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3 Replies and 10859 Views Advice on Gold King 3 dredge  10859  3 Started by Ok, so there I was driving home from a family road trip of over 4500 miles and on craigslist I see a 3' Gold King dredge highbanker combo for sale in Wichita, so i buy it for $500  (motor and pump included). It looks well used but in ok shape I notice it is missing the coupler for the dredge hose to the box, which is my first question, where can i get a replacement fitting  I guess it would have to be a four inch to three inch for the plastic hose to fit.  I have attached a photo...
3 10859
by  Benjamin JacksonJump to last post
04 Jan 2015 07:38 AM
2 Replies and 9644 Views Inflatable VS Marlex Pontoon  9644  2 Started by I'm looking at getting a Keene 2' Backpack Dredge and can't decide on the pontoons.  i generally prospect in remote steep mountain terrain so the less trips in and out is better. The inflatable sound ideal for this but not shire if they would be a pain during assembly.  Any thoughts would be great help.
2 9644
by  JAMES PEACEJump to last post
30 Nov 2014 01:51 PM
1 Replies and 5392 Views Brandon Rinehart case  5392  1 Started by &60;&115;&116;&121;&108;&101;&32;&116;&121;&112;&101;&61;&34;&116;&101;&120;&116;&47;&99;&115;&115;&34;&62; P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } &60;&47;&115;&116;&121;&108;&101;&62;  In the seemingly unending saga of California’s statewide ban on suction dredge mining, the State of California has petitioned the California Supreme Court to overturn the California Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District decision in favor of Brandon Rinehart. The state...
1 5392
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
18 Nov 2014 04:14 PM
0 Replies and 5863 Views Partnering-up!  5863  0 Started by I have some basic prospecting equipment, excellent electronic equipment for detecting on land and water & a 4x4. Located in the Sacramento area. Would like to team up with someone compatible.
0 5863
25 Oct 2014 02:56 PM
0 Replies and 4439 Views Need dimensions of the new keene 8 over size power jet  4439  0 Started by I would like the dimensions of the new keene 8' over size power jet to check it with the old one if any one has them like the OD and ID of the power jet tube and length from where the suction hose stops in the clamp to the end of the tube and the size of the orifice in the water lugs the two lug type they start at 3' and go down to 1.5' ID. I think the old ones did anyway so if they made the power jet tube bigger thin the lug orifice should be bigger too
0 4439
06 Oct 2014 12:55 PM
3 Replies and 5969 Views The science of dredging and mercury  5969  3 Started by Here are three must-watch videos for anyone who wants to understand the science of mercury and dredging. The videos feature retired EPA scientist, Claudia Wise, who is not only a GPAA member but a suction dredge miner based in Oregon. She and Joseph Greene, also a retired EPA scientist, GPAA member and suction dredge miner in Oregon, have done great work in educating others about the BENEFITS of suction dredge mining and debunk the myths about mercury:
3 5969
by  BRAD JONESJump to last post
06 Oct 2014 11:49 AM
4 Replies and 8974 Views dredging outside of california  8974  4 Started by Hey all, I know i miss coming down to California to dredge and hang out with friends,(still get to do that metal detecting) but i sure miss working underwater and working the python, but i still get to work some small streams up here northeast of the golden bear state, we don't find big gold as a rule but you do get a lot of small course gold, I do try and help out with the legal battle as much as i can (support the PLP and other Organizations as much as you can) but i just wanted to share some ...
4 8974
by  BRET BATEMANJump to last post
26 Sep 2014 02:54 PM
9 Replies and 9066 Views California dredge ban  9066  9 Started by If I'm not mistaken, wasnt there going to be a ruling on Californias dredge ban some time around now Anyone heard anything Or are they still trying to come up with some lame a$$ excuses to keep us out of the water         Bill
9 9066
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
11 Aug 2014 03:23 PM
5 Replies and 9259 Views Dredging  9259  5 Started by Went dredging today. I have a Gold Buddy 2.5 inch.  I think I want to toss the little perforated steel sheet that is supposed to protect the integrity of the fines right in front of the crash box. I have the laith wire looking stuff underneath it.The bolt that holds it in seems to be causing rocks to back up. Will I lose gold if I remove the plate   
5 9259
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
06 Aug 2014 06:59 PM
8 Replies and 12807 Views Maine, Motorized Prospecting Ban  12807  8 Started by Recently Maine introduced legislation in LD 1671 SP646 that is being pushed by Trout Unlimited with the support of some fly fishing clubs in Maine. This legislation was introduced by Senator Boyle and referred to the Environment and Natural Resources Committee who amended this bill and passed it. Here is the amendment:;snum=126 Northeastern prospectors are outraged and should be. It should be going to the House and the Senate for a vote soon...
8 12807
by  TROY STUTSMANJump to last post
06 Jul 2014 09:53 PM
1 Replies and 8565 Views Let miners do it for FREE  8565  1 Started by   Here's a link to check out. I sure hope they made sure the equipment doesn't leak oil, diesel or hydraulic fluid, oh and I'm sure they have all the permits from EPA and Fish and game.  If they would just let us dredge we would do it for free, far less evasiveness, can't imagine the silt there stirring up. Another waste of money by Government.   Rick      
1 8565
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
23 Jun 2014 12:46 PM
0 Replies and 4594 Views Pump size Q's  4594  0 Started by Looking at possibly putting together either a 1 1/2 incher or a 2 1/2 incher.  Would have everything but the pump.  This will be a long arm system, as I don't dive.   What are the average GPM/GPH rates for pumps for those sizes, bearing in mind this will be a suction nozzle rather than a jet system, but might go jet later.  Was kind of figuring the HF 1 inch clear water might be alright for the 1 1/2 incher.
0 4594
20 Jun 2014 08:48 AM
5 Replies and 8703 Views Desert Dredging in California  8703  5 Started by   Suck it up . . . Shake it up Classifier . . . Bucket it up to a Cascade . . . Clean it up . . . Pan it up . . . Fill it Up in a vial!   Now that's a good Day!
5 8703
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
29 May 2014 11:37 AM
0 Replies and 4964 Views Dredging  4964  0 Started by I have a 2.5 inch suction dredge, I found the setup nice when I am in really shallow water yet when I got a foot or two down I spent more time wrestling with my hoses and it was hard to angle the tip to get around rocks etc. To remedy this I cut about four inches off the suction nozzle and bought five feet of suction hose. Connected the newly acquired hose to the crash box, then the suction nozzle, then the fifteen feet of hose that I had. Using the part of the nozzle I had cut off as my tip. I ...
0 4964
19 May 2014 02:18 PM
0 Replies and 4534 Views prospecting partners.  4534  0 Started by I am new to prospecting and I am looking for secret honey holes and people to find them with. I have a sluice, a 2.5 inch backpack dredge. I'm not scared to get wet.I have been going to Thermal City. I am looking for places that are less traveled near Black mountain nc.
0 4534
10 Apr 2014 03:37 AM
6 Replies and 7785 Views Air without Compressor  7785  6 Started by I find myself in shallow water quite a bit with my 2' dredge and use my standard old snorkel to float on the top and stay in the water. Is there any way to extend snorkel to go a little deeper A couple of feet maybe I thought about a pvc pipe that the snorkel attaches to, use the 3-4' pvc and an innertube to float it straight up and down, and adjust the depth to the snorkel with the pipe in the innertube and a sock on top of the tube to keep bugs, leaves, trash out... any ideas ...
6 7785
by  RICHARD TRANTHAMJump to last post
08 Apr 2014 04:40 PM
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