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15 Replies and 17356 Views Oregon Dredge Moritorium  17356  15 Started by Division ofState lands has published a news release and a draft map of waters that will be closed to motorized mining for 5 years.  This is classified as Essential Salmon Habitat along with Bull Trout waters.  You can find  by looking at the DSL site.the map or here:   This includes the public corridor in Quartzville along with the 3 GPAA claims up there.    Brice, Sharps and Champion Creeks out of Cottage Grove...
15 17356
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
29 Apr 2016 02:32 PM
2 Replies and 9322 Views gpaa claim and dredging  9322  2 Started by I got a lil back pack dredge that I would like to use . Unfortunately I live in California where I will be put in jail if I dredge out here . I am a member and was wondering what it takes to dredge out side of california maybe Arizona or Nevada . Can I just go up to a gpaa claim and dredge Been doing research but so many different permits and practices. Please help and send me in the right direction . Thanks for your time to all .
2 9322
by  Ryan RodriguezJump to last post
07 Apr 2016 08:13 PM
2 Replies and 7025 Views where to go?  7025  2 Started by My son is going off to a trade school this summer, it will be my first summer alone in 22 years. I have a old motor home, and a 2 inch dredge, anybody got any ideas on a good spot a guy could go to for a week or two.
2 7025
by  MONTE WIEBKEJump to last post
20 Mar 2016 12:50 PM
3 Replies and 10612 Views GOLD DREDGEING IN NC WHAT ARE THE RULES REGULATIONS  10612  3 Started by   Hey, I have a 3 inch floating  keene dredge ready to put in the water I was just wondering like I driving down the road pass over a bridge can I just get into any creek bed and start using equipment here in n.c.  And are there any permits that I would need I have been offer to go on private land  but I would just like to be able to prospect when I see a good spots with out any trespassing charges that a lot to hall in to be told to leave 20 min later please any help...
3 10612
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
19 Mar 2016 08:00 PM
13 Replies and 14030 Views dredges  14030  13 Started by Looking for advice on a good dredge to start using and to learn on. Thanks
13 14030
by  Terrence PrebalickJump to last post
14 Mar 2016 05:54 PM
0 Replies and 4256 Views dredging in the huachuca mountains or nearby  4256  0 Started by does any one know if it is legal to dredge one of the many small creeks in this area of Arizona, Thanks in advance for the help also any local clubs for gold, gems, rock-hounding that I could join have tried to get a hold of the gpaa chapterthat was listed long ago.  Thanks again Terry
0 4256
14 Mar 2016 05:44 PM
1 Replies and 8878 Views dredging boise national forest idaho  8878  1 Started by I was wondering what permits I need to dredge in Idaho. I have found department of water permit, department of lands permit, and the NPDES permit and do I need them all or not. Any help would be great thank you.
1 8878
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
15 Feb 2016 04:49 PM
2 Replies and 6461 Views Dredging out by Stanton?  6461  2 Started by This year the wife and I were out poking around, not at camp, just out S/E of Decision corner, and we saw a guy in one of the washes dredging. We just had some pretty good rain and some of the washes were running. We have a little 2 1/2' triple dredge, and I was thinking of bringing it out when it's too wet to drywash and give it a try. Has anyone on here done it before We do belong to a couple other organizations, so there are plenty of washes to try, but just curious if it is worth it, or ...
2 6461
by  JOSEPH PEARSONJump to last post
09 Nov 2015 03:20 PM
12 Replies and 8492 Views 2015 October Loudmine LDMA Outing Loudmine, GA  8492  12 Started by Anybody been to an outing at Loudmine and brought there own dredge , or is the dirt provided better than the dredging out there  
12 8492
by  JIM SHANNONJump to last post
07 Nov 2015 06:32 PM
0 Replies and 4141 Views Idaho Boise Dredge partners or team  4141  0 Started by I'd like to meet a few other people interested in dredging within a few hours of Boise.  Just more fun and productive with several people.   Been dredging for about 5 years and prospecting 10. Looking for others with the fever family is immune. I have several dredges. Water starting to get cold but, I think a few more trips can be made this year.
0 4141
01 Oct 2015 12:05 AM
1 Replies and 8176 Views Dredge ID  8176  1 Started by    I acquired a old Keene 2' dredge with a crash box.  It has 3 or 4 riffles and then about a foot of what looks like 2' expanded metal and is attached to the riffle piece.  ANY Idea of how old this is   will attempt to post a photo later. 
1 8176
by  FRANK L BENNETTJump to last post
04 Sep 2015 11:38 AM
2 Replies and 8935 Views URGENT CALL TO ACTION  8935  2 Started by California legislators need to hear from miners tonight or tomorrow morning because Senate Bill 637 goes up for a vote today or tomorrow. Urge your representatives to VOTE NO on this bill:  Find your representative. Make a call. Send an email. Your rights and your future as a prospector and miner are at stake.  Go to
2 8935
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
03 Sep 2015 06:34 PM
0 Replies and 5764 Views Golden Back Achers(correction) in Libby Montana  5764  0 Started by Anyone who has dredged on this claim please message me back. Thank you, Robin
0 5764
11 May 2015 01:48 PM
0 Replies and 7141 Views California Suction Dredge Mining Senate Hearing 4-29-2015  7141  0 Started by We had GPAA, AMRA, PLP, etc, etc, etc members from all over the state fighting for our rights.    
0 7141
01 May 2015 10:27 AM
6 Replies and 30035 Views Miners moss VS Carpet?  30035  6 Started by I have a 3' gold king dredge/highbanker combo and need to replace the carpet.  I was wondering which is better since I need to buy new matting, I was thinking of going with gold hog matting.  Also when switching from carpet to miners moss do you need to do any modifications to the riffles  Just looking at it I dont see how the moss will fit as it seems much thicker than carpet.  Just looking for some input! Thanks! Ben J. 
6 30035
by  DENNIS JANKAJump to last post
27 Apr 2015 10:06 AM
3 Replies and 9721 Views Randy Dredging the Ark with John - 5 & 6 Apr 15  9721  3 Started by Hey all you GPAA prospectors... O.K.  O.K.  High time for something a little different, a little more 'fun' than just panning & sluicing... How about a Trip Report on 2 days of suction dredging on John's claim here on the Arkansas River, here in High Kolorado, about 8,500 feet elevation  Hope you enjoy the 'gold adventure' as much as we did!   I had been pondering some serious sluice box mods to my Keene Ultra Mini 4 inch suction dredge since last August, when ...
3 9721
by  Paul LoulyJump to last post
21 Apr 2015 02:16 PM
2 Replies and 12065 Views dredging around fairplay co.  12065  2 Started by trying to find areas that i can dredge in the fairplay area that are a gpaa claim or a claim that is a shared usage. also looking for a area that is dredging permitted in the area. if any one knows of a private claim owner that will allow a weekend, or one week use. thanks John Leahy
2 12065
by  JOHN LEAHYJump to last post
21 Apr 2015 10:12 AM
7 Replies and 10184 Views Buoyancy Compensators ?  10184  7 Started by Has anyone used buoyancy compensators (bc) such as the ones for scuba I have been contemplating the best approach for a dredge site i have in mind where their are vertical walls on both sides and fairly deep water. To get to the site i would have to set upstream and float in. was thinking this would make an easier way to come up for a break or to check the box. scenes scuba is a high presser system would you have to modify the way the BC inflates just throwing it out their i alway shave crazy ...
7 10184
by  TED TUPITZAJump to last post
01 Mar 2015 11:32 AM
0 Replies and 5766 Views Dredging in PA.  5766  0 Started by I know a permit is required to dredge in PA. Has anyone ever gotten one. Is the state a pain to deal with when it comes to getting one.
0 5766
15 Feb 2015 03:10 PM
3 Replies and 12373 Views Dredge Adjustments  12373  3 Started by I have a 2' Keene Dredge with a crash box sluice on It. When it runs the weight of the water brings the end of the sluice down near the water. That point is can be adjusted by moving the sluice on the dredge frame. Question is how much or how many inches should the end of the sluice be above the water
3 12373
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
13 Jan 2015 03:57 PM
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