3 Replies and 1468 Views
New. 1468 3
Started by hayloftfoundry@yahoo.com
I thought it was 4', now I see it's 2'. When did it change Nevada appears to be 6', Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Arizona seem to have no restrictions. Of course California is illegally banning dredging of any kind, even on patented claims. What is the true limit size for New Mexico now Thank you kindly.
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1468 |
by GPAA Claims  21 Sep 2021 11:29 AM |
0 Replies and 1896 Views
Panning & detecting around gallatin NF 1896 0
Started by nahoffmanlaw@hotmail.com
Will be going to Hebgen lake in Gallatin NF near West Yellowstone. Would appreciate any info on where to pan/metal detect in the area. Thanks.
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1896 |
26 Jul 2021 10:53 PM |
24 Replies and 4206 Views
Fine gold 4206 24
Started by stevebrown7088@gmail.com
New to the GPAA one week new what do I need to get fine powder gold out of black sand what would be the best machine to use
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4206 |
by Steven Brown  15 Jul 2021 03:54 PM |
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1228 |
04 Jul 2021 03:20 PM |
3 Replies and 1934 Views
Axe head and pin 1934 3
Started by cas2345@att.net
If my grandson and I were metal detecting and got a hit we dug up a pickaxe pointed on both ends cracked in the middle like somebody discarded it with the pen for the handle see the photo below can anybody tell me if this is old or if it's a newer one but it was in the old tailings from where they found most of the golden Sutter Creek so any help would be appreciated How come I can't add a photo
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1934 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  28 Jun 2021 01:19 AM |
0 Replies and 1595 Views
Axe head and pin 1595 0
Started by cas2345@att.net
If my grandson and I were metal detecting and got a hit we dug up a pickaxe pointed on both ends cracked in the middle like somebody discarded it with the pen for the handle see the photo below can anybody tell me if this is old or if it's a newer one but it was in the old tailings from where they found most of the golden Sutter Creek so any help would be appreciated How come I can't add a photo
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1595 |
26 Jun 2021 07:15 PM |
0 Replies and 1635 Views
Axe head and pin 1635 0
Started by cas2345@att.net
If my grandson and I were metal detecting and got a hit we dug up a pickaxe pointed on both ends cracked in the middle like somebody discarded it with the pen for the handle see the photo below can anybody tell me if this is old or if it's a newer one but it was in the old tailings from where they found most of the golden Sutter Creek so any help would be appreciated How come I can't add a photo
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1635 |
26 Jun 2021 07:15 PM |
0 Replies and 1504 Views
Fine gold 1504 0
Started by stevebrown7088@gmail.com
New to the GPAA one week new what do I need to get fine powder gold out of black sand what would be the best machine to use
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1504 |
05 Jun 2021 06:23 PM |
0 Replies and 1633 Views
may/june 2021 updates insert 1633 0
Started by rshafersr@gmail.com
Great supplement. Hopeful the LR2000 replacement article has more information coming in the next update regarding the 'help' not found in the MLRS software by me. Is it possible to get a better source for items like 'how to search by GPS coordinates' I have no idea where that info might be on the GOV site.
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1633 |
02 Jun 2021 02:47 PM |
1 Replies and 1759 Views
Gold Quest 1759 1
Started by cookn55@aol.com
Hello & Good Day , I would like to know if the 'Gold Quest' claim can still be used buy us GPAA members , What I found was that it is a 'Lady bug' claim , The new magazine has it in the places to go this spring , Please update me if you can , thank's Al
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1759 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  13 May 2021 05:44 PM |
7 Replies and 13283 Views
Prospecting Oregon? 13283 7
Started by y.jaron@gmail.com
I am a recently new member to GPAA. I have prospected in Washington state and go by the gold and fish pamphlet which lays out all of the regulations pretty well and are required to have the pamphlet on your person which is your permit/ HPA. For Oregon I am having trouble finding rules and regulations on prospecting and mining. Like what practices are legal vs illegal and times of year you can use certain equipment and such. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find this info And if the...
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13283 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  02 May 2021 09:41 PM |
3 Replies and 1620 Views
Your opinion 1620 3
Started by letstrade4cash@gmail.com
Hi Kevin, I found this blue layer and was wondering what your opinion is it worth something to look into It’s about 10’-12’ down, about 5-7’ wide, curved shape like a crescent moon and approximately 2-3’ thick at the biggest part. It’s blueish in color for the most part, very wet, clayish like, very fine sand surrounding it with sandstone as the primarily and some clay, it turns light grayish/white when it dried out in the sun for a while., Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated :...
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1620 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  28 Apr 2021 02:24 PM |
1 Replies and 2018 Views
GPS coordinates for GPAA claim corners online? where? 2018 1
Started by stcroix_man2002@yahoo.com
Heya Kevin.. Prospector Dean here from MN. As I have time I am adding the GPS coordinates for the GPAA claim corners into Google Earth as an overlay, in the areas where I prospect. You recently had an article on this. The GPAA book has the claim corners for each claim, but I don't see them here online in the individual property descriptions, only the ingress and center of claim coordinates. Am I missing something, or are the corners purposely left out here in the properties section Also ...
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2018 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  27 Apr 2021 01:18 PM |
4 Replies and 2990 Views
Can I bring a friend 2990 4
Started by 420rottenapple@gmail.com
Just joined gpaa and I was wondering if I can bring a non member friend to one of the claims
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2990 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  27 Apr 2021 12:17 PM |
2 Replies and 2008 Views
Ingress/Gates/Signage 2008 2
Started by human@sonic.net
Kevin, et al New member here, liking the community already and to that point wanting to make an observation. After spending half a day reading property reviews, I was aware that there's not enough photo documentation to the actual trouble spots of the roads. Gates were another topic along with signage. I know signs can attract as many people as they repel and gates are revenue intensive. The point being, I would like to volunteer some of my time along with what little ability I may hav...
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2008 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  26 Apr 2021 02:35 PM |
2 Replies and 3093 Views
Claims needed for Alabama and Tennessee 3093 2
Started by webb116054@gmail.com
Why is there no claims for the state of Tennessee Tennessee has ample gold and old hold mines! Why has no one found a gold claim/lease on this state There used to be several good gpaa leases in Tennessee. What happened to those claims Why are there only 3 claims in the state of Alabama With all the old 1800’s gold mines located in Alabama, there ought to be lands everywhere available for lease! With all the people out of work because of covid, now should be a good time to ask landowners ...
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3093 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  08 Apr 2021 05:13 PM |
2 Replies and 2169 Views
dry washers 2169 2
Started by radentz@aol.com
we have never dry washed before--just have done high banking. we are going to the dirt pile event in Randsberg on mar 27 and want to try dry washing. any recommendations regarding which equipment is best for beginners. also, what about desert trommels
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2169 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  09 Mar 2021 01:01 PM |
12 Replies and 2848 Views
working on claims 2848 12
Started by crimsonwidowmaker@yahoo.com
Hello, I'm a newish member and I've been trying to find out what the minimum distance one needs to be from others when working on the same claim. I don't want to impede on someone else's area. I looked in the mining guide and have been searching the forum to no avail. please advise. Thank you1
12 |
2848 |
by ROCHELLE DEITRICK  27 Feb 2021 10:37 AM |
2 Replies and 1438 Views
Goldbug 2 1438 2
Started by geroldpersonett@gmail.com
I was intrigued by the article you wrote about setting the sensitivity on the GB2, I'm a big fan of the GB2 and plan on trying it in a few weeks. But have a couple of questions. I like using the Audio Boost when I can or would that effect the sensitivity to much I also run my volume at max and adjust my volume on my headphones, maybe I misunderstood your instructions, do you set and leave your volume at 7 I also try and run in low mineralization but usually end up in the normal settings and m...
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1438 |
by GEROLD PERSONETT  16 Feb 2021 02:53 PM |
5 Replies and 1692 Views
General area maps 1692 5
Started by waugh1198@gmail.com
This from a thread elsewhere here. A suggestion of a national map giving a general location of claims and areas. Or even state by state would be a great addition. Could be linked to the state pages in the property page in the on-line guide, or a section in the members only page area. Would help members when planning a trip, as to what's in the area they're headed to, instead of sifting through the guide, be it on-line or hard copy.
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1692 |
by Jeff Salcedo  29 Jan 2021 02:26 PM |