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1 Replies and 3044 Views Gold claim  3044  1 Started by  Andrew Luther The owner of this actual property I found the name of the property on the gis website of Georgia HEATHERINGTON, NORMAN E & FRANKI But what I can't figure out is how long the lease is good for! Can anybody let me know how many more years we have on this actual lease thank you
1 3044
by  RICKY JACKSONJump to last post
12 Apr 2023 05:15 PM
2 Replies and 3312 Views Profitable Mining Techniques For California Claims  3312  2 Started by Hello! I am possibly considering a claim purchase in CA. I know CA has a lot of very strict rules for prospecting for gold. What methods are profitable, that are legal, in California
2 3312
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
30 Mar 2023 05:06 PM
6 Replies and 6324 Views US Claim Map  6324  6 Started by Is there a map of the United States with all the claims on it (like the LDMA has) It'd be great if it was like the old push pin style. It doesn't have to be super tight resolution - we have the claims directory on the website to zoom in with. I will be retiring in a few years and I want to retire to a place that has claims in close proximity. Such a map might also be useful to other members that have to plan travel from afar for their trips. Thanks, gt
6 6324
by  Christopher SatkowskiJump to last post
11 Feb 2023 03:19 PM
14 Replies and 7122 Views metal detectors  7122  14 Started by  Sergio Ramirez Hi Kevin, or anyone that knows about metal detectors, was thinking of getting one, but which, there are so many types. I just started crevicing past months and been doing good with what I have, using my probe & what I learned from Gary'two-toes', figuring which crevice to work. Thinking a metal detector would help to work the bedrock crevices & gravel beds, any suggestions as to which I should probably get, budget around $1,500.oo or so, would spend more if worth it. Is the one they give away...
14 7122
by  Sergio RamirezJump to last post
05 Jan 2023 12:28 PM
0 Replies and 1612 Views Three Fault Claim - Maricopa Co AZ  1612  0 Started by I liked the Three Fault Claim, but never found any gold there. There were several write ups about this claim, first it was shown as Three Fault, then 3 Fault 1 & 2. Now it seems it's no longer an active GPAA claim. Is it gone for good John Curtis 2935546
0 1612
04 Jan 2023 04:10 PM
1 Replies and 3742 Views Dumb Luck  3742  1 Started by Kevin/Gpaa, There seems to be some discrepancy on the location of this claim in Maricopa County Az. There are multiple locations listed in the 'Getting there' comments for the online guide. There is also no sinage/corner markers for either location in the ground. Can you verify the actual plot this claim is on Thank you in advance! Jon
1 3742
by  Benjamin BelfiglioJump to last post
12 Dec 2022 03:07 AM
2 Replies and 2319 Views A Compliment to Kevin  2319  2 Started by Kevin, today I received the new magazine Nov/Dec 22. when I opened it I always look for your WTG (where's the gold) article. That is my favorite bar none. I read it and looked it over closely and I just have to say...'GREAT INFORMATION' you obviously spent more time on this with the green and white areas and your break down is eye opening. Man you just nail it each time on WTG but I got a lot out of this and just wanted to say thank you. Good stuff. then I turned the pages and I read your A...
2 2319
by  DON GREENOJump to last post
31 Oct 2022 04:54 PM
3 Replies and 2420 Views New Garret Axiom Ultra PI detector shake down  2420  3 Started by Kevin, As the subject matter expert that some of us turn to for the occasional shake down of detectors, have you penciled in a test for the new Garret Axiom PI detector We would like to see how this performs and possibly how it stacks up against the GPX6000 and GPZ7000. I can see already that it is $2k less than the GPX6000 and I heard that in their design phase they were putting more emphasis on a better discrimination system that would ignore hot rocks better than the Minelabs. Thank yo...
3 2420
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
26 Oct 2022 12:18 PM
3 Replies and 2378 Views Central Alaska Claim Mapping Issue  2378  3 Started by I went through and mapped the north section of the claims coordinate by coordinate but for some reason the claim coordinates and claim boundaries in the GPAA Mining Guide do not match the current claims. If we could get an actual list of individual claims the property encompasses it would make mapping a lot easier, Alaska has pretty good online tools where claims are already mapped out for you, you just need the claim number. The OMRC Serial number listed does not match to any BLM or State clai...
3 2378
by  Benjamin BelfiglioJump to last post
21 Oct 2022 12:44 AM
3 Replies and 2382 Views Google Earth  2382  3 Started by  JIM BROTHERS I love that method of using excel and then doing a project in GE online, the 3D really makes a difference! I think you should post and pin the link for the youtube video on how to do it, bet others will love it as well... Maybe in claims area or something. Anyway, thank you so very much for that, excellent. Jim
3 2382
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
19 Oct 2022 03:46 PM
2 Replies and 2068 Views myrton  2068  2 Started by like to go their know since it is cooling down .is this 300 plus ackees in Pima or Pima county. If this is around Pima it only 220 miles from me ;can you give direction to this claim ;i enjoy prospecting, i know 69 looking for 70 around the corner & i not young and like i was when i was young .but i still not dead and i still walk slower and dig slower and still seeing doctor know maybe if i was not heave hoe when i was younger i just might be faster today ;thank you still get new mexico gold i...
2 2068
by  Myrton WoolenJump to last post
01 Oct 2022 08:34 PM
4 Replies and 2066 Views Highbanking on Arizona claims  2066  4 Started by Arizona being my home state and a new LDMA member I'm curious as to any local claims in the state that are good for high banking I'm going purchase one anyway as we travel every summer to get out of the Phoenix heat and plan on hitting other states that I'm sure would get some use with. Figured Kevin may know as I believe it is his home state also. ;) Any input from anyone is greatly appreciated. Regards Dave
4 2066
by  Dave BarenbruggeJump to last post
28 Sep 2022 02:03 PM
6 Replies and 9875 Views Italian Bar Camp  9875  6 Started by   I am trying to plan a fall trip, and am considering the Italian Bar camp. I would like to contact the caretaker about some questions I have but in my guide no phone for the camp is listed. How and with I get in touch with there.
6 9875
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
26 Sep 2022 03:54 PM
1 Replies and 2193 Views FLW Closed?  2193  1 Started by Hey Kevin, FYI…MLRS name search states FLW in Colorado was closed in 2021 due to maintenance fee not paid. I was unable to find the other two River Gold Group claims. Brian Williams
1 2193
by  Tad HamiltonJump to last post
14 Sep 2022 03:31 AM
2 Replies and 2687 Views membership renewal  2687  2 Started by  JLMEADOWSJR@HOTMAIL.COM A few months ago I called gpaa and asked about renewing my soon to expire membership, it expires in Oct. I was told by the person on the other end of the phone that gpqa would no longer grandfather in the price of my membership because it was a 3 yr membership and they no longer sold those multi-year memberships, yes, I know ots listed in the store but thats what I was told. Has anyone else had this type of issue I want to stay a member of the gpaa, but cant pay for a 1 year thats almost as...
2 2687
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
07 Sep 2022 03:06 PM
1 Replies and 1910 Views RxR Act  1910  1 Started by  JIM BROTHERS I have come across a couple pieces of property by a river that is unclaimed (On the BLM MLRS) and when I look it up on the MTP (additional Documents), it references an ancient (old) transportation act for the railroad. There is no tracks anyplace..... My question is, does this mean the property is withdrawn from being claimed and the railroad owns it Or did it revert back to the NFS How can I check Jim
1 1910
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
06 Sep 2022 01:01 PM
0 Replies and 1304 Views Support  1304  0 Started by  JIM BROTHERS So as to not bug you, why is there not a 'Support' section where members can leave questions and get answers It might be helpful to see past answered questions as well.... Jim PS I dont think I 'Shinny New Thing'd' this one Keven LOL
0 1304
03 Sep 2022 12:53 AM
1 Replies and 2006 Views GPAA Claim on the Shenago river in PA  2006  1 Started by Hello I an going to PA in October and I hear that the GPAA has a claim on the Shenago river and I would like to know where exactly the claim is Thanks
1 2006
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
31 Aug 2022 01:55 PM
6 Replies and 10184 Views How long can you stay on a claim  10184  6 Started by A member on FB recently asked if he could camp on a claim. I said of course. Then the discussion went to for how long. Please add this in your FAQ section. Some say it’s 2 weeks on BLM and FS land. Some say it’s indefinite on a claim. some say it's 6 months. What is it I can’t find anything on the GPAA website about this. The search function does not work. Thank you. Martin Wormser
6 10184
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
30 Aug 2022 07:22 PM
6 Replies and 2113 Views Beach prospecting  2113  6 Started by Is it legal to run a goldcube on the beach coos Bay OREGON thank for help
6 2113
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
17 Aug 2022 01:52 PM
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