25 Replies and 28415 Views
Bazooka trap sluices 28415 25
Started by ompomelet@gmail.com
Been watching sluicing and dredging videos on youtube.
The Rogue river videos are unbelievable... but my question is about Bazooka sluices. It seems they are more efficient time-wise than other sluices, altho' I've seen some excellent recovery in the Rogue River Videos using the Le Trap plastic sluice. I like the idea of not having to classify material using the bazookas. Everything is fast and simple with them and you get more gold recovery due to the fact you can run 10 times the materia...
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by KEVIN BELL  13 Jan 2017 10:27 AM |
15 Replies and 24748 Views
Fluid bed sluice 24748 15
Started by jpirhalla1170@gmail.com
Anyone ever use an AMP fluid bed sluice are they any
better that a regular sluice box Thanks
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by Brad Lamb  23 Nov 2016 07:51 AM |
1 Replies and 12262 Views
Randy Ark River, Colorado, Sluicing -- 25 Apr 15 12262 1
Started by randywitham@centurylink.net
Hey GPAA gold prospectors...
Well, finally got back out on the river for a little 'hard fun'... Been 18 days without a gold prospecting 'fix'......so to speak. We had a HUGE snow dump on the 17th..........anywhere from 1 to almost 3 feet in spots of wet, heavy Springtime snow. Luckily, after diggin' out the weather warmed up, got sunny for the most part, and in the last week most of it here at the lower elevations has melted off, melted into the ground.
Not surprisingly, the ...
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12262 |
by ROBERT GALYAN  19 Oct 2016 11:27 AM |
2 Replies and 13701 Views
Randy Sluicing Cache Creek, Colorado - 10 Jul 15 13701 2
Started by randywitham@centurylink.net
Hey GPAA Gold Prospectors...
Well, with the Arkansas River still flooding away.........on its way down slowly...........but still running over 1,200 CFS at the Granite gauge..........Cache Creek is the only game in town...
So, I decided to get up early, try and do some sample panning and sample sluicing at a spot I saw several days back as I walked back to my Jeep from a day's 'hard fun' further down the valley.
I arrived about 7AM, with only 1 other truck in the parking lot, with 2 guys unlo...
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13701 |
by ROBERT GALYAN  19 Oct 2016 11:22 AM |
3 Replies and 10438 Views
Gold Well Vortex Sluice 10438 3
Started by chris@northpines.us
Looking at different sluices and came across the Vortex sluice. Does anyone have one of these or have used one of these Thinking about buying one.
Does anyone have any experience/opinions
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10438 |
by Christine Gold  19 Jul 2016 09:24 AM |
3 Replies and 9209 Views
DIY Roll up sluice 9209 3
Started by ompomelet@gmail.com
A bit ago, I'd considered having some simple sluices created out of silicone so they could be rolled up and packed in to an area easily. Well, as always, someone else came up with a similar idea first but that's ok. This one is easier and even tho' this guy is selling them, it looks to me like a slit open corrugated plastic culvert so easy to DIY: http://www.mygoldpanning.com/rollup...cebox.html
Not a bad idea at all and some riffled matting could be added to a section of it wit...
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9209 |
by joseph Loyd  15 Jul 2016 08:20 PM |
2 Replies and 9779 Views
Wading Boots 9779 2
Started by ronswanson@sio.midco.net
Please help. Does anyone know what brand of waders (knee high) that Tom Massey wears in some of his episodes of Gold Fever My knee high waders have a steel toe and it gives me fits with my metal detector....Plus they give me blisters - Tom seems to get around, in the episodes that he is wearing his knee high waders, very comfortably. They appear to be an all rubber boot.
Other than what Tom Massey wears, does anyone have a recommendation for 'Knee High Rubber...
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9779 |
by Brad Lamb  11 Jul 2016 10:18 AM |
7 Replies and 14778 Views
How much water to bring? 14778 7
Started by tmessmerrn@outlook.com
Interested in sluicing out in the desert for a day how much water is enough and what does everyone use to transport there water I am thinking sparklers bottles.
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14778 |
by Mary McCarty  04 Jul 2016 10:49 AM |
1 Replies and 8903 Views
Ever Wonder? 8903 1
Started by rockkingron@gmail.com
Ever wonder how much gold was in that last 5 gallon bucket you just ran through your sluice box without pulling the box from the water to find out When working a stream with a fast water box I like to check the contents from time to time to make sure I am still digging where the color is.
To check a box in running water all that is needed is a clear drinking glass or a divers face mask. Just hold the bottom of the glass or face m...
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8903 |
by Brad Lamb  16 Mar 2016 08:28 AM |
2 Replies and 14656 Views
The Riffle/Trap System 14656 2
Started by rockkingron@gmail.com
All most all sluice boxes use a carpet or some form of ribbed matting or miners moss as the first trap in the sluice box. The second trap may be expanded metal or a riffle system that goes over the top of the first trap and some might go expanded metal over the first trap with a riffle system over the expanded metal giving the sluice box 3 traps to stop and hold the gold.
The design and style of the riffle system is very important, for ...
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14656 |
by WALTER EASON  07 Jan 2016 07:15 AM |
0 Replies and 7070 Views
Christmas 7070 0
Started by jleamer20@gmail.com
Well, the first present is under the tree! I have been looking for a smaller sluice that I can do some quick prospecting and sampling. I bought (with the Mrs. permission) an Angus MacKirk Adventurer sluice. As it is too cold here in NW PA, I will not be able to use it any time soon unless I get to travel to southern climate to test it out. I can't wait to get out there and do some sampling with it. All you who have opportunity to go, pan some for me. Muc...
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7070 |
11 Dec 2015 06:41 AM |
4 Replies and 8634 Views
Royal mfg 54inch sluice? 8634 4
Started by Jamesmcgrew@rocketmail.com
Hey got a question about my next sluice. Currently been using the royal 30inch first one I got works good very compact. I'm wanting to upgrade to a larger sluice so I can keep feeding it and not have to cleanout so much. I'm looking at the royal 54 wide flare model in the kit with everything to make it a recirculator or a high banker, does anyone have any experience with this. I like the brand and how they are 100 USA made seems pretty cheap as far as price goes compared to some other ...
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8634 |
by James Mcgrew  02 Oct 2015 05:55 PM |
2 Replies and 8743 Views
Partnering-up! 8743 2
Started by co.ilm@hotmail.com
I have some basic prospecting equipment, excellent electronic equipment for detecting on land and water & a 4x4.
Located in the Sacramento area. Would like to team up with someone compatible.
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8743 |
by CHRISTOPHER BOWMAN  27 Aug 2015 02:25 AM |
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8640 |
by TIM LEIBEL  10 Aug 2015 07:10 PM |
4 Replies and 12065 Views
Prospecting Cache Creek with Caleb -- 29 May 15 12065 4
Started by randywitham@centurylink.net
Hey GPAA Gold Prospectors...
Well, with the Ark now flowing over 1,000 CFS at the Granite gauge.......it's time to focus again on Cache Creek for gold prospecting fun...
I guided a full-day 'gold adventure' outing yesterday for Caleb from Kansas. We hit my favorite little dry gulch for some panning & sluicing fun. The day was perfect, 50/50 sun, light breeze, cool temps, and we didn't get poured on even once with a big thundershower! :wink:
We arrived about 9:30AM...
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12065 |
by Robert DeMoss  19 Jul 2015 09:15 AM |
19 Replies and 13359 Views
Maybe New Sluice Box?? 13359 19
Started by dmcelyea@gmail.com
My son put this together in the shop where he works. Could be the making of a good sluice box. Need to make a spray bar, put in some carpet, expanded metal and some riffles. A pump and some hose. Also need to make some kind of stand. It can be picked up with one hand and carried as it is. The top part can be taken off. It has expanded metal in it for classifying. Any input on putting the rest together would be helpful. Thanks
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13359 |
by Nicholas Lionberger  10 Jun 2015 04:09 PM |
6 Replies and 12660 Views
Randy Sluicing Ark River, CO, GPAA Clains -- 21 May 15 12660 6
Started by randywitham@centurylink.net
Hey GPAA prospectors...
Between all the rain and snow we've been having here lately I hit the Arkansas River yesterday to see what the rain and snow melt was doing to the river level... The USGS gauge up at Granite said 500 CFS, but further downriver at the GPAA claims at the old RR bridge it was obviously a bit higher...
I guessed my favorite spot way downriver was now under water, so I decided to stay close to the bridge, did some sampling right below it on the North side. Not ve...
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12660 |
by Robert DeMoss  02 Jun 2015 12:22 PM |
2 Replies and 9157 Views
Newbie question for sluicing 9157 2
Started by dave.johnston1@frontier.com
I just recently purchased a Royal 30' recirculating sluice box and was wondering how many 5 gallon buckets of material I could run through it before needing to do a clean out. I am running some 'practice' material that is the roughly 1/8' and less. Thanks for your comments.
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9157 |
by Christopher Pease  05 Apr 2015 09:29 AM |
0 Replies and 7603 Views
Sluicing the Ark River, CO, with Matt -- 7 Mar 15 7603 0
Started by randywitham@centurylink.net
Hey GPAA Gold Prospectors...
Well, we FINALLY have had the snow stop falling for a few days now.....and a warming trend, so a new prospecting friend Matt from Leadville, Colorado, and I hit the Arkansas River on the GPAA Arkansas Groups claims block for a little afternoon sluicing fun in the bright High Colorado sun yesterday...
We met about 11AM as the morning was a bit nippy, at 9 degrees F at my house, hoping the sun would warm the ground, make diggin' in the river bed possible.
Walking th...
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7603 |
08 Mar 2015 08:32 AM |
0 Replies and 5420 Views
RDH Prospecting 12 Mini Sluice 5420 0
Started by deddy@sbcglobal.net
RDH Prospecting mini Sluice
Specs: Size is 12'L x 3' W x 1 inch high sides. It weighs 1 lbs. It has black ribbed matting. The box is a strong .063 gauge 5052 aircraft aluminum.
I saw this on the internet and thought I'd give it a try (14.95 10.00 S/H). Tried several ways to setup in the kitchen sink until I found one that worked. There was just one problem. Towards the upper left in the stock photo you can see a silvery line towards the end of the sluice...
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12 Feb 2015 11:48 PM |