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4 Replies and 6170 Views Royal 54 initial setup.  6170  4 Started by Just ordered up the unit and looking for advice on starting point.....drop, in inches is the primary question, along with depth of water in the box. Will be running a WX15, 1 1/2' all the way. Royal 00158
4 6170
by  Rocky EgnerJump to last post
23 May 2024 02:31 PM
2 Replies and 9061 Views In need of assistance!  9061  2 Started by Hello everyone, Has anyone ever heard of or seen a '4x4 gold buggy' Small high banker that is self contained with atv wheels and a small hitch. If so do you have any info/manuals for it I have recently come into possession of such piece of equipment. There is labeling on the side that includes the name, roper manufacturing lincoln MT, website of (however that doesn't exist anymore), and a pending patent number. Seems to be missing a few parts and would like to see e...
2 9061
by  Donald CreamerJump to last post
28 Mar 2023 04:55 PM
9 Replies and 19689 Views Pumps for Highbankers  19689  9 Started by Hello everyone, I am interested in what brands of pumps, including gas motor manufacturer s people are using. Particularly, are the Chinese built engines, namely Kiran, good engines that you can get parts for Thanks in advance for your input. Wayne
9 19689
by  Dave BarenbruggeJump to last post
13 Oct 2022 09:13 PM
0 Replies and 2938 Views Gold Fox Mini Monster with revisions unboxing  2938  0 Started by Just received my Mini Monster with the new improvements !
0 2938
03 Sep 2022 09:07 AM
13 Replies and 100485 Views KEENE MINI MAX  100485  13 Started by  CRAIGWYATTEARP@GMAIL.COM hello everybody... I'm currently looking into getting high banker (my first one), and am looking at and highly considering the Keene mini max.  I was just curious if anybody has one or has any experience with one.  what have you found to be the pros and cons thank you for your time in advance and have a great day, happy prospecting!
13 100485
by  Fabian BarrientosJump to last post
31 May 2022 10:57 PM
2 Replies and 4726 Views new trommel on Clear creek  4726  2 Started by I got a new Gold Fox trommel, and was dying to try it out. We came down the Mtn to warm up and get some gold! The trommel worked phenomenal! My wife name it Sir Eatsalot! I was amazed at the small gold that it could catch. Panned the tailings and found nothing. Fun time!
2 4726
by  Michael EllisJump to last post
26 Mar 2022 08:11 PM
19 Replies and 33483 Views high banking  33483  19 Started by we added an extra 4 foot sluice to our high banker with 3 grating, miners moss and ribbed matting and found we now retain a lot more flake and fine gold in the extra sluice. wounder now why these companies make such a short sluice box in the first place
19 33483
by  Dan CampbellJump to last post
06 Sep 2021 07:33 PM
5 Replies and 4984 Views Trying to decide  4984  5 Started by Hello friends, Have been out of prospecting for a couple of years as I was having some difficulties from injuries I sustained while deployed and now I am looking for a new piece of equipment. My preferred method was dredging but now my kids are big enough I want to get a highbanker so they can participate a little more. Trying to decide on the best one, reliability and fine gold retention. The conditions that I prospect on consists of almost entirely small crushed granite and sand. Gold i...
5 4984
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
02 Sep 2021 12:43 AM
6 Replies and 8826 Views Does Anyone own A super Hog that can give me some dimensions?  8826  6 Started by  My wife will not let me buy a super Hogg High banker, but she didn't question it when I ordered two sheets of aluminum. I am a seasoned metal fabricator and have all the equipment to build one, but I am lacking some details on the header box like dimensions and how the reverse riffle works on the first sluice. How long is the drop down Zone and how long is the opening under the grizzly bars. This is all new to me I just joined GPAA and started prospecting a couple months ago and have decid...
6 8826
by  Mike CostleyJump to last post
07 Apr 2021 06:17 PM
1 Replies and 4267 Views Rubber Boot or Flap  4267  1 Started by Good morning, We have a Keene A52 converted into a high banker with a Keene hopper, our pump is an Honda GX120 with a Keene pump. Would it be a good idea to add a boot or flap (very light rubber) at the discharge or base of the hopper to assist with smoothing the water flow Thank you for your time, Dan
1 4267
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
16 Feb 2021 12:57 PM
3 Replies and 11891 Views Honcoop Highbanker  11891  3 Started by I am interested in any information on the Honcoop. The pros and cons of this high banker. My operation is a one man operation. So any advice or suggestions would be of great help. Thank you in advance.
3 11891
by  Daniel GrantJump to last post
27 Dec 2020 09:53 PM
5 Replies and 10376 Views What type of battery to use when highbanking?  10376  5 Started by Hey guys, I recently bought a Keene Mini Max and want to pack it into some remote areas on a backpack. The highbanker has a 12v battery operated pump so I wanted to ask those with experience what they would recommend using to power the highbanker I saw online that amps makes a big different in how long you can run for. But typically the more amps the more weight you will be lugging around. Ultimately I would like to run the highbanker for 5-6 hours a day for a whole week. But sinc...
5 10376
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
10 Jun 2020 03:54 PM
5 Replies and 5323 Views Jet intake on gold hog raptor?  5323  5 Started by Hello fellow prospectors! I’m only on year 2 in GPAA, and this is post 1 for me! I’m up in WA, impatiently waiting for the season to get going and ordered a gold hog raptor, which I plan on using both as a highbanker and dredge. My question is: has anyone tried using a jet intake/flare on one of these machines If so, do you like the results May your pans resemble the yellow brick road! Jase
5 5323
by  Richard CordesJump to last post
28 May 2020 04:31 PM
0 Replies and 2254 Views Amount of water wjth an angusmack explorer sluice  2254  0 Started by I just got one of the older grey angusmackirk explorer sluice . I put spray bars on it making in a recuiculater. I am classifying it down it about 1/8' and have a 1100gph pump on it . I was wondering if that was too much water .Thank you
0 2254
21 Apr 2020 12:08 AM
5 Replies and 3842 Views Martin mats  3842  5 Started by Has anyone used the Martin Gold Stop mats . I saw them for the first time last week. They look pretty good. Thinking anout trying one in my highbanker.
5 3842
by  Zackery McCallJump to last post
10 Dec 2019 02:10 AM
1 Replies and 3544 Views beach placers  3544  1 Started by does anyone know what beaches in florida have flower gold
1 3544
by  CHRISTOPHER SATKOWSKIJump to last post
07 Oct 2019 11:29 AM
0 Replies and 2431 Views Using angusmackirk sluice in Keene A51 with hopper  2431  0 Started by Hi has anyone used an angusmackirk sluice in a Keene with hopper. I have been thinking about trying one might be a quicker cleanup.
0 2431
20 Jun 2019 03:13 PM
5 Replies and 20576 Views Beach Prospecting  20576  5 Started by   Cape Disappointment/Long Beach in Washington State This last weekend (March 18 and 19), after the Puyallup, Washington Gold Show, I made a trip to Long Beach with my 3 stack Gold Cube.  I had talked to someone in the Southwest Gold Prospectors (GPAA) club in Vancouver, WA to try to find where to go on Long Beach that I could drive onto the beach with my equipment. I found a site that I could use fresh water to run the Cube and ran 7 buckets of black sand through the Cube, then cle...
5 20576
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
25 Feb 2019 11:22 AM
2 Replies and 11540 Views Alaska Beach Highbanking Video  11540  2 Started by  Mike Primer I helped Ray edit this because he was busy.  Great little video getting great gold.
2 11540
by  STANLEY SHIELDSJump to last post
16 Feb 2019 08:10 AM
19 Replies and 110617 Views New law in CA???  110617  19 Started by A friend I talk to today said that hibanking was outlawed now in California new to this year Any one know of any thing or any input
19 110617
by  Don WendtJump to last post
07 Aug 2018 02:54 AM
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