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1 Replies and 4540 Views Black Hills information  4540  1 Started by Hello everyone,     I am new to this whole thing, so any help will be appreciated.  I ended up on a family trip and we will be heading to the Black Hills of SD today for a few hours.  The rest of the family wants to hit the casinos, but I would much rather be outside playing in the dirt.  I wasn't expecting this stop so I don't have any equipment with me, so I was wondering if there was anything in the Deadwood area that could be productive and where I could get at lea...
1 4540
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
09 Jul 2014 06:53 AM
2 Replies and 5961 Views I need a small fireplace shovel  5961  2 Started by Several weeks ago (before joining) I ran into a couple of members of the southern Indiana GPA at Morgan/Monroe State Forest where large shovels are not permitted.  Had a nice conversation but I forgot to write down their names (I have trouble remembering names).  Anyway, one of them showed me a small, flat bottomed fireplace shovel that I just have to have.  Lowe's has a cheap fireplace shovel that a five year old could bend in half.  I have looked all over the internet, but ...
2 5961
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
07 Jul 2014 08:37 AM
0 Replies and 3887 Views Any feedback on GPAA claim at CookeCity, Montana?  3887  0 Started by I live in Montana and never been to the new GPAA site by Cooke City Montana, was wondering what it is like
0 3887
05 Jul 2014 12:36 PM
1 Replies and 5344 Views gold buddy V1250 high banker sluice  5344  1 Started by Has anyone used this sluice before do you have any info on it, im thinking of buying it. Its battery operated.
1 5344
by  JAMES AUJump to last post
30 Jun 2014 08:08 PM
3 Replies and 7158 Views Has anyone prospected in the Hillsboro NM area?  7158  3 Started by If anyone has poked around this area, I am planning a trip out there in for the fourth of July weekend.  I would greatly appreciate any tips of contacts in the area.  Thanks!!   Ben J. 
3 7158
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
30 Jun 2014 08:32 AM
1 Replies and 6121 Views were to go butte county, california??  6121  1 Started by Hey all so heres the run down i stay in paskenta an im heading towards butte county i seen some claims in the guide. But i am not sure wich to try first or what is easly accessible. when i say easy access i meen for my car. Its a lil sports car so i cant off road. I also dont mind hiking either thats part of my day job as a wff. So any tips, gps cordinates, or any info on what to expect for my first time out i would apriciate it. Thanks -Mike
1 6121
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
30 Jun 2014 08:30 AM
2 Replies and 6612 Views Has anyone hit the Sunrise claim in Sierra County New Mexico  6612  2 Started by I am planning a family prospecting trip to the Sunrise claim and wanted to know if anyone has been there and what advice they would have.  Thanks all.   Ben J. 
2 6612
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
30 Jun 2014 08:26 AM
1 Replies and 5820 Views GPAA access to LDMA claims?  5820  1 Started by As a GPAA member, do we have access to LDMA claims, specifically Vein Mountain, NC
1 5820
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
30 Jun 2014 07:10 AM
1 Replies and 4773 Views gpaa minning sites in colorada  4773  1 Started by I was wondering if the minning sites in colorada have camp sites, do they cost money to stay there and can I put my 18' tipi (lodge) on the camp site or is it to big
1 4773
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
26 Jun 2014 07:24 AM
1 Replies and 4988 Views where is a good are to dig for gold  4988  1 Started by I live In missouri and I plan on taking a 7 day vacation to use my new sluice box. I want to go to colorado but dont know which place would be best for someone new to this. Any suggestions would be great. I also have a 10 day pass to any ldma sites also.
1 4988
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
25 Jun 2014 06:03 AM
1 Replies and 3913 Views How to view Chapter videos from the old site  3913  1 Started by HELP! The Chapter videos from the old site.  Are they viewable  where are they
1 3913
by  ADAM HANEYJump to last post
20 Jun 2014 03:18 AM
13 Replies and 5852 Views OK NEWBE WITH THE NEW GPAA SITE  5852  13 Started by I know people make changes and that is their right to do so, so with that said we have to accept what changes we have to accept. But can someone explain to me how I can post pictures for my avitar as I can not find any way to upload photos in my profile settings.   I don't know, maybe when they made the changes they left out the photo upload button
13 5852
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
18 Jun 2014 07:38 PM
5 Replies and 9954 Views Asking permission to prospect  9954  5 Started by Hi:  I started panning about 5 months ago in southern Indiana, mostly in Morgan/Monroe State Forest.  I would appreciate giving me your most successful approach to asking a private land owner for permission to pan.  I am a little shy about this and would like to know some good tips.  Thanks
5 9954
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
13 Jun 2014 09:16 AM
5 Replies and 6813 Views Confused: Need Info  6813  5 Started by I'm not a dredger myself, but ive been trying to follow the case of the fresno couple who got detained for dredging their claim. I can't seem to keep up with the regs but from what I understand, dredging is illegal in Ca.  Other sites are up in arms about their detainment.  So help me understand, if they were dredging on a stream, creek, etc. in CA, weren't they breaking the law  I keep reading the words Federal Claim.  I want to be informed so I don't do something stup...
5 6813
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
13 Jun 2014 08:49 AM
4 Replies and 8451 Views Wyoming/ colorado boarder  8451  4 Started by a newbie looking for a good place to pan and metal detect traveling in colorado by denver, fort collins and the boarder of wyoming south dakota and nebraska. We will mostly be in wyoming and colorado. does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations, My guide will be here today. we will be up there this weekend.
4 8451
by  frankie velasquezJump to last post
10 Jun 2014 07:20 PM
5 Replies and 5038 Views Service Q's  5038  5 Started by I sent a request in to Dominic, and have not heard from him yet (3 days, but I figure he is up at Cripple River getting ready for the season.)  Then sent it to the information email in contact us for GPAA.  2 working days and not even the consideration of a reply that we are looking into it.   I requested a couple of 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 inch decals/stickers of the logo (crossed pick and shovel and pan) if available or a vector file of it if not so my sign maker can make me 2 12 x...
5 5038
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
09 Jun 2014 10:23 AM
3 Replies and 10861 Views Not sure where to ask Is Tom Massie still owner of GPAA  10861  3 Started by Is tome still the GPAA owner what about LDMA I noticed the new site but done remember hearing about ownership change but did on another forum   If so is he still involved in anyway. What about the Gold Fever shows I know he sold the Outdoor Channel...
3 10861
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
07 Jun 2014 06:42 PM
2 Replies and 5977 Views Membership  5977  2 Started by Hello I just purchased a membership tonight, and I was curious can I go out to a gpaa claim this weekend even though I haven't received any of the gpaa equipment map,sticker hat etc. And if so are there any claims around phoenix someone can give me directions Ive got gold fever and I don't feel like driving to lynx creek this weekend! I just bought a fisher metal detector not the best one of course $, and I do have a small sluice box and gold pan!
2 5977
by  John HudsonJump to last post
06 Jun 2014 05:05 PM
1 Replies and 5457 Views Little Georgia claim in CO  5457  1 Started by Planning a trip to Colorado this summer and was wondering if the Little Georgia claim on the Animas river is a current GPAA claim.   Thanks Carl Cofone
1 5457
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
02 Jun 2014 07:21 AM
1 Replies and 4339 Views Trying to Identify  4339  1 Started by I found a exposed ledge that had this type of material and I am trying to identify with out yet going to an assay office. Well at least until I get more samples of other materials to make it worth the min. charge. It is very decomposed and I was thinking it might be ore containing silver sulfides. From what I been reading, there are many forms that silver can be locked into. I found this in the Pershing County, Nevada area that is know for silver mining. This piece I saved whole, ...
1 4339
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
31 May 2014 08:40 PM
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