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3 Replies and 7273 Views Prospecting in New Mexico  7273  3 Started by Need some help. Will be going through New Mexico 2nd week of April, wanted to try the Placer Creek claims. Can anyone tell me about them. Will be my first time on a claim. Is is easily found and accessible that time of year. Any information would be appreciated. Or any information on any other claims in New Mexico that I could set up a gold cube. Thanks, Bob Foley
3 7273
by  MICHAEL JUDDJump to last post
01 Apr 2015 03:14 PM
0 Replies and 2503 Views Goldust 1 Nevada  2503  0 Started by Does anyone have any info on this claim other than the comments in the mining guide  I will be traveling to Vegas and wanted to stop for some metal detecting at this claim.
0 2503
28 Mar 2015 03:17 PM
3 Replies and 7877 Views Arapahoe bar. denver.  7877  3 Started by Just visiting Denver and plan on trying my luck . Any tips at the arapahoe bar area
3 7877
by  trace collinsJump to last post
27 Mar 2015 09:59 PM
0 Replies and 2353 Views New to area and could use some help?  2353  0 Started by The wife and I drove down to Montrose County this weekend down HWY 141 and the river was too deep and running too fast to find a place to pan. I will admit we found some pretty cool rocks from the tailings from old mines and one literally covered our hands in gold dust, it was finer than I have ever seen. But we are looking for a place and a group of people to set up with, learn the area, and then purchase a sluice.   My name is Ben and my wife's name is Paula and if we could find a coupl...
0 2353
24 Mar 2015 11:20 PM
4 Replies and 6612 Views Stanton 2015  6612  4 Started by Hello all,        I signed up for the Stanton outing and was wondering if anyone can give me a heads up on what to expect.  I will be camping and very new to the gold prospecting field.  I know I will learn alot there and can't wait for that.  If anyone can let me know what I should bring since I will be camping that would be great.  I go out camping alot but not for anything like this.   Just looking for some advice and can't wait to meet alot o...
4 6612
by  ANDREW GONTERJump to last post
24 Mar 2015 07:46 PM
2 Replies and 6731 Views Better late than never, or still a pipe dream?  6731  2 Started by My days as a prospector came about suddenly, when my wife and son presented my first gold pan and bag of paydirt for my 26th birthday (October 2014). They had observed my love for geology through stories of picking quartz out of my Uncle's Arkansas driveway, to cracking open fossilized ferns and mushrooms picked from Shadow Lake, IL. I often watched 'Gold Rush' with them, and dreamed of being a genuine miner. Not knowing of the immense world of small-scale mining, I was quick to abando...
2 6731
by  Scott BulkleyJump to last post
20 Mar 2015 12:21 PM
0 Replies and 4699 Views Dredging in Az  4699  0 Started by  JUSTINPOWELL101@GMAIL.COM Do I need a permit to use a 2' dredge in a river in the king man area Called Blm the said I would need a action plan and also to test the site and will take months. Please help
0 4699
13 Mar 2015 02:15 PM
1 Replies and 3623 Views new member question  3623  1 Started by Hi All,   I am a brand new member and i was going through all the materials i have recieved.  Is the prospecitng permit and membership card the same thing  I have my lifteme membership card and LDMA card but i dont see anything specifically labeled GPAA prospecting permit.   If its not included in your starting materials can someone tell  me how to register for it   Thanks for your patience!
1 3623
by  Paul LoulyJump to last post
13 Mar 2015 12:59 PM
5 Replies and 7283 Views So I downloaded some maps from goldmapsonline...  7283  5 Started by So I downloaded some maps from and the Lode and Placer claims are all around my campsite. Can I dig and pan anywhere in the boxes Thank you for your time.
5 7283
by  DENNIS JANKAJump to last post
12 Mar 2015 12:13 PM
6 Replies and 6924 Views Looking for tips and advice  6924  6 Started by Hello all, I'm a new member and new to prospecting.  I was looking for some tips and advice on where to start my first adventure from the photo below. In this photo the water flow is from left to right. Thank you in advance for any info.  
6 6924
by  DENNIS JANKAJump to last post
11 Mar 2015 09:23 AM
0 Replies and 2753 Views Highway cuts  2753  0 Started by When driving through various secondary roads in the west, especially like Nevada I always see very interesting ground where the highway was actually blasted through hills/mountains in order to lay the roadbed. Has anyone ever tried checking these cuts for possible veins or exposed gold bearing material. Do you think that these guys working these road construction areas in the past ever uncovered gold I am tempted to pull off in a safe area and hike onto these areas si...
0 2753
08 Mar 2015 05:02 PM
0 Replies and 2816 Views Cloudcroft nm  2816  0 Started by Has anyone had any luck finding color around cloudcroft nm
0 2816
07 Mar 2015 12:07 PM
4 Replies and 8430 Views rio grande????  8430  4 Started by I been going to my ranch in mexico for the past 2 years and always see black sand everywhere. just join gpaa and just was wanting to know if anybody had tried the rio grande or rio grande area. might have to take a chance next time I go and go to the mountains and pan in the creeks see if I have any luck. I know there are lots of crystal formations in the rocks and granet. ( not valuable crystals I don't think) going to spend some time to see if I find anything. I will let yall know wh...
4 8430
by  Alejandro UriasJump to last post
05 Mar 2015 08:12 AM
1 Replies and 3331 Views Change of plans  3331  1 Started by Hi all, We had plans for another claim but that fell off the deep end.  So, since we already have the trip planed and things paid for I want to see if anyone had any more info on the Nancy's claim in placer county Ca. other then what is in the member book. We may just go there instead but would like a heads up if anyone can help with this area. Thanks Mary.
1 3331
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
04 Mar 2015 03:38 PM
1 Replies and 5405 Views Moab Claim 1 Information - Is there even gold?  5405  1 Started by Hi all, After a trip to Arizona to dry wash before the rains, I stopped by the Moab 1 claim (page CL-159) on my way home to check it out. Having worked within 20 miles of the site as an exploration geologist for uranium I was surprised to see a gold claim there, as it is out in the sandy, silty, sedimentary lands, as far as one can see. The guidebook states that 'We had this claim tested and it gave off loots of gold flake', which really piqued my interest. I did a LR2000 search and foun...
1 5405
by  PAUL BADAMEJump to last post
02 Mar 2015 10:02 PM
0 Replies and 2684 Views first gold show  2684  0 Started by I went to the mesa gold show this weekend.  I liked it alot.  I am a little sad though that I didnt win any of the raffles.  I did learn alot though. cant wait for next time
0 2684
01 Mar 2015 02:47 PM
1 Replies and 4351 Views Fine gold recovery equipment  4351  1 Started by With all the different systems out there it is a bit overwhelming on which one is a good place to start. Blue bowls, spiral panning wheels, gold cube, mini sluices.....   I've even heard that some will mix their black sand with vinegar in a rock tumbler for 24 hrs. then combine it with salt and heat it   I'm sure each one has its pro's and con's and probably a lot is personal preference, but does any one type stand out above the rest  Ultimately after all the resea...
1 4351
by  PAUL STRAUBJump to last post
27 Feb 2015 05:10 PM
3 Replies and 5827 Views Want to get the kids outside away from t.v. and see the real world  5827  3 Started by I have three sons 10, 8, and 6 week old. My two oldest and wife want to go panning for gold but have no idea where to go. I am very glad the kids want to go panning, it gets them away from the t.v. You can't learn everything about life from the t.v. and internet. We live in Candler North Carolina. If anybody has any ideas where I can take the family it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
3 5827
by  PAUL STRAUBJump to last post
27 Feb 2015 02:26 PM
1 Replies and 3667 Views buying a claim  3667  1 Started by where can I find information on buying a claim, the do's and dont's    I am looking for something in New Mexico or Ariz. Just a placer claim where I can take my grandson Thanks
1 3667
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
24 Feb 2015 06:09 PM
3 Replies and 4534 Views Brand New to prospecting  4534  3 Started by Hi, I am brand new to gold prospecting. I am in Southern California for a few weeks and wanted to try some panning and sluicing. Does anyone know any good spots I could try. I have been watching videos to help me learn and I am very excited to start any help that you could give would be very much appreciated thank you.
3 4534
by  Paul LoulyJump to last post
23 Feb 2015 09:09 AM
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