to work with. The sand bar we were digging into was a natural eddy in the curve of a river. The first thing I noticed was that the sand was like concrete mix, very mineral rich and heavy material.
So we bring it home and panning and I am not finding anything, but I am having a problem with the dried sands dirtying up my panning troth. I add a little bit of Special D (Dawn dish soap) like most...
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14571 |
by WALTER EASON  28 Dec 2015 08:58 AM |
2 Replies and 6181 Views
Trouble getting gold 6181 2
Started by ecunnar@yahoo.com
I'm in a known gold area and prospecting several claims in the area. I'm using a Midas standard model and a 'gold miner' spiral gold mining machine. I get plenty of black sand with both units but can see small flects of gold in the tailings and no gold from either machine. I believe both machines are set up correctly but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong so any suggestions can help.
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6181 |
by JEFF MARTIN  26 Dec 2015 08:35 PM |
2 Replies and 5094 Views
N00b in NW Oregon - Hello! 5094 2
Started by engineering_pe@protonmail.com
I am a mechanical engineer and US Patent Agent by weekday, but I have long had an interest in extraction and refining industries, the history of the American West, industrial inventions, development, and progress, and am outgrowing some hobbies and looking into new activities.
I built a copy of Dave Gingery's charcoal foundry and had fun making metal castings, and right upstream from that hobby is mining and refining. I'm not young and not in the best physical shape, but let's...
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5094 |
by ROY HOUTZ  23 Dec 2015 10:56 PM |
2 Replies and 5117 Views
Anyone have experience with the Quartzsite MDC? 5117 2
Started by jlocke1970@att.net
I realize that I am asking about a separate organization here and hope that is not an issue to the GPAA -
The wife and I usually spend a week or two in Quartzsite, AZ each year and are interested in joining the Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club. I have sent a couple of emails to the addresses I have been able to find for them and have received no response. We would like to receive any of their literature prior to our visit this coming year (February ), to do a bit of research on their claims. I b...
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5117 |
by Jim Locke  16 Dec 2015 04:44 PM |
7 Replies and 5535 Views
Not Gold? 5535 7
Started by airnut79831@yahoo.com
I have found something in my mini sluice that is heavy like gold but is 'shiny silvery' in color.
Could this be platinum or mercury covered gold It's not black sand either, plus this stuff is not magnetic.
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5535 |
by Marshall McLean  14 Dec 2015 06:58 PM |
3 Replies and 4093 Views
Toms Digging Pick in Gold Fever No two pans are the Same Episode 130GF 4093 3
Started by mike-gibson-1@hotmail.com
'Eureka' I found out where Tom got his pick.....'The Gold Lady' in Arizona usually carries this pick. She will only get more made if she has a demand. Call her up and tell her you want one. (928)692-5035 or (928) 542-4890
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4093 |
by TIM LEIBEL  12 Dec 2015 08:22 PM |