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18 Replies and 26516 Views Homemade 4 build  26516  18 Started by Ok so here are pictures of my 4 inch dredge build. She is all done and ready for water. The wife named her 'PEBBLES'. She cost $1085.47 not counting the pump which is 2 years old but was bought at Tractor Supply for around $140 so add that to it and its a total of $1225.47 for her. Way cheaper than buying one plus she was made by me and with my design. I ran her last week on a temporary float and the flare and sluice ran great at 1/2-3/4 throttle. Can't wait to get her in a creek in the next wee...
18 26516
by  Kayo "joe" BassettJump to last post
09 Jun 2017 07:52 PM
6 Replies and 12535 Views Dredge Hose and Best Place to Acquire  12535  6 Started by Hi All I'm rehabbing a old 4' Keene dredge and looking for Dredge hose . What the best kind/brand and why do you like it Also what is the best source to purchase or acquire it. What are the lengths to run I know this last is a loaded question but whats the average lengths to use.  I appreciate all the responses thanks for your time.
6 12535
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
01 May 2017 03:58 PM
2 Replies and 10866 Views Dredge Ban Alert  10866  2 Started by   Calling all GPAA members, dredgers and prospectors.   New Hampshire HB 591 An act relative to suction dredging in the surface waters of the state.  &91;Bill Text&93; introduced by Rep Lee Oxenham.   This bill will prohibit the use of suction  dredges, highbankers and rockerboxes in the state of New Hampshire. This bill has already passed the house vote and has been referred to the senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. There is yet to be a public heari...
2 10866
by  JOHN DORVALJump to last post
30 Mar 2017 03:29 PM
2 Replies and 8603 Views An inexpensive cart, ready made, for small dredges  8603  2 Started by  I bought it from Sport's Authority.  Cabelas and Academy Sports carry them currently.  It will also haul and provide the stand for a gold cube and other recirc setups.  
2 8603
by  Brad LambJump to last post
30 Mar 2017 04:25 AM
3 Replies and 10863 Views Nearest place from phoenix to dredge?  10863  3 Started by I bought a 4iinch Keene dredging setup in 1994,. It is set up on a lightweight pack board, and bought to fit in the back of a Hughes 500 helicopter., used it once in Alaska, but am now moving to Arizona. Where is the closest location to Phoenix where I could use it I would welcome partnering with experienced person in exchange for sharing my equipment. I live on the KENAI Peninsula in Alaska now. mica
3 10863
by  MARTIN SOHLBERGJump to last post
26 Mar 2017 09:19 AM
7 Replies and 9547 Views Low Visibility  9547  7 Started by I have made over a thousand scuba dives in my life.  Several, where there was No (I literally had to touch my mask to see my fingers), or extremely low visibility.  Has anyone ever been dredging where the conditions were similar  If so, What considerations should be taken for safety, and for success  What would those conditions do to equipment or would it do anything    Thanks, Chip
7 9547
by  Brad LambJump to last post
06 Mar 2017 06:45 AM
6 Replies and 9343 Views New dredge!  9343  6 Started by Hiya fellas! Well today, I put some money down on my first dredge! Kind of a weird situation. My friend manages a pawn shop and called me up. He hooked me up, $500! But I have not seen it in person yet. I just have a picture of it. Anyone know what kind of dredge this is I know he said that it's a B&G engine with a Keene sluice. Not sure of the size though. Any help would be appreciated! I won't actually get it until I pay the rest off in full, and I have plenty of time left for that since ...
6 9343
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
21 Feb 2017 04:00 PM
4 Replies and 9091 Views California Water Board Shannon Poe 2/7/17  9091  4 Started by   Here is a video of Shannon Poe at the California Water Board 0n 2/7/17 presenting the facts about dredging. This fight has been going on for a long time, Why do we keep losing The facts should win the day, but they don't, why What is eventually going to happen every state is going to be reduced to nothing more than panning, every state will resemble the state of Vermont which is hands and pans only. We can't wait for someone else to fight this fight for us, every one of us has to take ...
4 9091
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
15 Feb 2017 08:47 AM
11 Replies and 22465 Views 2 Backpack Dredge - good idea?  22465  11 Started by After 3 years into this, I'm ready to get my first dredge. I've got an opportunity to acquire a Keene 2' backpack dredge for $550, lightly used. Is this worthwhile, or should I just be saving up for a 3 or 4'  Are the nozzles interchangeable  Besides a wet-suit, what kind of equipment do I need besides standard prospecting gear for highbanking/panning   Regards, Ed
11 22465
by  Nicholas LionbergerJump to last post
09 Feb 2017 06:46 PM
11 Replies and 9302 Views WA State HB's 1077 and 1106 2017-18  9302  11 Started by   I wanted to share this video from the public hearing on WA State HB 1077 and 1106:  
11 9302
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
06 Feb 2017 09:37 AM
0 Replies and 6489 Views Gold dredging in New England  6489  0 Started by   We dredge a lot in New England, if you start too early in the season you may find that it can be quite cold. The spring of 2016 was unseasonably warm early so we decided to dredge in the middle of May. When we arrived it was pleasant and our first day was beautiful, that night it started raining and then it rained all the next day. We had to pull the dredge out of the river because it started to rage. Late that afternoon the weather started to clear but then that nigh it got cold. When w...
0 6489
05 Feb 2017 01:13 PM
8 Replies and 16655 Views Randy Dredging the Arkansas River, Colorado -- Aug 2014  16655  8 Started by Greetings GPAA Gold Prospectors... Time for a summary Trip Report of my gold dredging exploits for the last 9 days in the beautiful Arkansas River here in High Colorado, just North of Buena Vista about 15 miles North of town.  My prospecting buddies Bill & John were out for their big annual suction dredging trip and again invited me to join them on their claim that is permitted from the BLM for motorized ops/suction dredging...   Problem starting off this year is that las...
8 16655
by  Michael PlessingerJump to last post
01 Feb 2017 04:17 AM
3 Replies and 9084 Views Coastal Dredging: Idle Thoughts  9084  3 Started by Anyone know anything about coastal dredging  Specifically, is it legal, and how do you go about estimating the required capital investment.  Even more specifically, the area I'm thinking about (and I'll tell you, cause I know I'll never be the one to dredge it) is 'False Klamath Cove, California'.  I thought that I once read, though I can't find the source now, that this was once the mouth of the Klamath river.  Certainly you only have to look at a topo map to see that this ...
3 9084
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
07 Dec 2016 07:11 AM
9 Replies and 9217 Views Gold dredging and sluicing  9217  9 Started by Hello my name is michael and me and my wife are avid treasure hunters, we metal detect all the time. We go once a year to gold n grubbin mine in Georgia and gem and gold hunt. I have a 4 inch dredge, a sluice pans, my metal detectors all 9 im looking for some members that would be interested in having someone else to hunt with. Im new to the gpaa and would be interested in any help. Thanks
9 9217
by  JIM SHANNONJump to last post
25 Nov 2016 06:40 AM
3 Replies and 11918 Views Necessary Permits for Kenai Alaska?  11918  3 Started by Well, I'm down to my final two months of planning my Alaska trip.  Need some help from some of you experienced or local members of the Kenai Alaska area.  I've got the general permits for: (1)Resurrection Creek, (2)Six-Mile Creek, (3)Peterson Creek areas.  Also have submitted and approved, the 'Other Streams in the Kenai' permit for the GPAA claims there. These were all from the Alaska Fish & Game.  Also have the ADEC general permit for small mining.  I plan on doing...
3 11918
by  Sam BritchJump to last post
22 Oct 2016 11:26 PM
7 Replies and 15211 Views AZ dredge permit.  15211  7 Started by  454BEN@GMAIL.COM Talked to the BLM   and Corp of Engineers and both said they don't issue dredge permits. The Engineers kept telling me the claim is the one that gets the permit and anyone can work under it.  Never heard anything like that and just wondering where the permits are available from what dept.  This is small mining not commercial and that is where directed to find info.
7 15211
by  Christine GoldJump to last post
24 Sep 2016 07:24 AM
14 Replies and 31574 Views Dredge Locations  31574  14 Started by  This is  a topic for dredge locations. Please help out and add locations and add info about your dredging experience, tips, and comments at the different spots     
14 31574
by  JIM SHANNONJump to last post
13 Sep 2016 11:44 PM
9 Replies and 12446 Views Water wheel dredge  12446  9 Started by Has anyone with a Claim in California put in a Water driven wheel to run pumps and compressors for dredging It cound be mounted on a mobile barge next to dredge or have supply hoses run from it to several dredges. No moter. We have been running Mills and generating electricity this way in the past. You do not need great elevation changes to turn a wheel. justy flowing water and the right gearing. 
9 12446
by  Tim HibbsJump to last post
25 Aug 2016 06:20 PM
1 Replies and 6922 Views Could you measure your dredge baffle to help me with a homemade one?  6922  1 Started by  Hello all! I have a 3' keene highbanker/ dredge and I would like to add a baffle. Since it did not come with one originally I am curious what material is usually used for baffles I am thinking of using a 1/4' EPDM rubber mat but I am curious how thick the mats that generally come with dredges are. If someone with a stock baffle could measure the thickness I would appreciate it. Thanks!
1 6922
by  Brad LambJump to last post
12 Aug 2016 08:01 AM
6 Replies and 10571 Views 6 dredge  10571  6 Started by Looking to buy a brand new 6' dredge , I just need to know where I am allowed to take it without getting in any sort of trouble.
6 10571
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
02 Aug 2016 08:01 PM
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