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1 Replies and 1449 Views inserting a photo  1449  1 Started by May be it my browser settings.Is there a way to insert a picture in a post I am not seeing it.
1 1449
by  Tad HamiltonJump to last post
07 May 2020 02:14 PM
1 Replies and 1868 Views Where is the Online Mining Guide  1868  1 Started by Alright, I must be turned around a bit, but how do I get to the 'Online Mining Guide' on this forum And specifically, the mining claims held by the GPAA in Arizona.........I don't see it listed anywhere!!!! Thanks, Gary
1 1868
by  William HallJump to last post
08 Apr 2020 07:19 PM
5 Replies and 1590 Views claims report  1590  5 Started by Recently visited the Swank property in Ohio 3/04/2020. Had a good day and relieved some cabin fever. 2 or three Trout fisherman on the River. Had a good conversation with one about how Dredging was beneficial to the Trout in the river. Anyways I wanted to give a claims report for today. Wasn't sure how and didn't find it on the GPAA page.
5 1590
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
08 Apr 2020 06:08 PM
21 Replies and 80748 Views Blue Bucket Claim, Oregon  80748  21 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Kevin. Any news or updates on when the Blue Bucket might open back up thx Jim Acker,  Oregon City
21 80748
by  Raymond BrownJump to last post
06 Apr 2020 07:38 PM
1 Replies and 1624 Views Gold Shows to continue?  1624  1 Started by I hadn't seen info if the shows are being discontinued at this time.
1 1624
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
02 Apr 2020 05:10 PM
1 Replies and 1669 Views MINING CLAIM/LEASE  1669  1 Started by  BRADLEYRICE483@GMAIL.COM i have a question about a claim and or lease in the keysville area in lake isabella,its the clc mining claim/lease in the guide book,page 93,serialcamc298592,is this still activecannot find it on the online guide,its close to home so i would like to try it,but am unsure about status,please advise,thank you.
1 1669
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
27 Mar 2020 05:43 PM
1 Replies and 1496 Views Tesoro Company  1496  1 Started by I purchased a Shark from them and now have a 'left in batteries' problem. I wanted to contact their service department for information about possible repairs but get no answering of phone calls or replies to messages left with the company. their website still existed three weeks ago but the was no interaction with my inputs and no where to leave an email. Just curious if you have any inkling as to their current business status. Thanks in advance, Roland Shafer
1 1496
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
27 Mar 2020 11:53 AM
1 Replies and 2153 Views APACHE JUNCTION, AZ  2153  1 Started by I have tried to email the contact info it came back not undeliverable. I will be spending the winter in the area an want to be involved in the chapter. could you provide updated contact info Thanks
1 2153
by  STANLEY SHIELDSJump to last post
24 Mar 2020 07:15 PM
4 Replies and 2341 Views ?? ABOUT STAKING A NEW CLAIM FOR GPAA  2341  4 Started by I am in Southern California near Camp Pendelton. Recently I was looking for a place to play in the dirt, I found a great piece of river to work. I did my due diligence and could not find any claims to the land. I am not very experienced in this endeavor but I think that this is a good spot as every time I have gone out I have found color in my pan. Again I am not very good at this yet so I may not be looking in the right spots, however each time I have gone I have tested a different spot and eac...
4 2341
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
23 Mar 2020 05:08 PM
3 Replies and 1873 Views Claim Ownership Verified  1873  3 Started by I am wanting to visit some GPAA claims in NM but when I looked them up on the LR2000 they are not registered to GPAA. They are the Royal Flush and the Sunrise group. What's up with that I don't want to get shot for claim jumping.
3 1873
by  Don KosnikJump to last post
27 Feb 2020 06:42 PM
1 Replies and 1681 Views Guests?  1681  1 Started by Kevin H - GPAA/LDMA paid in full member since the 1980's. I have an 83 year old friend who wants me (now 73 yo) to take him panning so he can say he did it in his lifetime. Can I still take a guest along to a claim Thanks
1 1681
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
24 Feb 2020 10:33 AM
2 Replies and 8580 Views upper piru creek  8580  2 Started by I realize piru creek has been heavily worked for years but it is still close to home and an easy day trip. Have been there 3 times with zero results. I also know gpaa has a claim there somewhere. (the map is vague.) Can anyone give me some insight as to where they have recently found any color or where might still be a good place to try Any old mine shafts or operations with directions Matt
2 8580
by  Robert MurataJump to last post
31 Jan 2020 09:30 AM
1 Replies and 1579 Views using motorized equipment in AZ  1579  1 Started by Hi Kevin- we are visiting AZ next month, coming from Calif. We have a Gold Cube with a little battery operated Tsunami pump. Does AZ allow it to be used on creeks Asking because we can't use it here in Cali. Thanks! You have been a big help answering our questions about camping etc. Steve
1 1579
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
30 Jan 2020 05:14 PM
3 Replies and 1953 Views When would you make a claim  1953  3 Started by When you find a new area to pan and end up finding gold. how much gold do you find before deciding if it’s worth to make a claim.
3 1953
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
30 Jan 2020 05:10 PM
5 Replies and 1891 Views Camping on Vulture Bait claim AZ  1891  5 Started by Hi Kevin- we are planning a 2 week trip to AZ the end of Feb- first of March. We want to camp on the Vulture Bait claim but don't see any mention of the camping, other than taking the lower road. We have a 24 ft trailer and a 4x4 pu (extended cab)- approximately 38-39ft total. My questions are- if we take the upper road into the claim, is there camping with trailers Also, we have a friend coming with us who has never prospected and is interested in the GPAA. Are we allowed to have him camp with...
5 1891
by  STEVE SCOTTJump to last post
25 Jan 2020 06:44 PM
1 Replies and 1652 Views tweezer gold  1652  1 Started by Cowboy X update: Gold is, and was, plentiful, especially in ancient cultures. Try to get some now. If you can save multitudes of concentrates and capture that micron, more power to you! My start, decades ago, was tweezing tiny specks, until I was laughed at by a Talkeetna, AK Potato Patch Alaska miner. He gave me a 3 oz. nugget. I graduated and was successful in finding. Fines reintroduced. Small, odd shaped gold is currently mystifying me with it's behavior when recover...
1 1652
by  Jim GoldJump to last post
04 Jan 2020 09:59 AM
6 Replies and 2623 Views Lucky Linda Again  2623  6 Started by  Greg Olsen Hey Kevin, is there a way to get the coordinates for the Lucky Linda Claim From what I've read, others are accessing the claim, but I am at a loss as to what they are using to locate the claim borders. Bewildering as to why they aren't in the online Guide. Thanks from Greg in Vancouver, WA.
6 2623
by  Marc LuedeckeJump to last post
28 Dec 2019 10:23 AM
1 Replies and 1779 Views Osceola dirt  1779  1 Started by  CRAIGRC56@YAHOO.COM Has anyone ever used a cement mixer barrel type to break up chunks of concentrates...before I rent or buy one from harbor freight...thanks Kevin Craig!
1 1779
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
22 Nov 2019 01:02 PM
1 Replies and 1296 Views Mining guide  1296  1 Started by I just got the mining guide I notice on page 102 there is a claim called lady bug I can’t find it on the this web site. Is this still a active claim to go try.
1 1296
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
11 Nov 2019 02:21 PM
4 Replies and 2075 Views Mexico  2075  4 Started by Kevin or anyone else with info on prospecting in Mexico, what good advise could you share to help make a trip a safe one Thank You, AZ Ron.
4 2075
by  Francisco RodriguezJump to last post
02 Oct 2019 11:30 PM
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