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0 Replies and 6327 Views Shaker Table  6327  0 Started by Has anyone used a shaker table priced less than 2,500 that works well with very fine flour gold I am looking for one... Maybe something like this
0 6327
23 Aug 2015 07:35 AM
0 Replies and 6222 Views Yellow frogs not dead due to miners .  6222  0 Started by        y es they do want to shut off mining in the area they are in .This article shows that we as miners are not the problem .It comes from the shipment from salamander from forien countries.  
0 6222
31 Jul 2015 07:05 PM
0 Replies and 8478 Views 14 Summit Mining Trommel  8478  0 Started by Have had our new 14' summit mining trommel out and we noticed every time we run material the area under punch plate locks up/clogs with fine material.  Running a honda 2' pump and have adequate water supply.   Anyone else having same issue  Im still waiting on reply from Manuf.         Chris
0 8478
31 May 2015 09:44 PM
3 Replies and 8779 Views Amra  8779  3 Started by I recently join Amra and would like to know if there's a website or forum members use to communicate. I've sent in questions via their website but don't seem to get a response back. Thanks for any information.
3 8779
by  Robert DunnJump to last post
29 May 2015 06:18 PM
4 Replies and 15845 Views Right to prospect  15845  4 Started by How can I find out if I can prospect a river near where I live  .This is the location where I am thinking about setting up my trommel.
4 15845
by  ROBERT SCARBOROUGHJump to last post
06 May 2015 03:21 AM
0 Replies and 6867 Views Partnering-up!  6867  0 Started by I have some basic prospecting equipment, excellent electronic equipment for detecting on land and water & a 4x4. Located in the Sacramento area. Would like to team up with someone compatible.
0 6867
25 Oct 2014 03:07 PM
0 Replies and 7097 Views TV STAR / NOT!!!!!!!  7097  0 Started by Well, I got this E Mail from Discovery. They had seen my post on finding ambergris. (whale barf) They wanted to know if I was interested in being on a team of treasure hunters that searched for ambergris. I told the producer that no one searches for ambergris. It is mostly more or less stumbled upon. I also told her that no one would be interested in watching a 77 year old who is tone deaf. I also told her that I have hunted beaches for 40 years and the piece I found was my first. Hay I of...
0 7097
23 Aug 2014 10:19 AM
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