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3 Replies and 3159 Views Camps  3159  3 Started by Being a GPAA member can we still go to lost Dutchman's sites
3 3159
by  PAUL STRAUBJump to last post
25 Jun 2015 03:53 PM
2 Replies and 3682 Views Don't know what I'm doing  3682  2 Started by So I went out to a claim in Washington today got out there and was lost didn't know where to look so I just started poking around and was getting tons of black sand but the yellow stuff was no where to be seen if anyone has any advice I would sure appreciate it thanks I just don't know what I should be looking for when trying to locate a good spot to start digging
2 3682
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
25 Jun 2015 02:14 PM
0 Replies and 2214 Views Camps  2214  0 Started by Being a GPAA member can we still go to lost Dutchman's sites
0 2214
25 Jun 2015 10:49 AM
3 Replies and 3669 Views Washington prospecting  3669  3 Started by I live in woodland Washington and was wondering if there are any good places to do some panning I am new to this so was just wondering
3 3669
by  Jason BoltzJump to last post
17 Jun 2015 05:17 PM
4 Replies and 4654 Views New to GPAA  4654  4 Started by Hi Everyone......I'm new to GPAA and am planing to head to the Arkansas Group claims( Co)  June 28-July 4 . I live in Missouri and this is my  first trip out west. Does anyone have any insight for a newbie on these claims or any other info on what I need to do prior to getting there. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks, Brett
4 4654
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
16 Jun 2015 04:27 PM
5 Replies and 5650 Views New to prospecting in mo  5650  5 Started by I'm looking for people in mo to get connected with
5 5650
by  Adam RiceJump to last post
16 Jun 2015 11:00 AM
5 Replies and 6401 Views Don't join GPAA  6401  5 Started by They will not let you renew by the year.
5 6401
by  KENNETH SWINEFORDJump to last post
16 Jun 2015 07:29 AM
5 Replies and 3771 Views Im new looking for help  3771  5 Started by hello im new to prospecting and am looking for help. i am interested in joining groups or clubs that offer help to newbies.
5 3771
by  Adam RiceJump to last post
13 Jun 2015 12:14 PM
0 Replies and 2622 Views Keene 190 series drywasher - opinions?  2622  0 Started by Hello all, I have my eyes on the new Keene 190 (actually the 192, with the wet conversion kit) drywasher. Before I go drop a pretty penny, I thought I'd ask if anyone out there has any experience with one. I know that one was featured on an episode of Gold Trails......would just appreciate the input of anybody else that may have some hours using one. It sure seems like a pretty sweet piece of equipment! Thanks, Jim
0 2622
09 Jun 2015 10:35 AM
39 Replies and 12998 Views Need a bit of help getting outfitted  12998  39 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Fairly new at this; have a few pans and a small power sluice. Could use your collected wisdom on better outfitting myself. Clothing / waders / shovels & crevicers, all that ancillary stuff. If it has worked for you it will probably work for me, too. What has made your forays better (and maybe profitable) Thanx.
39 12998
by  Paul LoulyJump to last post
08 Jun 2015 02:05 PM
1 Replies and 3429 Views GPAA Mining Guide Corrections  3429  1 Started by I am a newbie, so bear with me.  I was using Google Earth to locate one of the mines listed in the GPAA Mining Guide and couldn't find it by it's Township information.  When I did find the site, it was in a different Township.  Should members submit corrections they find and if so how Thanks All Martin
1 3429
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
08 Jun 2015 12:15 PM
3 Replies and 3348 Views new dates 7,8,9th  3348  3 Started by Getting some weather up in the mountains next few days, more water for both creeks on the claims. I am  going to push back my trip as I don't enjoy camping in the rain. New dates 7,8,9,th might stay longer depends on the gold this time. got some good pickers and fines last time. 
3 3348
by  Timothy HipwellJump to last post
05 Jun 2015 12:59 PM
0 Replies and 1853 Views New EPA Clean Water Act?  1853  0 Started by Since this was announced a few days ago I have been reading up on what all it includes and requires permits for because I fear it will effect all of us that like to play in the streams. I have been reading through their website and there are so many caveats it is hard to determine the meaning of the language. If somebody more talented in the legal field than myself could please bring light onto the topic it would be much appreciated I am looking for the full 2000 page New Regulation to read for...
0 1853
03 Jun 2015 02:55 PM
0 Replies and 2431 Views upcomming weekend trip june 5,6,7th.  2431  0 Started by I am headed to the lost dredge and SCDR  (CL-45) claims this weekend. June 5,6 and 7 I have found color there before and was wondering if anyone else was going out that way. I am bringing my A-52 sluice and tools.
0 2431
03 Jun 2015 12:28 PM
3 Replies and 4476 Views Toms Digging Pick in Gold Fever No two pans are the Same Episode 130GF  4476  3 Started by Maybe Tom could answer this question....In the episode of Gold Fever 'No two pans are the same' Episode 130GF Tom is using a nice pick in the last half hour while sluicing in a creek bed. I would like to know the brand of pick he is using 
3 4476
by  Steve newJump to last post
02 Jun 2015 11:11 AM
2 Replies and 4930 Views Lucky 13 in Plumas County. page CL-59  4930  2 Started by Hey there fellow miners! I'm new to the GPAA and am researching for my first trip as a member.  I'm looking for some info on 'lucky 13 - CAMC298534 (A), page CL-59 in the book. I'd like to plan the trip in the next couple weeks. the book has no info, so comments on findings, terrain, campsites and what kind of gear can be used would be a lot of help not to mention greatly appreciated. Not set on going to this claim but would like to spend a week in NorCal looking for color......
2 4930
by  Roger SleightJump to last post
30 May 2015 08:27 AM
3 Replies and 5677 Views New member Plumas County  5677  3 Started by Just joined. Anybody in plumas county I'm in Quincy and would like to meet up with some other folks to learn more.
3 5677
by  PATRICK MCMINNJump to last post
29 May 2015 08:43 AM
5 Replies and 7045 Views New  7045  5 Started by   I am new to prospecting and was looking for some advice on my first piece of equipment. I am in lasvegas and was looking at dry washers but it has been pretty wet lately. so I started thinking about getting a mini high banker and just bring some water in . any advice would bee appreciated
5 7045
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
27 May 2015 10:08 PM
11 Replies and 11543 Views Sampling on abandoned claim  11543  11 Started by Hello, I had what I hope is a quick question; I am looking at filing a claim later this year on an abandoned (according to LR2000) claim area. My question is..... Is there any legal issue in my prospecting and testing of the area BEFORE I file the claim I truly appreciate any input or advice here! Take care, all! Jim I am sorry for what is probably a VERY 'newbie' question!
11 11543
by  Jim LockeJump to last post
26 May 2015 10:12 AM
0 Replies and 4860 Views Fairbanks AK dredge trip  4860  0 Started by I am finally going to get to do some Alaska dredging this summer and am looking for anyone who can give me advice or even take a few days off and wash some dirt with me in Jun.  I have a 2' suction dredge (I have never used it but it is brand new, hence the need for help) and will be looking for a trip from the 17th to 19th of Jun.  Any help/advice or hot spots to hit (I plan on going to the GPAA claim near Circle) would be greatly appreciated.  Ben J. 
0 4860
23 May 2015 05:40 PM
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