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1 Replies and 3746 Views Prospecting Equipment  3746  1 Started by Hi everybody Hope I'm in the right place.. I have several items for sale.. Keene drywash Model D2 hand crank and 12 volt In excellent condition asking $700 Blue Bowl NIB $100 Mind Lab Gold Monster 1000 NIB factory sealed $625 Thanks for looking
1 3746
by  William HallJump to last post
31 Dec 2021 02:06 PM
2 Replies and 3685 Views Drywashers  3685  2 Started by Trying to find where I can buy a Thompson style , battery operated . I have read where Mad mining is making one
2 3685
by  David WhiteJump to last post
06 Nov 2021 06:44 PM
8 Replies and 7899 Views Handheld GPS  7899  8 Started by Hey there fellow prospectors. My wife got me membership for Christmas and Im in the midst of planning a few trips to some of the local claims. It dawned on me that I will probably need something that will be able to tell me my current location. I want to avoid inadvertently digging on property that I don't have any access to. With that being said, can any one out there recommend a modestly priced, handheld GPS that is able to cache loations/coordinates, provide a map and has way point to way...
8 7899
by  John WatkinsJump to last post
24 Jun 2021 09:50 AM
1 Replies and 3114 Views New Royal Drywasher for sale - $800  3114  1 Started by My brother and I purchased this Royal Dry Washer with motor and all but are getting out of desert prospecting. We live in San Diego area. You can call me at 760-277-0072.
1 3114
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
18 Jun 2021 11:59 PM
1 Replies and 3044 Views Gold Hog Piglet High Banker w/extension and pump  3044  1 Started by Gold Hog Piglet high banker with extension ,clay claw and Champion 2' pump with hoses and fittings. Used 2 times total of 4 hours run time. Pick up in Lawrenceville or meet and deliver in North Georgia areas. New cost for whole package was over $1100 Will sell for $700 Photos of this can be seen at the Georgia GPAA/LDMA Facebook page or text me for photos Call 404-316-4072
1 3044
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
18 Jun 2021 11:58 PM
0 Replies and 1952 Views New Royal Drywasher for sale - $800  1952  0 Started by My brother and I purchased this Royal Dry Washer with motor and all but are getting out of desert prospecting. We live in San Diego area. You can call me at 760-277-0072.
0 1952
06 Jun 2021 01:39 PM
37 Replies and 58335 Views Gold cube  58335  37 Started by
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I am looking at the Gold Cube and I am wondering which combo works best There is the Cube with the Classifier Plate or the Cube with the Desert Fox Trommel. I am more interested in the quality of processed material than the quantity of material processed although quantity is a factor. If anybody has used the Desert Fox I would like their input as to its performance and durability, especially when it is with the Gold Cube.
37 58335
by  Lee JohnsonJump to last post
31 May 2021 11:20 PM
3 Replies and 3285 Views Trade metal detector for drywasher  3285  3 Started by I have a Nokta Gold Finder metal detector in like new condition. I want to trade it for a drywasher in same condition and and close to the same price. Contact me via Email or text 6238267629 Pat
3 3285
by  Patrick VargaJump to last post
11 Apr 2021 06:39 PM
15 Replies and 2855 Views UPDATE: Rock crusher for sale  2855  15 Started by lightly used hand operated rock crusher for sale. It's not only used to crush rocks but I used it to crush my leftover black sands to release the gold. You'd be amazed hoe much fine gold you're throwing away... I was. This unit is still in almost new condition. New, costs $249. want $150 for it. At todays gold prices, you'll make your $4 back from your black sand tailings in no time at all. pm me for pic, for some reason, can't post pics here.....
15 2855
by  Philip HontzJump to last post
04 Apr 2021 02:40 PM
1 Replies and 3207 Views Drywasher  3207  1 Started by Does anyone know where I can buy a Thompson drywasher New or used
1 3207
by  Jim SausenJump to last post
03 Mar 2021 05:59 PM
12 Replies and 11190 Views G.P.S.  11190  12 Started by Garmin or Magellan WHAT DO YOU USE AND WHY
12 11190
by  Adrian RonanJump to last post
20 Feb 2021 07:39 PM
6 Replies and 6818 Views Classifying for the Gold Cube  6818  6 Started by Hello, I’m a new prospector working in an area that primarily has small flakes. I’m usually working tailings piles or areas that have otherwise been processed by heavy equipment in some fashion, so not really expecting to find nuggets or larger pickers. My question is how far should I classify my concentrates prior to running them through the Gold Cube Currently I run them through 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 wet. The smaller mesh gets me more material per bucket but I wonder if it’s worth the ...
6 6818
by  DAVE MARLOWJump to last post
04 Jan 2021 12:21 PM
1 Replies and 2591 Views Good Furnace for Melting  2591  1 Started by Hey Ya'll, I am looking to get a furnace to help process my metals easier before I use my mini-jewlers torch and start making homemade jewlery/art. I obtain a lot of scrap electronics, metal alloy's, silver/gold plated items, brass, etc so I am looking for something I can set to a specific temperature and it will stick there so I can remove 'the junk'/slag off the top. I will be getting different crucibles for different refining stages (and I am very familiar and have done chemical meth...
1 2591
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
09 Oct 2020 12:33 PM
0 Replies and 1760 Views Research and Development  1760  0 Started by GPAA could provide a centralized member metal/molding fabrication shop for research and development of gold capture. How many have a plasma cutter, MIG or TIG welder, acetylene torch, cutter, break press, etc. Not me. Ideas need testing. How many new products could this generate
0 1760
26 Jun 2020 09:11 AM
11 Replies and 37834 Views Gold Cube Recirculator  37834  11 Started by
11 37834
by  Shane ReilJump to last post
27 Mar 2020 06:21 PM
0 Replies and 1865 Views Mining Relic's of the Mother lode  1865  0 Started by There are relic's from the California Gold Rush all over the State. The pictures in the video are from Grass Valley to Beckwourth and just about every camp or village in between. When Gold was discovered in California in 1848 it started a mass expedition to the territory in search of great wealth. I hope you enjoy the pictures and the video I just love visiting the Historic mining towns and sites .
0 1865
23 Mar 2020 12:58 PM
7 Replies and 22614 Views Miller Table Setup Help  22614  7 Started by I just won a Jimbo's Gold Miller Table kit, including pump.  Tried contacting him through his website and have heard nothing back in a couple of weeks.  No instructions are included, but I figured out the assembly from the slide show on his site. Looking to find an initial setup as far as flow and angle to run it at.  Any thoughts are welcome, as this will be first experience with one.
7 22614
by  Dwayne ShufeltJump to last post
20 Mar 2020 04:56 AM
0 Replies and 1524 Views Impact mill parts  1524  0 Started by Some time ago I saw some parts on ebay for a Impact Mill/ Rock Crusher. They were the chain and hammer assembly made out of 58 Rockwell steel. Does any know where I can get any thing like that
0 1524
28 Feb 2020 06:35 PM
22 Replies and 54868 Views vehicle recommended for prospecting  54868  22 Started by
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 Hello all, I guess this is the best place to ask this question. I am going back to prospect some of the areas I have been researching by map. I just wonder what your  opinion is on vehicles to go into the desert and mountainous regions of arizona. I had rented a suv last time and was leery of some of the sandy washes i encountered. I was going to rent a jeep wrangler if for nothing else but for it's tires and ground clearance. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
22 54868
by  James PavliJump to last post
22 Dec 2019 08:11 PM
2 Replies and 7755 Views Best gold nugget metal detector?  7755  2 Started by What is the best gold nugget “water resistant” metal detector
2 7755
by  Wayne CrowderJump to last post
20 Nov 2019 04:08 PM
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