4 Replies and 7193 Views
~Metal Detector~ 7193 4
Started by mskandie1013@yahoo.com
Does anyone know of a good affordable metal detector for beginners, to start out with
Also is there any close area to Las Vegas, to prospect If you have a few spots and or directions, will you kindly supply that information.
Thank you all!
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7193 |
by TIM LEIBEL  10 Dec 2015 01:02 PM |
6 Replies and 6835 Views
When is the latest you can mine at rye patch and is it still open or did they grab it for the sage grouse.
I just got a claim there then found out about the sage grouse. I haven't even had a chance to go there yet.
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6835 |
by Travis Nix  10 Dec 2015 09:03 AM |
5 Replies and 5943 Views
Triple D&M claim help 5943 5
Started by Parrentd@gmail.com
Hello, I am a total greenie to gold prospecting, I just started this year. I went out to the claim yesterday and metal detected around for most of the day and didn't find anything. I am curious as to what areas are good for setting up a Highbanker or sluice All I found with the metal detector was a quarter from 1941 and a bunch of bullets and old cans. If there is anyone that wants to go out let me know I'd love to learn. Thanks Derik
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5943 |
by ROBERT SOUZA  08 Dec 2015 09:17 AM |
1 Replies and 4520 Views
gpaa membership package How long before it is sent? 4520 1
Started by brommterry@gmail.com
I just joined the gpaa, and am wondering how long it takes before I recieve my membership package Anxious to get and study and use the minning guide. Thank you all for any help you can provide.
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4520 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  07 Dec 2015 05:44 AM |
2 Replies and 7361 Views
Can you use an electric leaf blower for the drywasher if you have a portable power supply
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7361 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  02 Dec 2015 08:44 AM |
1 Replies and 6960 Views
garret waterproof submersible AT pro 6960 1
Started by mustafa_hajaj@yahoo.com
I need an Honest review about that metal detector (garret waterproof sub-At pro digger ) and if it's good for detecting gold or there is a better one (not the expensive ) cause when I go to the reviews from customers it make me more confused appreciate the help
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6960 |
by JIM SHANNON  01 Dec 2015 08:02 PM |
3 Replies and 7741 Views
prospecting 7741 3
Started by diggingdon63@gmail.com
Hello out there in the prospecting world, I am new to prospecting and would like info on the gpaa claims in wickenburg, az. Has anyone found gold in any of the claims they have there.
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7741 |
by JIM SHANNON  01 Dec 2015 07:49 PM |
9 Replies and 8318 Views
GarrettPro Pointer 8318 9
Started by 73mcj73@gmail.com
I am a Greenhorn,..I bought a Garrett Pro Gold MD, a pan, and a few other 'do-dads'...it looks like the orange water pro would be useful on dry land and under water. I see Garrett just came out with an updated black (dry land) model that looks good,..but dry land.
I would love to hear from of you users,..what you think about the actual item and is it useful,...and the model you like and why.
Thank you ahead of time for any information you can inpart.
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8318 |
by JIM SHANNON  30 Nov 2015 11:02 PM |
0 Replies and 2379 Views
gold refining 2379 0
Started by hotdam49ers@gmail.com
I need help on how to do chlorination of gold ore if eny of you have done this I could ues the help
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2379 |
29 Nov 2015 11:43 AM |
25 Replies and 12948 Views
The Sierra Fund 12948 25
Started by worldavi@gate.net
I received this info from AMRA over the weekend and found it to be quite something that all of us should be concerned of and be vocal about the issue:
Filing a complaint against Sierra
California small miners: After 6 years of an illegal moratorium pushed by, lobbied by, created by
and bought by I...
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12948 |
by JERE CLEMENTS  16 Nov 2015 11:48 AM |
4 Replies and 4318 Views
Veterans Day 4318 4
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
To all my fellow vets, both men and women, and those still carrying the colors....... THANK YOU for your service and sacrifices on a daily basis for many years. You are the greatest people on earth.
And for those that gave all, be it known you are remembered in my heart and mind on a daily basis, not just one day a year.
USAF 1972/76, Udorn, Thailand 1973/74
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4318 |
by Benjamin Crain  11 Nov 2015 04:28 PM |
2 Replies and 4913 Views
New Chapter 4913 2
Started by farm@ktfarms.com
Can anyone tell me how to start a new chapter and what the process is
I am around the central mountains of Idaho close to the Montana border, lots of mining history in the area. And would like to have some advice on how to start a chapter and what the process is, if anyone knows, just let me know.
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4913 |
by WALTER EASON  10 Nov 2015 08:46 AM |
3 Replies and 4323 Views
Idaho claims near Boise 4323 3
Started by jt59101@gmail.com
Looking for member info on a few claims near boise, will be out that way in Oct for a business trip. thunderdog, boise gold, and his & his 1&2 claims are they still available for gpaa members Actually any info and feedback would be great.
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4323 |
by Rory Heim  04 Nov 2015 07:09 PM |
14 Replies and 6388 Views
Is it possible to still find gold in hydromined areas??? 6388 14
Started by ChrisGarrison16@Gmail.com
I am in Columbia California and I was wondering if it was possible to find gold in Hydromined areas, I was doing some landscaping and got to what I think would be a great spot, however I wanted to know first if it is worth it and is still possible to uncover some gold there. Since most of the area is claimed off and there is only 1 GPAA claim near me, I have been looking for my own spots to prospect, some areas I went and farted around down in Jamestown I found some gold. This spot that I found ...
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6388 |
by LEO LORENZ  04 Nov 2015 06:14 PM |
4 Replies and 3962 Views
Lifestyles store-Bend, OR 3962 4
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
For those that saw the Gold Trails show where Kevin stopped by the store in Bend and thoughtyou might want to drop by, forget it.
I was in central Oregon Mon.-Wed. and stopped by yesterday to pick up a couple of classifiers and lo and behold the store is closed and cleaned out, with signs on the doors saying storefront is gone, but the toll free phone line is still up and running for orders.
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3962 |
by Benjamin Crain  03 Nov 2015 03:44 PM |
13 Replies and 10708 Views
Sample bags, any ideas? 10708 13
Started by jlocke1970@att.net
Good morning, everybody;
The wife and I will be making a trip in two weeks to an area we are going to test . We will be classifying and collecting samples from many different locations then returning to camp (where the H2O is located) to process.
My question is: Any recommendations for good, sturdy 'sample bags'
In the past I have tried gallon sized 'zip lock' type plastic bags (they did not impress me) that seemed to come apart due to friction in the backpack being carried in...... could ha...
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10708 |
by Jim Locke  03 Nov 2015 02:49 PM |
7 Replies and 6565 Views
pershing county, nevada ? 6565 7
Started by travnix82@yahoo.com
hi friends,
just wondering if any one has gone out and worked the claim in pershing county in Nevada I went out their today and poked around with a VLF detector for about an hr until I got rained out.... wondering what your preferred method of hunting was
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6565 |
by Travis Nix  31 Oct 2015 07:21 PM |
5 Replies and 4002 Views
Dredging in the news 4002 5
Started by worldavi@gate.net
Gee it was great to see the dredging topic on the front page news on Fox. All about the upcoming ban in Oregon. This is really going to push the subject out in front of everyone. Only bad thing is, the story kind of leans with the salmon and many people dont fully understand how the dredging works. Its easy to see them get swayed by the libs to support bans. I have already seen many comments from people thinking 'miners' are these big corporations intent on taking away all the gold in the river ...
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4002 |
by Brad Lamb  29 Oct 2015 11:55 AM |
12 Replies and 22519 Views
GPAA Claim maps 22519 12
Started by larryannen@gmail.com
I'm out traveling again, and find myself with some spare time in Denver.
I've got a small pan and shovel with me, and my GTI-2500.
So, I thought I'd get on the site and look up a GPAA claim near Denver. I just don't have room in my luggage to haul the map book around. Is there an online map book How about a digital version of the map book
Many thanks,
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22519 |
by Brad Lamb  29 Oct 2015 07:52 AM |
3 Replies and 5349 Views
A question about gear? 5349 3
Started by ronswanson@sio.midco.net
Please help. Does anyone know what brand of waders (knee high) that Tom Massey wears in some of his episodes of Gold Fever My knee high waders have a steel toe and it gives me fits with my metal detector....Plus they give me blisters - Tom seems to get around, in the episodes that he is wearing his knee high waders, very comfortably. They appear to be an all rubber boot.
Other than what Tom Massey wears, does anyone have a recommendation for 'Knee High Rubber...
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5349 |
by Brad Lamb  27 Oct 2015 12:07 PM |