17 Replies and 27821 Views
NEW POLL: California Supreme Court Ruling - People vs. Rinehart 27821 17
Started by perlabrill@gmail.com
Voice your opinions above (or below) to help prospectors understand and gain ground in our ongoing Land Rights Battle.
Read the GPAA Article here - http://www.goldprospectors.org/News/News-Details/ArtMID/3269/ArticleID/171/California-Supreme-Court-rules-against-Rinehart
Read the official court ruling here - http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S222620.PDF
for the love of prospecting,
the Gold Prospectors Association of America & the Lost Dutchman's Mining Association
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27821 |
by ROBERT GALYAN  19 Oct 2016 11:42 AM |
0 Replies and 386 Views
AZGS - Bad Gateway? 386 0
Started by dustinhourihan@gmail.com
Has anyone in Arizona tried using AZGS lately.... I can not get a map to open its just hitting me with a bad gateway 502 error. https://library.azgs.arizona.edu/ Or did an add on to mozilla mess me up .... I have no clue... I have not been able to access anything in quite awhile now...
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30 Nov 2024 08:16 AM |
1 Replies and 1483 Views
Disabled prospecting rules 1483 1
Started by ldstruckn@gmail.com
I cannot bend over and exert myself physically due to lung disease and wounds from the military. I am legally disabled with paperwork and sweet parking placard to show for it. I am trying to find information on the americans with disabilities act protections for prospecting. In particular i need to be able to prospect standing up such as using a high banker or the gold cube and trommel but pretty much every state prohibits using mechanical classifiers thus i am unable to prospect on public...
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1483 |
by Mark webb  09 Nov 2024 07:51 AM |
11 Replies and 18924 Views
Tenn now, your state next? 18924 11
Started by nodnorthewise@gmail.com
Hello all GPAA members, this was posted on the Coker Creek chapter site. East coast prospectors take note, especially the underlined part near the bottom.
To all Recreational Prospectors.
The TDEC (The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) has just sent us their final draft of the 2014-15 Recreational Prospecting Permit. The news is not good. Many changes were made from the last draft that we posted and from the way Allen Trotter and I (Chuck Pharis) read it, it l...
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18924 |
by Earl Webb  29 Apr 2024 01:58 AM |
0 Replies and 2087 Views
New Suggestions from DoI 2087 0
Started by jheard82@icloud.com
Found this document when I was browsing last night. Interested to hear what others think about their recommendations. “ Recommendations to Improve Mining on Public Lands” https://www.doi.gov/sites/doi.gov/files/mriwg-report-final-508.pdf
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2087 |
19 Feb 2024 01:05 PM |
5 Replies and 24788 Views
Nome Gold Beaches 24788 5
Started by azsgtbobert@gmail.com
Nome Gold Alaska Corporation a Russian company ....................... Suposedly has leased or Claimed all the (used to be) public beach.. ran every off all campers and beach prospectors BEACH IS CLOSED...
What happened to ' claim 60 feet of beach to prospect... this is news to those of us who have dreamed of Gold Beaches Of NOME....Any info or court case info would help...
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24788 |
by Benjamin Belfiglio  19 Feb 2023 10:12 AM |
1 Replies and 6041 Views
Ken & Brian 1 & 2 Alaska. 6041 1
Started by c.butters74@gmail.com
The coordinates given for entry to claim is blocked by a locked gate by the power company. There is no place to park, and no place to access claim, based off information given both on site and in guide. Anyone with expirence with this claim that might be able to give better information
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6041 |
by Benjamin Belfiglio  02 Nov 2022 12:41 AM |
5 Replies and 27430 Views
Avoiding Claim Jumping 27430 5
Started by conrardy5@comcast.net
I have a question that seems to be very complicated, but I was hoping someone out there might be able to simplify it for me. I have been doing TONS of research trying to figure out how to avoid claim jumping on BLM lands. I feel like I've figured out about 95 of the process, but can't figure out the last little bit, or I am completely going about this the wrong way. Here's what I've figured out so far:
Step 1: I go to mylandmatters.com and locate a BLM area that looks interes...
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27430 |
by Benjamin Belfiglio  13 Oct 2022 10:01 PM |
2 Replies and 5542 Views
Trouble in Idaho 5542 2
Started by lsiedlecki2002@yahoo.com
If any of you are AMRA members also, you already know what's going on in Idaho. AMRA members are being denied their rights to LEGAL claims by the USFS and also by the Idaho Department of Water resources. Neither organization can point to a law forbidding the activity and have cited jail time and fines if they do not cease mining. This is a call to action to all miners and Patriots! Do not allow the liberal bastions of eco putzes to destroy our way of life simply because they don't like it. Start...
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5542 |
by Tim Holmes  09 May 2022 08:28 PM |
5 Replies and 6323 Views
Oregon River Democracy Act 6323 5
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
The two Oregon Senators have introduced the above bill in Congress. It will add over 4,000 miles of Oregon waterways to the Wild and Scenic River system. It will include 640 acres per river mile---that is 1/2 mile on either side if ordinary high water line. All lands and waters designated will be withdrawn from mineral entry. What that means is, you can't file a claim, and if an existing claim is closed for any reason, it can't be refiled, and it's gone forever This b...
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6323 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  22 Nov 2021 08:45 PM |
4 Replies and 4475 Views
claims 4475 4
Started by eddoane7@gmail.com
If anyone on this site watches the ebay mineing claim sale, beware there is a person trying to sell a claim on the smith river oregon. this is a false representaion, there is no gold in this river, the person uses data from a geologic survey done on the smith river in upper california, and also talks about gold in douglas county, wich of course there is , just not where this claim is. I contacted this person to let them know the error of there ways, but got the mind your own buisness attitude. c...
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4475 |
by Christopher Satkowski  29 Jun 2021 02:09 PM |
0 Replies and 2623 Views
Changes in the Air 2623 0
Started by human@sonic.net
https://intercontinentalcry.org/how-the-yurok-tribe-is-reclaiming-the-klamath-river/ Ongoing since 2019
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2623 |
19 Jun 2021 11:21 PM |
3 Replies and 6087 Views
How to find claims to lease? 6087 3
Started by cmc.80439@yahoo.com
I’m not sure if this is the right forum section for this or not I have a cpl. Placer Claims in Colorado and Alaska. They are decent for smallish amounts of super fine gold. I have 3 young boys that love spending time at the claims (gold or not). I’d like to find some more productive ground in Colorado even if it is a lease deal. I’d be fine with something like a 20 deal if I could reasonably get ~1oz per week using mostly man power and my small trailer mounted wash plant. Where do I...
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6087 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  03 Feb 2021 10:39 PM |
4 Replies and 10199 Views
Gold Claims in California 10199 4
Started by joseph.b.simonsen@gmail.com
I'm not even sure where to post this as its my first post here. Mostly I just scan the forums and property listings for interesting ideas on places to go panning. This had me thinking. recently a Buddy of mine filed for a mining claim in Nevada which he said was rather easy by comparison to California. Does anyone have experience or know how to do this in California. I've looked around online for a while and the information doesn't seem that helpful. As he put it, 'Yeah they bury the forms on p...
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10199 |
by Steve Scukanec  01 Jul 2020 11:46 AM |
0 Replies and 3464 Views
Gravel, Rock, or Sand Extraction Agreement 3464 0
Started by jetgause@gmail.com
Gravel, Rock, or Sand Extraction Agreement A Gravel, Rock, or Sand Extraction Agreement applies to commercial or non-commercial mining or extraction of gravel, sand, rock, or other aggregate material. IS THIS GONNA FLY!!! 1500$$!!! You HAVE TO SUBMIT and THEY DECIDE IF YOU'RE EXEMPT LSA agreement only required if the activity SUBSTANTIALLY alters the water But you have to file!!! To find out
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3464 |
26 Apr 2020 02:28 AM |
0 Replies and 2394 Views
specie money 2394 0
Started by wheasonjr@gmail.com
South Carolina bills 4786 and 4787 involves use of coined gold and silver money. See YouTube video. copy and paste link below. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=X_RgzEMXcsE&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR00g12HFwOBe9PE4oaEIb6z7vBINxAHEvxrvnRDQ8qAW1vh1EO2_CYchPc
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2394 |
04 Jan 2020 01:41 PM |
7 Replies and 5003 Views
East Fork San Gabrial closed 5003 7
Started by mikeh2000@verizon.net
I'm just wondering now that East fork is a national park are there any places along the river say closer to the reservoirs that a person might pan or sluice. I'm just not sure where the line is and I hate to drive 80 mi just to find out. Thank you Mike
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5003 |
by CHRISTOPHER SATKOWSKI  29 Oct 2019 05:24 PM |
34 Replies and 51421 Views
Keeping Oregon as a dredging state 51421 34
Started by wheasonjr@gmail.com
go to this link to help with dredging: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/al...y=11403310
This is for people in and out of the state of Oregon.
This petition asks the Oregon Legislature and Governor Kitzhaber to recognize existing environmental impact studies showing many positive effects, and no lasting negative effects, of suction dredge mining on Oregon’s waterways
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51421 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  11 Jul 2019 10:59 AM |
11 Replies and 5361 Views
Lawful Mining, markers, agencies, forms, info, etc 5361 11
Started by tekmahn@msn.com
LAWFUL MINING CLAIMS Current events trends towards erosion of mining rights and withdraw of use from public lands. Some progress has been made in the courts to restore rights. GPAA Mining Guide no longer lists all State and Federal agencies they may require notification for leases, contracts, royalties, regulations, planning, approval and permitting.
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5361 |
by BENNETT HELGERSON  21 Jun 2019 03:32 PM |
2 Replies and 4726 Views
Claim signs and markers 4726 2
Started by robert.y.murata@gmail.com
I have a claim in San Bernadino, someone keeps taking my signs and monument posts, any suggestions
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4726 |
by robert murata  10 Jun 2019 12:27 PM |