43 Replies and 27461 Views
Please sign this petition to save prospecting in Tennessee 27461 43
Started by chuck@pharis-video.com
We have a nationwide on-line petition up that we need everyone to sign. You do not have to join this website or make a donation if you do not want to. Just go to this site and sign the petition. Our goal is 1,000. Please help keep small scale prospecting in Tennessee.
If you can't get to this site by clicking on the URL, cut and paste it to your browser.
Chuck Pharis
President: Coker Creek Tennessee GPAA chapter.
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by ROBERT GALYAN  02 Sep 2015 01:58 PM |
9 Replies and 12136 Views
Several years ago on the old forum 12136 9
Started by auchuck9@hotmail.com
Several years ago some of the members tried to call attention to a plan to close areas to human entry. They brought up a plan that the UN called Agenda 21. Quite a few of us laughed at them and made fun of them and almost called the paranoid.
I have since read this treaty that was signed and is currently being implemented and see these closures as a direct result of this insidious attack on our rights.
I'm not a weird oh. I've been prospecting for 21 years and normally keep my opin...
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by ARTHUR WAUGH  11 Jun 2015 04:52 PM |
2 Replies and 10793 Views
Sugar Pine Mine 10793 2
Started by bradjones@ca.rr.com
Oath Keepers call for investigation into the alleged BLM tactics at Sugar Pine Mine
The following is a letter from the Josephine County Oath Keepers to U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio, D-Oregon:
May 28, 2015
The Honorable Peter DeFazio, House Representative
U.S. House of Representatives
2134 Rayburn Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
RE: The Sugar Pine Mine and the Bureau of Land Management
Dear Congressman DeFazio:
As you may be aware, the Oath Keepers of Josephine Co...
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10793 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  05 Jun 2015 06:03 AM |
2 Replies and 10916 Views
Why are Mississippi, and Florida in a Mining District? 10916 2
Started by robertj.scarborough@comcast.net
I just read an article about the creation of a Minerals and Mining Advisory Council and referred to the
previously created 29 Mining Districts. The only states east of the Mississippi on that list are Mississippi
and Florida(). Why don't Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South and North Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia,
and Pennsylvania have a Mining District seat on such a council
Florida Okay, maybe because Florida does have some large Limestone and Kaolin deposits it would need
a mining ...
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10916 |
by ROBERT SCARBOROUGH  02 May 2015 09:30 PM |
0 Replies and 3960 Views
Commercial Gold Mining Shows 3960 0
Started by globalcommunity247@gmail.com
I wonder what percentage of the eco-nazi anti-recreational prospecting BLM members watch Gold Rush on TV for recreational purposes.
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21 Apr 2015 08:25 AM |
1 Replies and 5687 Views
N&Vplo7491?????? 5687 1
Started by ryanbugica@yahoo.com
went to my local blm office to find out about an area in the mt.diablo area.turns out all of the claims in that area have become null and void due to N&Vplo7491,tried to google this but came up with a lot of confusing law stats.wondering if someone in the Nevada area might be able to shed some light on thisis this just another strong arm tactic of the government
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by BRAD JONES  14 Apr 2015 08:15 PM |
10 Replies and 13487 Views
looking for list of most gold mining friendly states 13487 10
Started by gus@prospect4gold.com
I'm considering purchasing property in another state. I live in California and the regulations are so strict here that pretty soon it will be illegal to get out of bed. 'Just too dangerous for people to be up and about bumping into things. Better for them if we restrict them to their beds'. I know that is a stretch but that is how it feels when I can't even use a shovel in the creek. Jerks!
Anyway, I want to get a rental or maybe some land somewhere. Looking...
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13487 |
by BRAD JONES  14 Apr 2015 11:11 AM |
23 Replies and 18512 Views
End California’s statewide dredging ban 18512 23
Started by bradjones@ca.rr.com
More than 120 miners representing the GPAA, LDMA, SPMA, WMA and PLP showed up at the California Superior Court in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. on May 1 to show support for Public Lands for the People, which is leading the legal battle to end the statewide ban on small-scale suction dredge mining. After saying in open court that he would make a ruling in two weeks, Judge Gilbert Ochoa instead reserved judgement in a closed-door session with all parties, instead calling for a Mandatory Settlement Conf...
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18512 |
by BRANDON JOHNSON  09 Feb 2015 02:29 PM |
19 Replies and 15604 Views
Rinehart letter sample requesting publishing of Decision 15604 19
Started by wheasonjr@gmail.com
According to our sources, the more people who express an interest in seeing the Rinehart Decision published, the more likely that it will happen. So we encourage you guys to pass this around far and wide.
Here is a barebones sample letter that should be sufficient to meet the requirements of Rule 8.1120. You are encouraged to provide further information in the second paragraph concerning who you are and your interest in the case.
You may ...
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15604 |
by BRAD JONES  28 Jan 2015 12:35 PM |
6 Replies and 9402 Views
RNA and BA Mineral Withdrawal 45590 9402 6
Started by sdreaume@gmail.com
The latest attempt at a government land grab. This time it is in our own backyard. There are 9 areas in the Black Hills the Forest Service is going to attempt to close to mining. They are claiming it to be areas of botanical importance, however will still allow special groups like the Black Hills Bicycler Association who are supporting this grab) to use the areas and make trails through it. The Forest Service and their cohorts are again trying to illegally stop us from exercising our congression...
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9402 |
by SCOTT REAUME  26 Jan 2015 04:58 PM |
7 Replies and 11828 Views
1872 Mining Law under fire again! 11828 7
Started by jdbee@tlcsem.com
I am not sure what the mindset of the upper management of GPAA is But I can tell you there is more efforts in the works to stop us from playing in the dirt and its coming and coming sooner than we think!.
What’s the next battle looming on the horizon…for us weekend recreational prospectors that we may have to face in the coming years
Well in Washington, D.C. July 10, 2014 - U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Peter DeFazio (OR-4) and S...
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11828 |
by BRAD JONES  23 Jan 2015 11:29 AM |
3 Replies and 8765 Views
Marathon County WI prospecting bans 8765 3
Started by cbungs@charter.net
Marathon county Wisconsin has banned rock and fossil collecting and also prospecting on county controlled land. Following is a partial transcript of the legislation.
WHEREAS, at it's meeting on October 8, 2014, the Marathon County Environmental Resources Committee reviewed and approved the attached amendments to the ordinances referenced above to prohibit recreational prospecting and other similar activities, such as fossil collecting or collection archeological artifacts, which ca...
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8765 |
by WALTER EASON  01 Dec 2014 07:42 AM |
6 Replies and 7839 Views
News from California 7839 6
Started by nodnorthewise@gmail.com
Hi all, this is from Dave Mack with the New 49's.....
I am very happy to inform you that the Third Appellate Court of
California issued a unanimous Decision today confirming our
arguments that a State agency does not have the authority to
materially interfere with commercial mining programs on the public
lands. The Decision reversed Brandon Rinehart's conviction for
suction dredging without a permit. In case you are interested,
the Decision is right here:
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7839 |
by joseph Loyd  24 Sep 2014 07:39 PM |
5 Replies and 6764 Views
no more fees 6764 5
Started by wheasonjr@gmail.com
I was notified of this from Walt Wegner from PLP. This may seem that it does not effect mining claims but think about this. How is free camping around claims authorized (dispersed camping) this would include mining claims as the multiple use act comes into play. The more control to charge the less freedom we have as they become more responsible for the persons on public lands so they can protect the agency by controlling access. When you charge a fee or someone pays you for something you are ass...
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6764 |
by WALTER EASON  17 Sep 2014 07:27 AM |
2 Replies and 6243 Views
Carma can be the mother of all evils! 6243 2
Started by messdaddy65@juno.com
If you go to http://ow.ly/zv4yw you can read all about their dilemma. If I were a Yurok Indian, I believe I would prefer to have dredgers and prospectors roaming in my backyard versus the Mexican Cartels M-16s, assault rifles, and booby traps!
Thanks, Irvin
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by ARTHUR WAUGH  01 Aug 2014 11:35 AM |
0 Replies and 5076 Views
Pendulum may be changing 5076 0
Started by wheasonjr@gmail.com
I have seen quite a few orders which could mean a change in the swing of the Pendulum. Whether you agree with the basis of the Supreme Court case or not this does show a change in the tenor of the courts towards Constitutional adherence by the courts. This as a whole is a good sign for individual rights both land and otherwise.
One other recent one is the Riley v. California where the 4th amendment was affirmed to include cell phones in regards to even part of a search incident to arrest. Thi...
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5076 |
01 Jul 2014 07:07 AM |
7 Replies and 9952 Views
Dredging updates 9952 7
Started by grumpsmcm@gmail.com
Hello all,
If you are interested in dredging you might like this link.
It is the courts online records.
Hopefully this all ends soon............ in our favor of course!
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by BRAD JONES  25 Jun 2014 07:48 PM |
0 Replies and 3482 Views
Started by wheasonjr@gmail.com
I found this article in which one type of mediation is discussed. I found it very interesting and informative. Thought you-all might also given that the courts like to use it as a stay or so it seems. See Attachment.
Mediation_ A Different Kind of Conversation _ Sherry F.pdf
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3482 |
25 Jun 2014 06:49 AM |
1 Replies and 5729 Views
PLP East Coast Director? 5729 1
Started by goldrushguys@gmail.com
Anyone know who is the PLP East Coast Director
I pretty sure he resides in Alabama. I can't seem to locate it on their website.
Thanks, Brian
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by WALTER EASON  05 May 2014 07:47 AM |