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1 Replies and 1954 Views Claims  1954  1 Started by Kevin, Is the Hoppy 1_4 claims no loner available for GPAA members, I can't seem to find them when I check the web site
1 1954
by  Sidney WhiteJump to last post
12 Dec 2020 09:27 PM
5 Replies and 1950 Views Three Fault  1950  5 Started by Weather permitting, the first week of January I'm going to give the Three Fault claim a good working over. I'll be using a Goldbug 2, 6.5' coil, I'm going to be camping on the claim and spend four days there. I've read all the reports posted and just wanted to know if you or anyone had any more information to add. I can use my 10'coil if needed to get a little bit more depth but I'm hoping there is the real small gold there too that the Goldbug with the 6.5' coil can find. Looking at google maps...
5 1950
by  AARON BAZORJump to last post
07 Dec 2020 03:11 PM
2 Replies and 1700 Views 6 Feet Under  1700  2 Started by Heading to Kern county tomorrow from Washington state, KABLE, ADK and 6 Feet Under and I was wondering if anyone has prospected the NE area of 6 Feet Under, from Google maps it looks like a lot of prospecting has been done in that area, all the reports talk about entering the claim from the wash, being I'll be at ADK for a few days I wanted to check out 6 Feet under again and that would be a short drive from the North of ADK. When I get back I'll post my reports, hopefully I'll have time to work...
2 1700
by  GEROLD PERSONETTJump to last post
23 Nov 2020 12:44 PM
3 Replies and 1946 Views Lucky Linda Again Coordinates Wanted  1946  3 Started by Does anyone have the corner coordinates for the Lucky Linda Again Claim
3 1946
by  AARON BAZORJump to last post
16 Nov 2020 08:21 PM
2 Replies and 1887 Views GPAA to build a .kml file of all claims for Google Earth?  1887  2 Started by Has the GPAA management thought of creating a .kml overlay file for google Earth we could all download so that we wouldn't have to manually put in all the claim coordinates ourselves for areas we are interested in This would save much time and make finding remote claims easier, as well as being sure to be prospecting on the actual claim itself... as you know, the signage for many claims (not just GPAA) is often missing.. I have not built a .kml file myself but I don't believe it is very compli...
2 1887
by  Dean OlsonJump to last post
11 Nov 2020 04:34 PM
1 Replies and 1653 Views Greyback Claim NM  1653  1 Started by Can a gasoline air blower with drywasher be used on this claim
1 1653
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
11 Nov 2020 03:44 PM
4 Replies and 1761 Views Dumb Luck Claim  1761  4 Started by Kevin I was detecting out of Morristown Jackass Flats today and came across a fairly new GPAA claim marker with the name 'Dumb Luck'. I don't see it on our website claims list and don't recall seeing it earlier in the year either. Is it a new claim not on the website yet or an older that has been dropped Any info about it is appreciated. Also... is the Three Fault Claim across from the Wickenburg rest area still active I'm staying in Stanton till January and will be in the area detec...
4 1761
by  AARON BAZORJump to last post
10 Nov 2020 09:13 AM
3 Replies and 1839 Views Setting up group events  1839  3 Started by Hello all, I am a new GPAA member and am also a member of my local chapter of 'Team RWB' . Team RWB (Red White and Blue) can be found at and I have copied the mission statement just to give you an idea of what the organization is about. We are an international organization of active duty and veterans that focus on veteran activities and also helping the local veteran community through volunteering, etc. Please understand that I'm not trying to recruit via this forum,...
3 1839
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
27 Oct 2020 02:09 PM
1 Replies and 1696 Views Claims  1696  1 Started by Kevin, What happened to Wandering Star and Wet Rock in Pima County I dont see them listed on this site. I sure hope we havent lost them. Thanks, Brad
1 1696
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
14 Oct 2020 05:39 PM
0 Replies and 1180 Views Pod Casts  1180  0 Started by love the pod casts. I look forward to every one. They started out weekly, then about the end of March it went to every 2 weeks, then monthly, now we haven't heard a new cast since July 4th. You do alot for us prospectors, so I'm not complaining as much as I'm suggesting maybe getting some staff (gpaa) or state directors, or just other prospectors do some of the casts, so we the listeners get more content. Hearing from 'ol timers' is what we need.
0 1180
12 Oct 2020 06:03 PM
1 Replies and 1702 Views Claim filing  1702  1 Started by I find the BLM regulations a little confusing on the subject of 'Intent to hold'. Does the intent need to be filed yearly or just if you are going to file for a waiver of maintenance fee.
1 1702
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
24 Sep 2020 03:22 PM
3 Replies and 1352 Views How to find groups  1352  3 Started by Is there a forum for get togethers I want to find people who know the areas better than me. I want to also meet new people who i can learn from. I am learning the geology of gold and how to read areas but someone who knows the better places to use the goldbug 2 vs sluicing and whatnot would be beneficial at this stage of my prospecting adventures. I live in maricopa but there isnt squat to legally prospect here so im willing/forced to travel.
3 1352
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
24 Sep 2020 03:00 PM
4 Replies and 1960 Views Website. I gotta ask  1960  4 Started by Maybe i've lost my 55 year old mind but i'll ask anyway. Is the login 'remember me' broken or am i doing something wrong. Having to log in every time is a pain. I've been a programmer and robotics engineer for over 30 years and do much web work for the medical industry. I would be happy to help your web coder if they would like, in exchange for a cup of coffee. I'm also only 25 miles north of the Temecula office. Just asking/offering. Doug
4 1960
by  Jason PorterJump to last post
04 Sep 2020 12:07 PM
1 Replies and 1791 Views Alabam properties  1791  1 Started by I am planning a trip to the Alabama, cornhouse claim and i was wondering what size gold i can expect to find and how plentiful I will be using a 3 inch dredge and my wife will be using a little 2 inch dredge . Ii was thinking about just using expanded metal over miners moss and no ripples on the smsll dredge. What do you think
1 1791
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
16 Jul 2020 06:32 PM
1 Replies and 2082 Views New member no card yet  2082  1 Started by I just became a member yesterday the card is being shipped at the fastest rate available to pay for. Is there any other way to provide verification or proof online We were wanting to pan today.
1 2082
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
24 Jun 2020 11:16 AM
0 Replies and 1816 Views Montana  1816  0 Started by Is High banking allowed on any of our Montana club claims Where Thx
0 1816
07 Jun 2020 10:46 PM
3 Replies and 1842 Views Gold King Creek Adventure  1842  3 Started by Hello!! After reading several articles from Gold Prospectors Magazine and talking with Kib and Noel i booked a 2 week trip to Gold King Creek Alaska towards the end of this month i couldn't more amped!! i have been reading article after article and review after review about gold metal detectors. As a newbie i really dont know what to get! the Garret At Gold, Fisher has a couple gold bugs and then the article i read from you about the minelab gold monster 1000. As someone with a fast majority of...
3 1842
by  Kail YeatonJump to last post
04 Jun 2020 03:38 PM
2 Replies and 1519 Views Cajon Summit Group Ingress Question  1519  2 Started by Sunday - May 31st, 2020 So I went today to scout out this claim and I attempted to enter via the Ingress Coordinate of 34°20'6.84' -117°25'13.54' the incline was a little steep for me and wasn't sure if this was really the way to enter, since it was ascending fairly rapidly. I was almost to the top and chickened out since i wasn't familiar with the area, the road was narrow, no room to turn around unless you back up and drive backwards or unless you get to the summit and turn around. Is ther...
2 1519
by  JERRY PEREZJump to last post
01 Jun 2020 01:52 PM
0 Replies and 1326 Views Lifetime membership pan  1326  0 Started by My lifetime membership has been paid in full for a while. I was wondering when am I getting my pan
0 1326
28 May 2020 09:17 AM
1 Replies and 1501 Views Outside 300  1501  1 Started by Kevin, just read the article about the 300 zone. Seems a long way to tote water. So just thinkin, a long piece of garden hose. Loooonnnnggg piece, or should I say several together. Gorrilla tape a funnel to the end. Take a piece of cord tie it in a tree high enough to let gravity take the water where you want it. Pour it in slowly. Might even set up another bucket with a small spigot to feed the hoses so you just keep feeding it with water instead of taking the water buckets out 300ft. lol, just...
1 1501
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
13 May 2020 06:55 PM
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