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1 Replies and 2986 Views California Drought  2986  1 Started by Look at what is now happening in California. This is in todays news.....'With the drought entering its fourth year, anger is building in central California at state and federal agencies, who critics say are putting wildlife ahead of jobs, families and the food supply.  Blocked by environmentalists from pumping water from rivers onto their arid lands, farmers blame both regulations and the agencies and activists who go to court to enforce them. “These are communities who rely almo...
1 2986
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
12 Oct 2015 03:23 PM
2 Replies and 4226 Views Information about the Rough Knight Claim on Italian Bar Columbia Ca  4226  2 Started by Just tryin to get more information about the Rough Knight Claim that is up I bar, wondering if anybody had any luck there recently, I went out and found it today but unfortunately could not find a path down to it, just wondering if the juice is worth the squeeze, from what i heard so far, there is a small trail to get down there, also I heard it was dangerous so I should bring a friend along, any other information about this claim would be greatly appreciated  
2 4226
by  TIM LEIBELJump to last post
07 Oct 2015 02:06 PM
2 Replies and 2639 Views beginners luck  2639  2 Started by Went to a nearby creek with exposed bedrock, clays and gravel. Looked like a good place to practice with my new pan. Was not expecting any color as St. Louis Mo. is not known for gold. Couldn't believe I found a flake and 2 tiny rocks with color!
2 2639
by  Jim BeckmannJump to last post
01 Oct 2015 07:42 PM
5 Replies and 4525 Views What size?  4525  5 Started by Classifiers to you take in the field with you and what size stays at home for fine cleanup As a noob I only own a 1/4 and a 1/8 mesh so they both go out with me I only sluice and pan for now. Any particular brands that are good Any to stay away from
5 4525
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
30 Sep 2015 05:30 PM
5 Replies and 3987 Views How to carry membership credential?  3987  5 Started by Just wanted to see how most people carry their membership cards and book At first I thought I'd just put them in my wallet but I have a tendency to fall in water so that wouldn't work. Right now I just stick my cards inside my guide and stuff that in a dry pocket of my pack.
5 3987
by  TIM LEIBELJump to last post
30 Sep 2015 04:05 PM
13 Replies and 6212 Views Snakes  6212  13 Started by So I know there have been a few discussions about this. How bad is it really, is it you MIGHT get bit if you do not pay attention or you WILL be bit if you do not pay attention I mean on claims in Arizona, Nevada, California in snake areas.  Also are we allowed to carry a .22 with rat shot on GPAA or LDMA claims in states where open carry is allowed. i.e. Arizona
13 6212
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
29 Sep 2015 08:08 PM
0 Replies and 3998 Views Detecting Metal in Rock with Falcon MD20  3998  0 Started by I'm out trying to figure out what type of rocks give tones on the metal detector but crush up into silver powder. The metal detector makes sound like gold but once the rock is crushed up no metal is found. There is pyrite in the rock also and nothing magnetic.  I was hoping the Falcon MD20 would do a better job at discriminating between rocks and metal. Does anyone else have a hard time telling the difference between a hot rock and gold in the rock   See my video; https://www.yout...
0 3998
27 Sep 2015 09:53 PM
25 Replies and 16311 Views ARIZONA PROSPECTING  16311  25 Started by
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hi 2 dogs here i'm from montana and planing a trip this fall to Arizona never did any desert mining or prospecting and help on areas to prospect would be greatly appreciated .. member GPAA, NEW49ers, WMM,WMA,PLP, LAST CHANCE GOLD MINERS
25 16311
by  JOHN LEAHYJump to last post
23 Sep 2015 09:23 AM
2 Replies and 4848 Views Montana Claims Updates  4848  2 Started by I have heard there are GPAA claims near stemple pass and scratch gravel. They are not in the mining guide but, reading on here there could be claims not listed in the mining guide. They may have been put in issues of  the pick and shovel but there are only 6 issues online. Could someone help straiten me out This forum seems kind of dead on the topic of Montana considering the history and production, but im new and maybe im doing something wrong. I did get up to radersberg it was interestin...
2 4848
by  Alex KroenkeJump to last post
23 Sep 2015 06:26 AM
6 Replies and 4775 Views Noob introduction  4775  6 Started by Hey all just got into this new addiction with the kids. Still tons to learn. Kids and I took a class last weekend and that sealed the deal for us. Just joined gpaa so haven't got my goodies yet but that's ok. We have reservations up at downieville this weekend to see what we can find. Sadly called Forrest service and found out hands and pans only so can't use our bran new sluice. Little about us I found my wife while I was in the Marines and we have 2 awesome kids, and a good dog. ...
6 4775
by  James McgrewJump to last post
22 Sep 2015 04:15 PM
20 Replies and 10627 Views Any experience with Army Corps of Engineers?  10627  20 Started by
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Hello , I was curious if any of you may have had any need to deal with the Army Corps of Engineers, in any of your prospecting forays I am looking at trying to get into an area that is actually National Forest land.... the deal is this: The most direct (and sane) route is over a small section of Army Corps property. What I am really wondering is if any of you may know - would they EVER grant permission to pass over their land to reach another destination I have emailed them through th...
20 10627
by  Jim LockeJump to last post
22 Sep 2015 12:17 PM
4 Replies and 9970 Views GPAA AZ Claim Nugget Flow  9970  4 Started by First of all I would like to say thanks to everyone at the Phoenix Chapter for their help and info. I am fairly new to gold prospecting and had worked a couple claims up in Prescott. My Question is: The grounds at Nugget Flow Claims and the surrounding area are so much different than what i work with in Prescott.. It is very hard ground and not much gravel to work with that I see, how do you work the area and the ground material to get some gold in the pan  Thanks,  Chris
4 9970
by  DONAL YANCEYJump to last post
21 Sep 2015 06:18 PM
3 Replies and 5147 Views visiting out of state  5147  3 Started by Brand new to GPAA My wife and I are going on vacation to SD Black hills do I have to contact the locale chapter to use the claims in the miners guide or is it open to all members. Do I make a courtesy call just what is the protocol fist time using the guide. Don't want to step on no toes.
3 5147
by  JON STEINERJump to last post
18 Sep 2015 01:34 PM
2 Replies and 4521 Views Opinions on two different Detectors ?  4521  2 Started by Hello Everyone; I am sure everybody has their own opinions here.  I am thinking about the purchase of two different detectors - for two different tasks. I would like to know if anybody has any experience with either one of them and if there are any known issues 1st: Fisher Gold Bug 2     2nd: Falcon MD 20 Thanks in advance for your input!   Jim    
2 4521
by  Jim LockeJump to last post
16 Sep 2015 04:34 PM
4 Replies and 5715 Views MINING GUIDE 2014 EDITION ????  5715  4 Started by What's up with the 2014 edition mining guide hand book why not a 2015 edition it says in the book all way have with you a permit (GPAA) , membership card (GPAA) and last but not lease the holy grail the UP TODATE MINING GUIDE well have they not came out with a new guide Is 2014 up to date and do we get a new one every year And would they send us a big nugget to cure that gold fever!!!!!
4 5715
by  TIM LEIBELJump to last post
11 Sep 2015 04:25 PM
13 Replies and 16699 Views Can You Identify what is in my Pan  16699  13 Started by Can you identify  I was out prospecting with a metal detector and got a hit on a rock formation that was partially submerged. I broke off a piece of rock that even my hand metal detector would activate on.  I crushed the rock and got silver metal flakes after I pan the pulverized rock. It does not seem to be rust colored.  It did not melt to easy with a hand torch.   Any clue how to tell what the metal is     I'll post a picture of my pan on my p...
13 16699
by  Justin HainesJump to last post
10 Sep 2015 08:04 PM
4 Replies and 5390 Views prospecting  5390  4 Started by Hi everyone just wondering in wisconsin where a good place to go gold prospecting is  
4 5390
by  Todd CeplinaJump to last post
10 Sep 2015 06:42 PM
23 Replies and 11315 Views Retiring and heading west  11315  23 Started by
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Hi I'm Hoot ( not my real name), people often ask me why I'm called Hoot I tell them that is because my better half is called Holler. I'm guessin you can figure that one out on yer own. Well times come for me and the wifey to retire and head west. figured we'd spend the winter gold prospecting. Got my GPAA membership after many years of dreaming of the time and freedom to allow me to follow my treasure hunting soul. Just thought I'd stop by and ask one simple question. We have a camper and we ...
23 11315
by  Steve MichaelJump to last post
09 Sep 2015 04:40 PM
0 Replies and 3385 Views Utah Claims  3385  0 Started by CRIMSON DOVE 1-3 Went down end of July, could not find markers, sent emails out to the chapters around Utah to see if they knew of anyone had ventured over and used the claim, several but not all responded that they had not been to Utah, contacted support at GPAA they checked and sent me additional information directions. SO I went down Monday during the holiday and again could not find claim, tried to use my gps on phone BUT being in the mountains had no bars Can anyone help
0 3385
08 Sep 2015 05:50 PM
2 Replies and 2398 Views Gold Trails on KDOC - L.A. area?  2398  2 Started by Any idea what happened to Gold Trails on KDOC (channel 56, Los Angeles area) So here is the deal.... I finally get all the friends and family to either watch or record Gold Trails on Saturday mornings and then it is no longer on! Anybody have any idea what happened to it I know they were all 'reruns' but many of the people that I turned on to it had not seen them all. Heck, I enjoy re-watching them myself. I think Gold Trails is an excellent tool to pique the interest of people that may b...
2 2398
by  Jim LockeJump to last post
08 Sep 2015 02:38 PM
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