0 Replies and 5020 Views
Wausau Prospectors Meeting and Swap Meet Nov. 1 5020 0
Started by cbungs@charter.net
We are having a swap meet at our monthly meeting. If you have old prospecting related gear you no longer use, bring it along to trade or sell.
The meeting is in the community room of Cedar Creek Mall in Rothchild/Wausau WI. Saturday Nov 1 starting at 10:30 AM. Directions and contact info can be found on our website.
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5020 |
19 Oct 2014 08:42 AM |
0 Replies and 7684 Views
AGC Common 7684 0
Started by AuHogGuy@Yahoo.com
Our Last Chance to do Some Gold Prospecting this year is coming up next week. Claudia and I are heading to Alabama Gold Camp for 9 days - October 17th thru 25th. I have hooked up my 1 1/2' Hydro Force Nozzle to our Gold Hog Stackable Unit, this way I can be dredging and Claudia can be shoveling dirt (hopefully with gold in it) at the same time. This way we can move a whole lot of dirt, and the more dirt you move the better chance at more gold. The Alabama Gold Camp will be holding it's October A...
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7684 |
14 Oct 2014 06:19 AM |
0 Replies and 6327 Views
Ohio Buckeye Chapter GPAA October 2014 Meeting - Oct 11 6327 0
Started by swoerlein@gmail.com
Join the Buckeye Chapter of the GPAA on Saturday, October 11, 2014 for our monthly meeting. Come celebrate Oktoberfest, Buckeye style! The Buckeye Chapter will be grilling bratwurst for our potluck lunch. Feel free to add to this feast with your favorite dishes! German fare will be a plus for this event! Below is the schedule of events for the day:
10:00AM - Common Dig. Please show up by 9:45am for registration. $6 fee. Participants will draw for a split of the cons and a gold nugget immediat...
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6327 |
18 Sep 2014 06:58 PM |
0 Replies and 4511 Views
AMRA Public Outing 4511 0
Started by stomcullen@gmail.com
The American Mining Rights Association will be holding a public outing at one of their claims, close to Groveland / Coulterville area, on September 6-7.
Details can be found here: http://americanminingrights.com/amr...h-and-7th/
Camping is excellent on this claim, however there is no water (bring your own for drinking and food purposes)
Additionally, the claim is of very good quality.
This is a great opportunity to understand what AMRA is about, as well as a chance to prospect on van ex...
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4511 |
27 Aug 2014 07:09 AM |
1 Replies and 7621 Views
Buckeye Chapter GPAA Annual Gold Rush Days Aug 30 & 31, 2014 7621 1
Started by swoerlein@gmail.com
Join the Buckeye Chapter of the GPAA for our annual Gold Rush Days, held August 30 & 31, 2014. Labor Day Weekend at the GPAA Swank Claim along the beautiful Clearfork River near Butler, Ohio. Gold Rush Days are a weekend packed full of gold prospecting and family oriented events. From common digs to kids games and duck races to a chili cookoff, there is something for everyone at Gold Rush Days! Free camping for GPAA members. Our schedule of events are outlines below. We hope you can join us!...
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7621 |
by SHAWN WOERLEIN  14 Aug 2014 06:07 PM |
2 Replies and 8862 Views
NorCal gold prospectors July dig & camp out 8862 2
Started by norcalprospectors@gmail.com
The weekend of July 26th 2014 the Redding CA chapter, GPAA will be holding a dig & camp out on the Trinity1 claim. Also we will be hosting a group of 4-H kids looking to learn a little about prospecting. Saturdays dig will be followed by a potluck dinner. Help is needed to teach the next generation of prospectors, if you would like to join in on the fun information will be available at are July meeting or by contacting NorCal gold prospectors redding chapter GPAA. Everyone is welcome
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8862 |
by BRANDON WEATHERS  02 Aug 2014 09:55 AM |
0 Replies and 5528 Views
Minnesota Twin Cities Prospectors june meeting/outing 5528 0
Started by mattfinkdrakula@yahoo.com
This months meeting will be held at John Enstrom's place at 8702 181st avenue NW, Ramsey MN 55303 June 21st . Its a private lake, park, and creek from what we hear. All types of equipment will be welcome, dredge, high bankers, sluices and trommels may be present. It will be a potluck/bbq and I believe TCP will be providing meat and buns. Rick Bottolfson will be bringing his dredge for those that would like to check that out...
We will also be having a raffle for equipment and other goodies.
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5528 |
17 Jun 2014 08:35 PM |
0 Replies and 4878 Views
Buckeye Chapter annual Fossick 4878 0
Started by rrowdygo@aol.com
Reminder: the Annual Buckeye Chapter Fossick event is the 14th of June at the beautiful Swank claim west. common dig,metal detecting ,potluck and meeting.
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4878 |
08 Jun 2014 05:53 AM |
1 Replies and 8805 Views
2014 Tennessee Gold Festival and Kid's day 8805 1
Started by chuck@pharis-video.com
On Sat June 21, 2014 the
Coker Creek Tennessee GPAA chapter will be hosting our annual Gold Festival and
Kid’s Day. This is one of the largest events of its kind in our area.
We open at 10 am (Eastern
time) and close at 4 pm. This event happens rain or shine. Anyone may attend this event. You do not have
to be a GPAA member to attend. Entrance into our Festival is free to everyone. Parking
is available for any size vehicle.
This event is for all ages.
Yes, we are fam...
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8805 |
by BRAD JONES  28 May 2014 03:49 PM |
0 Replies and 7436 Views
Oconee Prospectors 7436 0
Started by kentcreamer@gmail.com
Next meeting will be held at the Golden Corral in Anderson on Monday, June 2nd . Eat at 6pm and meeting starts at 7pm. Representatives from Romarco Minerals will be speaking about their new project at the old Haile Mine in Kershaw SC.
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7436 |
27 May 2014 08:13 AM |
1 Replies and 8647 Views
August 29–30-31 ANNUAL GOLD FESTIVAL Kannapolis NC 8647 1
Started by goldrushguys@gmail.com
Labor Day Weekend!
Matthews, NC Chapter of the GPAA
4th Annual Gold Festival in Kannapolis, NC
August 29th - 31st
Grand Prizes (Need not be present to win!) Tickets to win Gold NUGGETS!
Daily Door Prizes (Must be present to win!)
Camping, Lodging (Special Rates, mention Gold Festival) & Shopping near by!
Bring your equipment and play in our creek!
See what's new in the latest prospecting equipment and metal detectors!
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8647 |
by DOMINIC RICCI  26 May 2014 07:48 PM |
2 Replies and 8951 Views
Formation of a Greater LA GPAA Chapter 8951 2
Started by rsmjr@proton.me
Greeting to All!
In my past life, I help organize two GPAA Chapters in Washington State and have given it some thought about establishing a Greater Los Angeles Chapter if there is enough interest.
It takes some time, effort and funds to get it off the ground and going and I am willing to do it if there is sufficient interest
The location for the initial meeting would be in the Thousand Oaks area.
Drop me a line and let me know your interest and commitment.
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8951 |
by LOUIS ESCARCEGA  20 May 2014 11:32 AM |
0 Replies and 6816 Views
Haile Gold Mine, SC 6816 0
Started by kentcreamer@gmail.com
Representatives of Romarco Minerals will be speaking at the next Oconee Prospectors monthly meeting in June. They will be talking about there current project at the old Haile Gold Mine in SC. The meeting will be at the Golden Corral in Anderson on June 2nd. We will eat at 6:00pm and meet at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.
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6816 |
07 May 2014 06:09 AM |
0 Replies and 7111 Views
Nutmeg Prospectors Meeting 7111 0
Started by lkemble@charter.net
The May meeting will be held on May 3 at 2:00pm at at Lucy Wells library at 95 cedar street Newington, Ct. 06111 . Note this is a different location. hope to see you there.
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7111 |
29 Apr 2014 05:39 PM |
0 Replies and 6997 Views
Oconee Prospectors 6997 0
Started by kentcreamer@gmail.com
Next Chapter Meeting will be Monday, May 5th at the Golden Coral in Anderson. Eat at 6pm and meet at 7pm.
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6997 |
28 Apr 2014 12:04 PM |
0 Replies and 7944 Views
Hemet Valley Chapter 7944 0
Started by ftafoya@verizon.net
We meet the 2nd Monday of the month 6:30 pm all welcome
you can check out our facebook page or hemetvalleyprospectors.com web page
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7944 |
15 Apr 2014 01:15 AM |
2 Replies and 8544 Views
2014-5 Tennessee Prospecting Permit bans most prospecting! 8544 2
Started by chuck@pharis-video.com
The state of Tennessee has just issued their Final Draft of a Tennessee Recreational Prospecting Permit. The permit takes affect on June 30, 2014 and runs for one year. If this permit takes affect, we will lose 95 of the waterways in the state to prospect. Both hand operated and dredging operations! Please go to our Coker Creek GPAA chapter website: http://cokercreekgpaa.com and log into the forum. Then scroll down to the topic 2014 Tennessee Recreational Prospecting Permit. Read it and th...
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8544 |
by CHUCK PHARIS  14 Apr 2014 08:26 PM |
3 Replies and 6433 Views
Tenn, and the east coast under attack 6433 3
Started by nodnorthewise@gmail.com
Hello all GPAA members, this was posted on the Coker Creek chapter site. East coast prospectors take note, especially the underlined part near the bottom.
To all Recreational Prospectors.
The TDEC (The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) has just sent us their final draft of the 2014-15 Recreational Prospecting Permit. The news is not good. Many changes were made from the last draft that we posted and from the way Allen Trotter and I (Chuck Pharis) read it, it l...
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6433 |
by BRAD JONES  14 Apr 2014 07:55 PM |
1 Replies and 5661 Views
New Chapter, Port Jervis NY Area 5661 1
Started by djdorval@hotmail.com
We are starting a new GPAA Chapter in the Port Jervis NY area called Tri-States GPAA covering the area of the Lower Hudson Valley, Northern NJ and North Eastern PA. We will have our first meeting on May 3rd 6PM, at the Cuddebackville Reformed Church Hall on Rt 209 in Cuddebackville NY. All are invited. If interested please drop me a message. Any questions drop me a message. Message me here or email me at: djdorvalhotmail.com or contact John Clark at: hillbillyjohn_2000ya...
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5661 |
by BRAD JONES  14 Apr 2014 11:35 AM |
0 Replies and 3879 Views
Stanton Easter Outing 3879 0
Started by gmiller@goldprospectors.org
The Stanton Outing is next week. Who's going
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11 Apr 2014 08:55 AM |