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2 Replies and 1804 Views Three Fault  1804  2 Started by Kevin, in the gazette you mentioned an upcoming video on getting to Three Fault. Is this video available somewhere. If so, where can I find it. Also, did you find any gold there Any tips for finding gold on this claim
2 1804
by  Don MillerJump to last post
03 Mar 2019 10:37 AM
3 Replies and 3278 Views Claims crew  3278  3 Started by Hi Kevin I would like to join the claims crew. Bernadette Lombardi beelombardi
3 3278
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
11 Feb 2019 11:37 AM
2 Replies and 1936 Views claims and drones  1936  2 Started by Hello Ken, I was reading your exploits on research of the claims with drones and sympathize with your frustrations. If I may be so bold is to ask what brand were you using. I have a dji spark and was a little hesitant to use it in the desert to research the claims because of the same problems you stated in the pick and shovel gazette. You can PM me if it is out of order to ask you questions of paticular products that you use in the field. Thanks for all your work here at GPAA.
2 1936
by  james pavliJump to last post
06 Feb 2019 10:29 AM
3 Replies and 2050 Views Anti Dredging legislation  2050  3 Started by I was just informed by a local GPAA member that the states legislators are at it again. They are proposing legislation tthat would totally ban all motorized and gravity suction dredging in Washington State. It had it's first reading in both houses yesterday 01/17/2019. We need to get the word out and get everyone to write to their legislators to get this stopped as soon as possible.
3 2050
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
21 Jan 2019 06:59 PM
2 Replies and 2818 Views Mining Guide Claims  2818  2 Started by Hi Kevin, I am a GPAA member and noticed a claim in my mining guide (Dickinson 2) that has a Member Report from an LDMA member of the same name. Since it is in my mining guide, is it safe to assume that I am allowed to go on that claim Guess I'm not clear on how the 2 different memberships relate to one another. Thanks for the clarification!
2 2818
by  JIM WHITEJump to last post
14 Jan 2019 06:30 PM
3 Replies and 2310 Views New Claim - San Miguel  2310  3 Started by Kevin, there are no reports on this claim. Have you been there, any advice Heading down next week. Last claim visit before my 3 yr membership expires.
3 2310
by  STANLEY SHIELDSJump to last post
05 Jan 2019 08:40 AM
1 Replies and 2471 Views Gold fever episode.  2471  1 Started by  Was searching for an episode where a fellow named Ralph/ I think. He was showing how he processed his concentrates. Found in a secret spot near L. A. California. He worked under a carport next to the house and had awesome amounts of gold. Also mentioned giving black sand for around the rose bushes. It was close to the episode we talked about not to long ago ' The Concrete Jungle'. 
1 2471
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
11 Dec 2018 01:54 PM
1 Replies and 20886 Views Question on new claims book  20886  1 Started by On page of responsibilities it listed when you go out to one of our claims we need the following Must have your GPAA Prospecting Permit Only one I found on the site was for the State of AZ
1 20886
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
23 Oct 2018 03:55 PM
0 Replies and 1638 Views Access to 4 Star Group Claim . Has the access to this claim been resolved ?  1638  0 Started by I want to go visit the 4 star group claim in Clark County Nevada... Last forum entries regarding this claim stated that access road had a no trespassing sign. Can we or can we not access this claim , I do not want to go out there and be denied access. Thanx for your help in advance...
0 1638
19 Oct 2018 11:49 AM
53 Replies and 35901 Views Why bother asking Kevin anything, he doesn't answer  35901  53 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
  Why bother asking Kevin anything...He doesn't answer...This is a forum to ask questions...and they never get answered. If I took the time to create an 'Ask me a question' column...I would at least try and answer the questions.     What's it been 2 months 3 months since Kevin's posted anything When was the last time he was even here Take a little pride in your own website. No wonder only three or four people are on this website at any given time. The people w...
53 35901
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
12 Oct 2018 02:28 PM
6 Replies and 35415 Views Good claim to visit from the mining guide  35415  6 Started by Good afternoon Kevin,    I am looking to take a trip to one of the claims in the mining guide, ( my first one )! My choices are AZ,CA,or OR. I would prefer  a claim that will be semi warm that time of year. I just want to know if you had any info or know wich claims have really good gold to pan and sluice. A claim that has fairly easy access to and is in a relativly safe area. Im planning a 4 day trip and plan on renting a jeep too. 
6 35415
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
30 Jul 2018 08:28 AM
0 Replies and 2972 Views Rye Patch, NV Best Time to Metal Detect?  2972  0 Started by I've read about Rye Patch, and know I need to 'know before I go' about WHERE to prospect (avoiding claims), but WHEN is the best time to go there since we'll be traveling from Tennessee, most likely through Texas first, then north.   Thank you, Jim and Frances Rinehart (First time posting a question...hope this is in the right place)
0 2972
10 Apr 2018 10:25 PM
12 Replies and 22761 Views Makro Gold Racer  22761  12 Started by I was curious of any input on the new Makro brand Gold Racer. On paper it looks pretty good for a novice 'nugget shooter'. I have been trying to decide on a good vlf detector for nugget hunting. I have some (but NOT a lot of detecting) experience. I have looked at the Fisher Gold Bug 2 and the Whites GMT, now I run across this Makro brand ( European , I believe). Stats look good and what I have been able to find online review wise also looks promising. Opinions Thanks ! Jim
12 22761
by  JEFF MCCLENDONJump to last post
30 Mar 2018 12:19 AM
3 Replies and 17277 Views Let's hear something from the LDMA properties!  17277  3 Started by I am new to the forums here. I've been a member since 2010 and will post much more here on the forums. I would sure like to see up to date reports on the LDMA claims. The forums reserved for the individual properties are listed below. Some have been neglected for a year or more. What kind of a message does that send to the new members here.... or prospective members Since having recent surgery, I will be more active and report more often. Maybe (at least) a monthly report from the claims so new...
3 17277
by  Terrance CieszkiJump to last post
03 Mar 2018 01:32 PM
4 Replies and 3515 Views Chapter Officer Position Changes  3515  4 Started by Hello everyone!.......i could really use some help lol.... we here at 'Winnemucca Prospectors' ... Winnemucca's Chapter of the G.P.A.A. are experiencing position changes (Pres. V.P. and Claims Manager)....and we are having a relatively hard time finding out how/who to speak to in regards to getting this up to date........and other matters...such as how do we get Chapter Points ...theres no selection on the website when you purchase a membership for Winnemucca..i got my 3yr membership and the o...
4 3515
by  Garrett HookJump to last post
02 Mar 2018 09:59 AM
2 Replies and 2809 Views Gold Trails  2809  2 Started by Hi Kevin, are there going to be more Gold Trails shows or has that project been cancelled I really liked the show. Thanks
2 2809
by  A. BRENT HARSHBARGERJump to last post
02 Mar 2018 09:48 AM
0 Replies and 2289 Views Winnemucca Chapter  2289  0 Started by try to be brief....there is not an option in 'Community' tab to link my (as well as others) profile to the Winnemucca Prospectors in Winnemucca,Nv .....even though we are listed in current edition of 'Pick and Shovel Gazette' under Nevada. ...i was hoping someone could help me get Winnemucca up as an option so we can get our profiles linked up and earn some Chapter points ....i greatly appreciate any and all assistance in this matter Garrett Hook V.P. Winnemucca ...
0 2289
02 Mar 2018 07:08 AM
2 Replies and 3104 Views Hi just a question  3104  2 Started by Hi I have a question I hope someone can help me. The properties listed online why do some say 0 acres and not list directions Is it because that claim doesn't exist anymore I live in Crossville TN and only see the claim in Buchanan GA. I also don't see any regulations, I have a gold hog raptor that I want to take with me and also I'm not sure where I can and can't dig.... Any help from anyone would be much appreciated.
2 3104
by  Patrick RyanJump to last post
01 Mar 2018 12:09 PM
3 Replies and 38584 Views Yellowjacket Creek, WA, new claims?  38584  3 Started by  MOJAVEJOE@VERIZON.NET Hi all, Just got to Washington to work on the the Yellow Jacket Creek CLAIM ORMC 151725. Ive been told that GPAA filed another claim just downstream from this claim, but I cannot find any info. Been told that it was announced in a Pick & Shovel magazine, but which one  Can I view them online Any and all help/advice appreciated.  Joe
3 38584
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
01 Mar 2018 09:51 AM
3 Replies and 6279 Views Land/Watercourse Use Permissions  6279  3 Started by Current events trends towards erosion of small scale mining rights and withdrawal of use of public lands. GPAA mining guide no longer lists contact information all State and Federal agencies that may require notification for maps, leases, contracts, royalties, regulations, planning, approval and permitting. Federal agencies that may need to give permissions include Department of Interior Forest service: Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management State Districts De...
3 6279
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
20 Feb 2018 09:50 AM
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