2 Replies and 1692 Views
claiming a mine 1692 2
Started by tim270holmes@gmail.com
I havebeen scouting an area in Idaho that had a GPAA accessible claim on it a few years ago but the owner closed out the claim after some trouble with the USFS. This has been a long process that started in January. I have had to submit my NOI several times thank goodness for the MLRS. Now the problem is I still have to wait for a cultural study. I have also found out that if I would like to file a claim I need to follow the Blue Book Idaho Information Guide on Locating Mining Claims. Am I making...
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1692 |
by Tim Holmes 10 May 2022 01:17 PM |
0 Replies and 1273 Views
claiming a mine 1273 0
Started by tim270holmes@gmail.com
I havebeen scouting an area in Idaho that had a GPAA accessible claim on it a few years ago but the owner closed out the claim after some trouble with the USFS. This has been a long process that started in January. I have had to submit my NOI several times thank goodness for the MLRS. Now the problem is I still have to wait for a cultural study. I have also found out that if I would like to file a claim I need to follow the Blue Book Idaho Information Guide on Locating Mining Claims. Am I making...
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1273 |
09 May 2022 08:50 PM |
3 Replies and 2380 Views
Stay limits on claims 2380 3
Started by iancoyle2002@yahoo.com
I was curious about how long can a prospector stay on a club claim in Forest service lands. My son and I usually stay a whole summer dredging on claims we have permission to dredge on. I just recently joined GPAA, monthly for now, because we saw some interesting areas where the clubs claim is on the Middle fork Boise river here in Idaho. We usually work upstream more on friends claims, but needed a change in scenery...too many dredges up in that area. I know if your working a claim, the stay...
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2380 |
by Michael Woods 09 May 2022 03:27 PM |
6 Replies and 5334 Views
AZ claims near Wickenburg 5334 6
Started by sales@sierragoldminers.com
I am heading to AZ for a trip to the claims around Wickenburg with my brother. Can anyone tell me if i need any other special permits to be on the claim and camp for a few days I am a member of the GPAA in good standing and have worked and camped on many of the claims in California. I have my GPAA cards to show proof etc., I just cannot find anything that tells me if I need any other permits to prospect on the GPAA claims in that area of Arizona. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...
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5334 |
by Christopher Satkowski 07 May 2022 09:16 PM |
2 Replies and 1523 Views
Central Alaska claims group 1523 2
Started by goldprospector@msn.com
Kevin, & anyone else who may have info. I'm leaving the Wickenburg area early May and heading to Alaska for the summer for sightseeing and gold detecting. I'm a confident owner & user of a GPX 5000 and Gold Monster. Detecting is all I'll be doing and maybe some panning. I'm interested in info about detecting the Central claims, the public prospecting areas out of Fairbanks listed in the 50th anniversary mining guide and any other areas in Alaska. I'll be towing a 40' 5th wheel toy...
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1523 |
by AARON BAZOR 26 Apr 2022 01:55 PM |
1 Replies and 1403 Views
Dale Mining District Claiming 1403 1
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
Kevin, We took a trip out to the Dale Mining District and noticed so much potential in that area. There are some locations that have gold still but is BLM. Understandable BLM is accessible to the public sometimes but my question is why has GPAA not snatched up any claims in the Dale Mining District,what's the catch There are some claims in GPAA, where there very little gold and have to bust your back just to get some flour gold. Why not give up some of those little producing claims and go t...
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1403 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND 22 Apr 2022 02:18 PM |
0 Replies and 1876 Views
Sampling in the Arizona Desert 1876 0
Started by stananvergie@aol.com
Basically how deep are you taking samples from. Just read 'Where's the gold' in March April Gold prospector mag. Think like you're looking at a sluice definitely got me rethinking things. I could definitely see it in that photo. Next years visit to Arizona will definitely will be a new start on my way of searching. Are you sampling the surface, or digging out a good deep shovel full. Changing from Stream tactics, to the Desert way of thinking is sure different. Hope to see you at the Gold show ...
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1876 |
15 Mar 2022 09:54 AM |
1 Replies and 1876 Views
Gpaa gold show 1876 1
Started by coloradomo13au@gmail.com
When are we going to see another gold and treasure show come back to Denver what do we have to do to make that happen
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1876 |
by DAVID PHILIPS 26 Feb 2022 10:50 AM |
3 Replies and 1704 Views
Videos 1704 3
Started by cookn55@aol.com
Hi How does one upload a video for the GPAA community to view I have listed a video on you tube & would like to share .
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1704 |
by ALAN COOK 14 Feb 2022 12:37 PM |
0 Replies and 1505 Views
MLRS And GPS 1505 0
Started by tim270holmes@gmail.com
Hello Kevin Was wondering if you have any news information on the LMRS. I have set up an account and am slowly learning how to use it. I am not that good with computers or any thing tech. We talked on the phone after you article in the claims update, and you were saying the BLM was not quite finished building the site. My next question is about GPS. I use a Garmin eTrex 10. There was an article in the May June 2021 issue but the GPS used was a lot more complicated than mine. If I am trying to ...
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1505 |
10 Feb 2022 11:42 AM |
2 Replies and 1357 Views
Three fault 1357 2
Started by stananvergie@aol.com
This seems to be a good claim for me to start exploring. I'm in Buckeye area at my Neice's home. Or would you recommend another claim. pretty much wil take some water and explore and test. and probably take a couple of buckets back to pan with a couple younger ones here. Thanks in advance for the help. Its been awhile since I've been out here. just thought it would be good to test some of the low spots and washes. how deep should the samples come from
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1357 |
by Christopher Satkowski 27 Jan 2022 03:58 PM |
0 Replies and 1478 Views
New Gold TV shows 1478 0
Started by robsunick@hotmail.com
Are there ever going to be any prospecting tv or internet shows from the GPAA
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1478 |
23 Jan 2022 02:53 PM |
2 Replies and 2066 Views
Hand Held GPS Units 2066 2
Started by aquanautdave@hotmail.com
Kevin, In your opinion, which hand held gps unit is the easiest for tech impaired old guys to use and also is fairly inexpensive. Just wanted to add I enjoyed your seminar on metal detectors at the last Colorado Gold Show. Looking forward to the next. Thanks, Dave
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2066 |
by Lincoln Ritterhouse 16 Jan 2022 04:03 AM |
0 Replies and 1319 Views
Gorbert association claims 1319 0
Started by aaronw82@yahoo.com
Hello, I am just curious if you could give me any pointers for the land on the Gorbert Association claims, east of Quartzsite, Arizona. I've been poking around there for a bit now but I can't seem to sniff it out. I'm familiar with geology and such, pretty handy with reading the land, this one has me stumped though.
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1319 |
17 Dec 2021 04:11 PM |
6 Replies and 2632 Views
Up to date claims map maricopa county 2632 6
Started by Jmartin@harborcoastplumbing.com
Hi , I have contacted the BLM Phoenix and hassyaneda office but no luck. I am looking for up to date maps showing active claims. I am probably dreaming but would like to see if there is any ground available in the San Domingo wash area other than the the gpaa claim. Also I have scoured the area and some of the claims are marked shotty at best with Downed markers probably from our monsoon season. It would be nice to have a larger map showing active 2021 claims in the maricopa county Az area as to...
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2632 |
by Justin Martin 19 Nov 2021 03:08 PM |
6 Replies and 2336 Views
Non members camping on claim/ no markers on migg1-4 2336 6
Started by sdreaume@gmail.com
Today I went to the Migg1-4 near Rochford SD. I couldn't even pull in to the parking area. there were out of state 6 big (I mean big) 5th wheelers trucks taking up the the area. All out of state and not GPAA. Now as far I know National forest rules allow camping for a few days on public which technically this is. The gentleman I spoke with stated a GPAA member told them they couldn't camp there due to it being a claim. I myself lean toward the national forest rules. Anyway just asking on...
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2336 |
by AARON BAZOR 06 Nov 2021 08:52 PM |
5 Replies and 2488 Views
Lucky Linda again north entrance 2488 5
Started by jim.penn@ymail.com
Hello Kevin I decided to go check out Lucky Linda again claim today from the north entrance going past the so called chicken coop. I drove the half mile south and found that the gate Has been permanently removed and fence post and bobwire is in its place blocking access. This appears to have just been done in the last day or two evident of tire tracks and foot prints. Just wanted to give a heads up and something that you may be interested in investigating.
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2488 |
by David White 06 Nov 2021 06:41 PM |
2 Replies and 1913 Views
Website 1913 2
Started by usarianskiff@gmail.com
Hi Kevin, Thank you SO MUCH for everything you do! I wanted to bring to your attention that the property locations pages are not secure. You can view them with a link even if you are not logged in. I don't know if Google searches will reveal these pages, but if someone posts a link, anyone can follow it. Thank you again! Usarian
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1913 |
by AARON BAZOR 15 Oct 2021 05:27 PM |
2 Replies and 2343 Views
GPAA Life Time Membership / What Are The Rules As Far As LDMA Properties 2343 2
Started by cmcnure@hotmail.com
Kevin, I am a GPAA life member and went to the only property that was associated with the organization in South Carolina which is a LDMA property. I went there to talk about what was and was not allowed for a GPAA member. Caretaker was somewhat very helpful in answering the questions I had but I still left there confused and with more questions. I asked what a GPAA person could bring of theirs such as a dredge, high banker, sluice, etc. to use if allowed. Person could not give a definite answe...
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2343 |
by GPAA Claims 23 Sep 2021 07:08 PM |
3 Replies and 1425 Views
New. 1425 3
Started by hayloftfoundry@yahoo.com
I thought it was 4', now I see it's 2'. When did it change Nevada appears to be 6', Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Arizona seem to have no restrictions. Of course California is illegally banning dredging of any kind, even on patented claims. What is the true limit size for New Mexico now Thank you kindly.
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1425 |
by GPAA Claims 21 Sep 2021 11:29 AM |